Reviews from

in the past

Easily one of the best cooperative first person shooter zombie games out there and an easy top favorite of mine. The gameplay is so simple and it is because of that simplicity that the game is able to do so much with the help of the L4D community. Many to this day are playing this game because talented artists/developers who are fans of the game have the opportunity to create mods for the game. Whether it is add-ons of new weapons, characters, skins, AI improvements, audio, HUD, and campaigns. The L4D community continues to keep this game alive. A game that Valve no longer focuses on.

I remember playing the first Left 4 Dead game with my brother on the Xbox 360 and I instantly loved the tone of it. That intro film is just spectacular in every way and truly highlights how the players will be playing this game. The characters are also fun with very good voice acting such as when they are getting attacked by a special infected. The music to identify that a special infected or a horde is nearby never gets old as well. And the simple yet fun linear maps of each campaigns just has so much detail and environmental storytelling that tells what happened to the world in just 2 weeks of infection. Very good stuff by Valve. I love how each campaign is depicted as a film with a movie poster at the start and ending credits at the end. And changing how the zombies spawn and equipment are scattered across the map is best for replayability.

It made me excited to get the sequel for the 360 and now I play it in the PC because it obviously offers more to the game. My favorite mode to play is campaign on Expert/Expert Realism. It always make each game intense at times when playing with other players and I am amazed there is an endless of custom campaigns to go by. I like the idea that it also helps developers who are learning about game dev to try things out with level designs and weapon modeling, rigging, animation, and so on. Just perfect.

Never play with YouTuber MonadoMax.

one time i was using a claymore as FNF boyfirend cutting down zombies with master chief and killua

This is probably my favorite zombie shooter game to this date, it's always fun to play with friends despite playing the same maps and using the same characters and weapons, it has a lot of replayability possibilities and the best of all is that you can also play as the Zombies in versus!

The perfect zombie game, it does so many things right, and the story, characters, plot, and music are so good. I have completed this games way more times than I can remember.

Eu sinto falta de jogar isso

Being chased by shrek is an experience

Es divertidisimo solo
Y mas con amigos
Que mas debo decir

More fun when you replace your team with the Teletubbies

um classico.
left 4 dead 2 me da uma vibe tão boa, eu me sinto em casa jogando esse jogo.

yup it is the zombie game everyone knows and loves

with mods and with friends this game is a blast

Never actually got to play this with other people. Maybe it's a different game if you have friends

playing with mods it's what makes this game good

shoutout to bocchi mods

I only alert the Witch when it's funny Yeah, I'm that friend

i modded zoey to wear yoko littner's outfit which immediately makes the game good but also it's actually just an incredible co-op game

i played the burger king map and got jumped

meu primeiro jogo da valve, da steam e do meu pc.

Simplesmente o melhor jogo co op de zumbis que já joguei.

This was my first rated M game and I put over 400 hours into it. I love it and I think it's the best multiplayer game ever made.

Only played a little with friends and tried a couple mod maps and it's fun. Still waiting for another game to take this type of gameplay and format and make it feel fresh and fun

Left 4 Dead 2 is the greatest co-op game ever made.

I'm not sure what to really say other than that. There are tons of games that both clearly influenced it and were inspired by it, but I've never had a co-op experience in anything that matched how fantastic Left 4 Dead is.

The mods are what carry this game.

I shouldn't give this a higher score than Left 4 Dead 1, but it's virtually the same game with more content and a more active modding scene. Now, excuse me while I load up a Versus matc-
Disconnected: You have been kicked from session.

The mods make the game more fun but even without them i still think its a solid game