Reviews from

in the past

how'd they know everything that would happen in the future like... wtf

dude can you stop succumbing to the weight of your guilt and just deal with the task at hand

gotta be my favorite in the series - predicts the future - just a huge build on the first one that already was amazing

I enjoyed the game less than MGS 1, but it's still A really, really good game!

Everything good about mgs1 but better somehow. The story is amazing and both combat and stealth feel better than the original. Raiden is such a well written character and so is everyone else in this story.

"𝘕𝘰 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘲𝘶𝘪𝘵𝘦 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸𝘴 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘰𝘳 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘢𝘳𝘦."

Uma obra à frente de seu tempo, além de ser uma grande evolução do primeiro, esse jogo envolve assuntos muito intrigantes, atuais e que agregam numa narrativa magnífica.

É divertido, usam bastante o codec durante a gameplay, mas nada que incomode muito. O level design é muito bom, tudo se conecta. O protagonista é ok, se encaixa bem no roteiro e é bem desenvolvido. Achei um pouco curto, poderia ter mais 1h a 2h tranquilo. Termina com um cliffhanger pra dar vontade de jogar a sequência, igual todos os outros títulos da franquia...

Talvez o melhor e mais filosófico enredo da franquia, falando da influência da tecnologia e informação na vida das pessoas, a crise de identidade e como funciona a verdade para nós humanos (Webverdade), talvez prevendo um futuro próximo (Hoje).

Entre 7 e 9 horas para zerar.

nota 🌐/10

2º no Ranking pessoal da franquia: MGS2 - Enredo com o assunto mais intrigante, ótimos plot twist.

one of the most profound messages ive found in video games. the story is simply brilliant although the gameplay can feel slightly aged its still leagues above almost everything ive played in recent years. this is the game that cemented hideo kojima as a creative genius

legit one of the best sequels to do it. writing kept the camp and soul of mgs1 but much more cinematic.... kojima is a slimy tricky fucker

A triumph in storytelling in video games, with a story that's as relevant now as it was in 2001, with the proliferation of AI it is arguably more relevant than ever.

Oh, and the gameplay is pretty good too.

This was the first mgs game I was able to play myself after watching an mgs1 gameplay, and wow it did not disappoint. This was a great introduction to the mgs series and its mechanics and I had a lot of fun with it, the gameplay was solid and pretty fun. Mgs2 really shines when it comes to the story and cutscenes, all the cut scenes were very engaging and I was interested by every character introduced and loved each and every one. Raiden is my absolute mgs fav so far, so him being the protagonist of this game made me incredibly happy. He has one of my favorite character designs ever and a very intriguing personality and back story. I can’t wait to see more of him in the other mgs games. Finishing the last section of this game felt like an absolute fever dream in the best way possible, I did not expect the game to get so good and psychological like that but I loved every second of it. The whole thing with true reality versus fake reality and ai and virtual reality was so amazing, and really connected to the present day. And the whole thing with masks and true self was just so good. I also really liked the ending dialogue and sentiment about passing on genetic code to your children but also passing on joy, sorrow, passion, the future and so much more. The ending cut scene with raiden and rose, and how he gently embraced her face with his hands was so beautiful and really pulled at my heart, and raiden being a father was such a surprise but in a good way to me. The cut scenes in this game that featured real people were so cool to me as well. The beautiful ass song that played during the credits was so good as well, I cannot wait to play more of mgs and explore the series.

Metal Gear Solid 2 tem um plot inacreditavelmente relevante até os dias de hoje, sendo um obra prima em quase todos os seus aspectos, surpreendendo o jogador a cada momento, ao ponto até de surpreender o player com o personagem principal do próprio jogo, o que nunca ocorreria hoje em dia.
Todavia, tem seus momentos de estresse, o ambiente é bem repetitivo, já que 90% do jogo se passa na mesma área, e em certos momentos tem excedentes diálogos, fazendo o jogador se sentir ansioso para pular as falar e simplesmente voltar a jogar o jogo ou avançar o plot.
Mas o final desse jogo é quase impecável, com um dos diálogos mais profundos que já vi em qualquer mídia e um discurso final esperançoso maravilhoso, como já esperado da franquia.

Very good and the messages are still very relevant today but I just didn't find it as enjoyable as some of the others in the series though I know that isn't a very popular opinion.

Everything that makes a sequel great, goes beyond and above what the first game set out to do and has a deep narrative that makes you feel very enriched

i wont play this game ever again

Just a tad weaker than 1 and 3, but a much more scarily prophetic storyline. The level design for the series is at its peak here, too.

Hahaha why are this game's themes so poignant. Like why did kojima have to be right. I hate this.
Also he's called vamp because he's bisexuality not because he's a vampire.

A really solid sequel to the mgs1. Is it a masterpiece? Probably. But a flawed one for me.

New fps aiming is nice but it's slows the pace. Trying to play like mgs1(run, deceive and hide) is impossible sometimes with how many small corridors this game has so you essentially have to use the fps aiming like it or not(I saw some people manage to take down enemies immediately with the lock on button but tbh I never managed to do that).

But I liked the new dive move. It saves you multiple times in combat.

Lastly, there are more gadgets now. They are mostly used for some gimmicky gameplay sections, but It refreshes the pace so It's nice.

One thing I am not a big fan is the map and content size. If we combine both the tanker and the plant, I assume they match the mgs1 size. But because of that, I didn't get the feeling and awe of one big continuous map.

Story is amazing as ever and I think it even suppresses the og mgs1 for me with how it manage to surprise me and made me engaged for learning more about the big mystery.

The point where I am not too hot on is the new characters. I love the villain and he is still my favorite mgs villain. But others... Not so much. I don't have any problem with Raiden compared to the others, because he is a confused poor man just like snake in the mgs1. But I have a big problem with Rose. When both Raiden and Rose starts infighting like a broken couple I just want to throw the disc out of the window. Also all of the new bosses feels like a cliche parody characters that I can't take any of them seriously compared to the mgs1. Did we return to msx era? Why they reverted back to one off cliche bosses? They are not "that" bad tbh. But still their stories are not that gripping other than... Maybe fortune. That's it.
There is a reason psycho mantis, sniper wolf, vulcan raven is famous and that's not their overly strange design. It's their stories that feel realistic and emotional. They couldn't replicate this feeling in here.

For me characters are just as important as the story itself... No, at times even more important so that's why I broke one star off. But still a good game.