Reviews from

in the past

A shockingly well-crafted and clever indie game. It’s difficult to really praise the story without spoilers (so let it be known that it is really good and really ahead of its time, not only a really good narrative on any level but one that takes advantage of the medium in ways that I genuinely don’t think were really ever done at the time), but even the gameplay is really expertly made, with a skills system similar to Deus Ex but arguably much more successful and with even better replay value. And it’s free!

The platforming kinda sucks, but there are way too many neat, funny, and rewarding design decisions for me not to love it. Great music too. Asha my beloved.

Me lembro de quando conheci esse jogo em um dos vídeos do Colônia Contra Ataca e ele é simplesmente incrível! um clássico jogo de plataforma com elementos de metroidvania, uma game play precisa e suave o que pode não aparentar a principio por causa dos gráficos, as armas que você usa tem efeitos e sons muito bons e você ainda pode fundir elas criando uma arma mais mirabolante ainda, a música é um dos pontos mais fortes do jogo muito boas simplesmente incríveis e a história é bem interessante e pode mudar de acordo com o que você faz no jogo que é uma das partes que ele mais peca, maioria das pessoas vai jogar sem saber que existem outros finais que são influenciados por coisa na gameplay porque o jogo não deixa isso muito claro mesmo assim vale a pena principalmente porque a Iji se desenvolve nela, coisa linda.

Apesar dos gráficos horríveis; o enredo, jogabilidade e trilha sonora são incríveis

De estos juegos que puedes ver que están hechos con amor.

RATING: Fantastic

One of my all time favorites right here. The way enemies use the same weapons as you do, the big open levels full of little secrets to discover, the simplistic yet fluid art style, connected with an engaging story with plenty of background lore that reacts to the player's actions, it all combines to create an absolutely great experience.

i have a huge amount of respect for iji! extremely ambitious and actually well executed-- also approachable enough so as to be inspirational, in a 'maybe i could do this' kind of way

one of the better game maker games out there

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It cannot be understated how funny it was to make the final boss a general of a genocidal empire, have it made clear before the fight starts that he can not be reasoned with, and then have the fight end with a morality choice where if you kill him, the game tries to make you feel bad for it. Like for the most part, I enjoyed this game but I burst out laughing at how bad that was because it genuinely felt like something someone would come up with to make fun of bad morality systems in video games.

Great story and world. Gameplay is fine but nothing to write home about. Graphics are ugly but not the point. Pretty innovative for 2008.