Reviews from

in the past

Funny premise, solid executions. Had hoped for more of a challenge. Good game to crunch through, but does not surprise. Attention: Spiders involved!

divertido pra caralho, eu ri demais jogando…mas depois de umas fases vc ja ta bem satisfeito

What seems like a simple concept devolves into abject chaos. The brilliant design philosophy gives you a set of tools and lets you loose in a selection of varied locations in which you are incentivized to decimate every living and non-living thing in the immediate area in the purest definition of the word: overkill.

Mata arañas de todo tipo lanzándoles cosas, con la tabla de objetivos, o con las armas que vayas encontrando por ahí. En el proceso, destroza todo el lugar. Si esta premisa te atrae, te podrá gustar el juego, aunque si que es cierto que se puede hacer un poco corto.

Klingt spaßig, ist es aber nicht.
Das ist die Definition eines 2 Euro Steamspiels, das auch für umsonst noch zu teuer wäre.
Man läuft langsam, ständig muss man Spinnen suchen, die sich dann wieder irgendwo verstecken.. das ist wirklich nicht so lustig, wie der Titel klingt.

A fun game with a silly premise. It's fun to use the different weapons to find all the spiders and take them out, but the overall experience still feels pretty hollow. I got tired of the game pretty quickly and by the time the game ended I just never wanted to play it again. It's more of an "eh" time than a good time tbh.

Short and sweet, fun way to kill a few hours

The name is a little reddit-y but it's fun to like run around a house and kill spiders with a flamethrower or a revolver or whatever.

When I started the game, I expected to play one of those games with clunky mechanics that are done that way on purpose, seeing that the initial items you have access to are hard to control. Luckily, as I progressed into the game, I've seen that the goals it offers are different enough between them.

While some extra polish would be well received, I always welcome a game that knows what it wants to be, embraces their core ideas, and tries to be original with them.

Kill it with Fire is an absurd and over the top game about killing spiders. It starts off nice and simple, before descending into complete madness.

One interesting thing about Kill it with Fire is that the spiders are just spiders – there are some different types such as ones that jump, or queen ones that release young when killed and some that shoot webs, but there’s no venomous spiders, they can’t hurt you at all. I personally love this about the game, as it delves into one key aspect of arachnophobia, which is an illogical fear as spiders can’t hurt you (fearing venomous spiders isn’t a phobia, as there’s a valid reason to fear them).

Each level will have a list of objectives such as killing certain kinds of spiders, killing them in specific ways, destroying or moving specific objects. You have to discover these objectives by finding them through the level, but if you happen to complete the objective before finding it, then it will be revealed and marked as completed.

Weapons start from a clipboard, hairspray (with lighter) and a pistol, and throughout the levels you will find assault rifles, C4, hedge trimmers, frying pans and more. There are a few non-aggressive items such as cheese puffs (which serves as a lure but can also change spider type), energy drinks and flashbangs.

The game is short, which works for a game like this as it doesn’t overstay its welcome. It doesn’t do anything mind blowing, but is simply entertaining and amusing.

Clunky controls with little options. Was only fun for a little while.

Deeply soothing and satisfying.

Need a mindless game to play? This is the game for you.
you kill spiders with a range of unnecessary items.
Beat it in about 3 hours. Nothing Special

(Game Pass) A goofy game about killing spiders. Lots of unlocks and weapons to exterminate the eight-legged freaks.

Played on a 32:9 monitor and most of the UI was cut off. Gameplay was fine, but it made me itchy the whole time, so I had to stop after 3 levels.

May have rushed my play through of this game a bit, but I was genuinely having a good time using the tools given to annihilate the little bastards. Overall enjoyable but didn't make me want to stay awhile after completion.

I swear it was free when it first came out cause I remember playing it but there no way I spend £12 on it. I remember the first couple levels being alright nothing amazing. dropped it shortly after

A nice little joke game that doesn't overstay it's welcome

Fun silly game about killing spiders in weird ways, not a super deep game or anything but a good time.

This is a fun quick shooter, that has a lot of quirks. Weapons are fun and diverse and challenges are fun. It has about 10 missions which are short and memorable. Ending sets it up for the sequel pretty good. I would've loved a bit more story which is quite funny.

No es la quinta maravilla. El gameplay se siente lento y repetitivo, y para obtener todos los logros es necesario darle rejugadas que no se sienten gratificantes. Aun asi, es un juego entretenido, en su mayoria, y lo suficientemente corto como para que esta traba no suponga una traba. Es a lo que apuntaria cuando quiero jugar algo sin pensar demasiado, para pasar el tiempo.

Como bien dijo Alva Majo, con este gameplay falta un youtuber gritando cada 5 segundos

Jus another power wash-esque game

very nice game to gift to your friends with Arachnophobia

Initially I played on the Steam Deck. Unfortunately, it would absolutely destroy the battery. The fan was loud trying to keep up. It's not a graphically rough game. It's fairly cartoonish to match the silly tone of the gameplay. I was only able to play for 35 minutes until I received a warning that the system was dying. I switched to PC after three sessions.

The entire premise of the game is to kill spiders. There are different levels with their own locations, power ups, collectibles, and objectives. The more challenges you beat, the more silly devices you earn to hunt spiders. Molotovs, lasers, guns, and C4 explosives are only a few of the many tools you can find. It's a great time waster to sit back and turn off your brain. There's plenty of content to enjoy.

There are certain menus that could be explained or shown better. I struggled to figure out how I was missing collectibles when the level said I was 100% until the internet helped.

holy shit that was fun I love being an arsonist