Reviews from

in the past

not super into lego games but i found this one just kinda relaxing back then

prob the best lego game, but these games get so monotonous. i have fun at the start and i get really excited to play but then i realize i have completely grown out of them. best part about this game is how prominent the fantastic four and x-men characters are

played so much of this as a kid

joguei muito no Xbox 360 com meu irmão, joguei de novo e fiz 100% do jogo atualmente e posso falar que isso é a elite, mas como sempre tem alguns bugs, sempre teve

O que eu mais queria encontrei aqui, JOGO DE LEGO 100% MUNDO ABERTO. É praticamente um GTA, da para roubar carros e dirigir, tem muita missão para fazer pelo mapa e etc.

Mas oq me broxa um pouco é que os personagens são muito iguais nos poderes. Tipos, tem uma porrada de boneco q só sabe voar e disparar míssil/laser. O que me broxa é que no PC o controle de câmera é HORRIVEL, mas na versão de xbox360 é tudo perfeito.

A história é divertida, os puzzle são legal e deadpool melhor personagem, ufa pronto falei

É lego, tem uma variedade de personagens boa e o mapa é bom de explorar

Legal, mundo aberto grande, OST banger de ambientação e multiplayer muito divertido, além dos colecionáveis e diversos personagens pra desbloquear (característica da franquia)

l'open world est réussi mais ça reste un jeu lego

Note: I'm rating this game as a LEGO game, I don't compare it to other video games.

This is a peak LEGO game. Everything about is just perfect. The roster is HUGE including literally everything any Marvel fan would need to. Zero, zero ties to MCU. Open world, New York in that case is flawless, it's huge, and interesting, side quests are cool, especially secret missions.
Stan Lee is funniest guy I've ever met.
There is not a single mission that I'd really hate or dislike, maybe Venom lab mission is bit boring, but really this is how LEGO games should look like. "Modern" LEGO games that is.

Best LEGO and best Marvel game, all in one

I’m beginning to feel two things when it comes to Lego games. One, that the story mode can get in the bin, a pain in the arse hand-holding exercise that blocks you from maximum enjoyment of free play/open world stuff. That this game also uses a small amount of characters for mmmmmmmost of the game’s story only irritates me further in this regard. Two, I think we should institute a global law restricting each human being to only playing any one Lego [franchise here] game to actual completion. It feels damaging to my general state of being to have done so across Lego Batman, Lego Indiana Jones, and now this. That’s too much Lego. Traveller’s Tales must pay for their crimes*.

On positives, the available characters captures both a neat moment in time (Ultimate versions, F.F. versions, Heroic Age Iron Man, Astonishing Cyclops) and a nice variety of deeper cuts. Moon Knight may feel an obvious choice now, but in 2013 Moon Knight was still a year out from his successful comic reinvention by a suicidegirl botherer and some artist pals of mine seem to dislike on a personal level, but I’, buggered if I can remember why.

I just wish I knew how to slow Hawkeye’s skycycle. And how to incrementally alter my flight trajectory as a flying character without accidentally double tapping A and boosting a mile away from a race. Or how to laugh at Deadpool’s schtick.

Played on a Steam Deck, and that feels like a perfect way to play, honestly.

The best Lego game imo. The story is pretty good and is able to incorporate a lot of different Marvel characters without it feeling too overwhelming, but where the game truly shines for me is its open world. There's so many unlockables and shit around the map, and having a realistic New York City to run around in in a Lego game is amazing. Also the character roster is INSANE.

This game is the reason I like the Fantastic 4

Very fun game. I admittedly don't enjoy it as much now as I did as a kid but it's still charming and has pretty fun levels. I remember just running around Manhattan goofing off not doing anything besides destroying property and driving cars. Definitely my favorite LEGO game.

Super fun, best LEGO game I’ve played next to Skywalker Saga

Very decent game, but the sequel is better in every aspect (except for the lack of X-Men).