Reviews from

in the past

For a GameBoy title, this game is very technically impressive. Appealing visuals, great animations, and a still to-this-day iconic soundtrack easily allow this game to stand out amongst the GameBoy's library. What truly holds this game back from the best it could do on this platform is the simplistic level design, in addition to some clunky movement mechanics that can make certain boss fights (especially the new game + variants) a large spike in difficulty. Ultimately, this game lays a solid foundation for the many sequels it would receive, and is a standout in the GameBoy library that is so easy to pick up and play it's an easy recommendation to anybody.

It's Kirby without the only thing that makes Kirby interesting. There are no copy abilities in this game. And it's like 30 minutes long.

A very basic and short platformer. It does a great job as gamers first game by being extremely simple and easy to control. That being said, it’s still a good time playing it. It always take a bit of getting used to because there’s no copy abilities like later games.

Le 1er jeu de la licence que j'ai fait quand je devais avoir à peine 8 ans. Très cool mais très court.

[Story: N/A | Gameplay: 6/10 | OST: 7/10 ]

It's clunky Game Boy controls make for a slightly awkward time against some of the general gameplay, the boss battles especially; however I just can't help but to give a light-hearted smile whenever I see this little pink blob and his cutesy enemies.

It's true it's a short game, but does it really matter when it does exactly what it wanted to do in a clever and ludonarratively harmonious way? The absolute best start Kirby and Sakurai could have had.

É curtinho, mas é fácil de entender porque Kirby é uma série tão famosa até hoje. Dream Land é uma base incrivelmente sólida e divertida. Por outro lado, é fácil entender a necessidade das Copy Abilities pra realmente levar nosso poyo ao máximo do seu potencial.

i like the funny little pink circle man

Technically not part of Dark Matter Saga but might as well play this first since I played 2 and 3 after this anyway! Very sweet game and one can see why Kirby was such a big hit, no copy ability feels weird now but regardless this is a solid classic Kirby, not much more needs to be said.

The first Kirby game of the franchise - very basic with no copy abilities. 2 modes of difficulty, both fun and slightly different experiences with slightly different endings.

This is coming from a person who played the modern games before this one.

This game is pretty much Spring Breeze from Super Star + Revenge of DeDeDe from Ultra, but you can't inhale enemeis, and Kirby is White. This game is pretty easy (although I did game over once), and it set the scene for what we have today definitely. Like Zelda, everything from this game is in another kirby game.

O melhor: Um jogo de plataforma onde você pode voar sempre soa interessante
O pior: Apenas um boss é um shmup
Masahiro Sakurai: Começa sua lenda aqui

Plataforma simples e curto, mas muito bem executado. Uma das principais características do Kirby, roubar poderes dos inimigos, ainda não é feita nessa jogo, onde ele é só uma bolota com um buraco negro no estõmago. Ele é tão curto que não tem muito o que ser dito a respeito, o desafio maior está na última fase (boss rush) e na dificuldade extra liberada após terminar o jogo uma vez. O grande mérito é que já aqui o Kirby exala carisma, especialmente no final.

The copy abilities definitely made this series wayyy better there's a reason they stuck around after the very next game. But even without them it's still a cute time, some of the best Gameboy sprite art and I love the OST along with the little level intros. Something to pop in from time to time :)

While yes I did clamor after my friends about playing their handhelds, I still had that hoity-toity streak of "The NES is so much better". I would like to eventually come back and give this a proper go, I think.

This game is like a little snippet, a little sample, a little preview of what's to soon arrive in the world of video games. I wish it was a little longer though.

Yeah it's kinda clunky but dang this guy cute. The little vignettes are the best part.

decent little game you can beat really quickly, has a ng+ thats enjoyable. the game is alot simpler than the later kirby games, but even without the copy abilities and whatnot its still a fun little game worth playing.

Not my type of game, but not its fault

Not bad for the beginning of the Kirby series being very basic and being able to be beaten in less than an hour.
Without Kirby's signature copy ability, he has to suck in enemies and spit them back out to take out other than enemies.
I have a feeling and know that future games will be better.

