Reviews from

in the past

Como bien dijo Alva Majo, con este gameplay falta un youtuber gritando cada 5 segundos

Jus another power wash-esque game

Short and sweet, fun way to kill a few hours

very nice game to gift to your friends with Arachnophobia

Fun silly game about killing spiders in weird ways, not a super deep game or anything but a good time.

This is a fun quick shooter, that has a lot of quirks. Weapons are fun and diverse and challenges are fun. It has about 10 missions which are short and memorable. Ending sets it up for the sequel pretty good. I would've loved a bit more story which is quite funny.

When I started the game, I expected to play one of those games with clunky mechanics that are done that way on purpose, seeing that the initial items you have access to are hard to control. Luckily, as I progressed into the game, I've seen that the goals it offers are different enough between them.

While some extra polish would be well received, I always welcome a game that knows what it wants to be, embraces their core ideas, and tries to be original with them.

Deeply soothing and satisfying.