Reviews from

in the past

Really janky and sometimes frustrating, but the story and worldbuilding are great.

I hope all the people who worked and are still working in 4A Games are doing well. Sadly, some of the devs lost their lives due to the genocidal (Anti)russian Federation invasion of Ukraine. Animator Andrii Korzinkin, who worked at developer 4A Games, was killed following a combat mission.

Highly recommend anyone interested in the Metro universe or Eastern European culture read Dmitry Glukhovsky’s novels and might even understand why he was put on the Russian federal wanted list in 2022.

I remember when Metro 2033 came out. It had zero advertisements and flew under the radar for most, except in some Eastern European countries. Having serious problems with the optimization and missing graphic options didn’t help too. I pirated it expecting nothing and found one of my all-time favourite games.

Metro 2033 remains one of the most immersive shooters to this day. It is one of the few games I replay every year or two. Visually and mechanically it still holds up to this day and in many ways, it surpasses most of the high-budget AAA titles.

Usually, I play the redux version but this year I decided to go with the original one (was given away for free at some point) and I can confirm in some aspects it’s better than the redux but overall – not much difference between the two. It runs flawlessly but sadly, the graphics options are very limited and you need to edit some config files, including for changing the atrocious FOV.

It also runs flawlessly on Steam Deck.

(i played the redux version)

haunting, miserable, intense, but beautiful all the same. despite some engine jank it's an expertly crafted game with great characters and exceptional stealth action. the ability to use pre-war cartridges as both a form of currency or a means of improving your damage output is some of the smartest world-building i've ever seen
the book is pretty good, too

good gameplay good atmosphere okay story nothing too crazy but like pretty good

This game wasn't for me, but I can see the appeal and think it achieves what it sets out to do. It's easy to see the care put in to world building and atmosphere, and despite not grabbing me personally I can appreciate the overall quality of Metro.

Já trocou seu filtro de ar hoje?

The weakest of the three. Just play the remaster its slightly better.

I could never get past one part near the end with some kinda bulbs on the ground that exploded or something, and frankly it was so long ago I have lost all interest in finishing it and I watched the endings on youtube some time ago. It was cool

Its good, ending is rough though, i mean the ending itself is fine, but getting there is kinda repetitive and boring. Loses its speed is a good way to put it.

Wack gameplay, but damn was this cool

Uma aula de ambientação e de imersão

Uma das obras de videogame que deveriam receber mais reconhecimento!
Metro 2033 é um baita game e uma baita trilogia que eu recomendo a qualquer um!

The biggest hassle is having to go to the config files to change the awful FOV. Other than that, and some hit and miss stealth mechanics and enemy detection, it's a really good game. The Metro games have such fantastic atmosphere, it's really on another level. Must play for fans of the genre.

A very fun but short fps kind of buggy at times what can u except since it's a 2010 game

The game's atmospheric setting and attention to detail bring the eerie tunnels and desolate surface to life, making you feel like you're right there in the action.

With a mix of intense shooting, stealth, and resource management, Metro 2033 keeps you on your toes, never knowing what lurks around the next corner.

The gripping story and memorable characters add depth to the experience, making you genuinely care about the fate of this war-torn world.

...the librarian holy shit.

Very immersive but quite linear. This game was insanely good graphically when it launched and it still holds up in that regard. I even ended up reading the books, it's so good.

Amazing atmosphere, really good story and characters.

A very good first entry in a varied trilogy. This one is a little more rough around the edges than the sequels but a lot of what made them enjoyable started here.

The story is interesting due to a lot of factors, the world being one very different to our own. Learning about the different factions that live in the Metro, what they want and who they are. The paranormal phenomena that happens throughout the Metro, the ghost trains and actual ghosts or the ethereal entities. The main character who has never set foot outside of his home station who sets out to try and save it. All of this mixed together makes for a nicely crafted narrative.

Gameplay is a little rough but the gunfights are some of the best I've seen in a video game. Cover and tactics are important to any firefight and the sense of accomplishment afterwards is well earned. You also have to keep an eye on your inventory, especially when venturing across the surface. Otherwise you may need to reload a save or start again.

One critique I do have of this game and it's sequels is it's ending. The alternate ending can be quite hard to get unless you are quite lucky in the choices you make or if you have a guide. That said you can never be certain until the end of you've done enough to get that alternate ending.

En la reseña de Metro: Last Light hablo también de éste juego.

One of the first games I remember playing as a kid, scared the shit out of me constantly, but it always pulled me back for more, truly a hallmark of apocalypse style video games

The game has a very bittersweet feeling. The aesthethics are perfect if you're into a doomer-tunnel rat-concrete bunker mood and the game looks solid to this day thanks to its lighting. Despite the age, it's fun, solid and worth picking up. Compared to Redux there's less QoL and less customization, yet the game feels a bit more alive & darker, thanks to a better sound (bias) and better and harder stealth (true).

I also think the way to get the good ending is bull, but I'm not alone in this.

This level of immersion should be studied forever.

Letter Grade: A+

This review contains spoilers

shooting and moving are great most of the time, its worst moments are when it becomes a rail shooter, to the point of having scripted deaths if you move too far away from the pre selected path, 3rd act gets wonky precisely because of that, but it lasts maybe 20 minutes, artyoms quest to understand the world gets interrupted by artyoms quest to save the world, i really enjoyed being left alone in a level to fend for myself, got a few genuine scares on those parts, it shouldve had more faith in its medium.