Kirby's Dream Land is the first game in the Kirby series, and surprisingly the main platform for the first game in the series is the Gameboy, not the NES. The fact that Kirby, one of Nintendo's long-established series, came out on the Gameboy, not the NES or SNES, shows the importance Nintendo attaches to the Gameboy console.

Briefly talking about the game, Kirby's Dream Land is a kind of demo of Kirby's Adventure on the NES platform, but there are differences. The most famous game mechanic of the Kirby series, which is the ability to gain the enemy's feature after swallowing the enemy, is not available in the first game. Instead, there are features that we can use for a short time during map exploration. Character control and flying mechanics are quite fluid and comfortable. Boss battles are quite friendly and enjoyable compared to other games of the period. If we talk about a few complaints, the duration of the game is short and the number of stages is low. At the end of 4 stages, you move towards the boss battle that will end the game, but before this boss battle, you need to defeat the 4 bosses you have defeated before once again. Fortunately, they are not unnecessarily long, boring and tiring. In short, Kirby's Dream Land is a nice prototype for the continuation of the series, even though it does not have the main mechanic of the series, the mechanic of gaining enemy ability.

i beat this shit on a calculator lol

She Kirby till I Dream Land.

Thirty-sixth GOTW finished for 2023. Epitome of the term "short and sweet". Great little platformer that doesn't take too much of your time, but is great fun to play. Not nearly enough meat on the bones to be meaningful past the 30 minutes it took me to beat it, and no copy abilities certainly felt weird, but a good time was still had.

Kirby’s Dream Land is short enough that it doesn’t overstay it’s welcome. It’s cute and has some charming character designs which help elevate it above other platformers of a similar caliber. While some enemies didn’t stand out all that much, I others were set apart by simply and unique changes, like not being able to be sucked up or having a weird movement pattern.

Kirby is known as an east series, and to an extent it is. The first few levels don’t put up that much resistance, but that’s typical of almost platformers. However the later levels have enough tricks that you have to stay on your toes, even if just a bit. It’s not mindless. In fact, by the end of the game I had to use a continue in the final boss rush.

The Dedexe fight was a bit annoying. I am not sure if there are other ways of damaging him, but I could only damage him by sucking up stars, which he only releases with two attacks. One of them backs you into a corner and can easily do damage, and the other is a big jump that releases stars. That’s the only move I could consistently damage him with, but it’s all up to luck if he’s going to throw it. He could throw out out 3 times in a row, or wait 30 seconds. It made the final boss boring because I spent most of my time waiting. It’s trivial to dodge the other attacks, so it was just me waiting for him to get his stuff over with so I could move on.

Overall, it’s a solid time. It’s worth an hour to play through it at least once. I also appreciate the harder bonus game, but it’s boss design is pretty rough so I didn’t get too far into it, but for big Kirby fans it’s nice to have.

It's fine. Gets a bit boring after a while, but the game is incredibly short at under 30 minutes.

It's cute I'll give it that. It's also a turbo baby game why no shoot?

Wild how much of the Kirby DNA is fully-formed here in ways both big (control scheme and moveset, aesthetics, the game offering an easy first playthrough as an intro to a harder bonus mode) and small (boss movesets, enemy types, little animation details). Simple but very confident, it's telling that they kept so much from this game in future ones.

kirby's been my favourite little nintendo dude since smash bros first let me suck up my opponent and hurl us both to our doom, but I never spent much time with their games. that's gonna change... this could be the year of the kirb

despite the lack of colour, kirby's dream land feels vibrant; bursting with jubilant charm. so well realized thru expressive spritework and sound design that the limitations of the gameboy's colour palette seem to melt away

very short + syrupy sweet, it packs about as many imaginative ideas as possible in the 30~ minutes it takes to finish a standard run. from the distinct air mobility, to the iconic suck, to warping on stars, hollering into microphones, spitting fire, doing synchronized dances, dropping bombs, fighting an STG boss, and being shot into the clouds by a whale — kirby arrives remarkably fully formed, and does so with an abundance of trademark chaotic whimsy

while power thieving would end up being the final piece that brought the character together, it's hard not to think of this as a resounding success — a sugar rush that hits on everything it intends to and then leaves as quick as it arrived. my limited exposure to subsequent games tells me it only gets better from here, but here is a pretty lovely place to be too
