Reviews from

in the past

I love Genie . I will get her out of there

So striking visually, such a cool idea, but such poorly made & confusing gameplay. I got softblocked very quickly.

a game i really wanted to like but ended up disappointed.
the visuals and story as sorta interesting but do not a lot to stand out amongst muuuch better alternatives (such as ETCETERA or other yume nikki style games). the rpg maker combat is not JUST rpg maker combat...... ok it is but with the added bonus of literally not needing to be there at all.
it's just not an experience i would ever want to go back to.

Es injugable, pero está guapísimo.

pienso en esto mas de lo que deberia

In an endless sea of carbon copy exploration games made in RPG Maker (really all just glorified walking simulators), Middens is the only one, to this day, that failed to make me fall asleep on my keyboard. Turns out all one had to do to make these work was to add dialogue, proper diagonal movement and a simple, yet not braindead turn based combat. This game is essentially everything I was expecting to get out of Yume Nikki, after pretty much everyone and their mother was hyping that game up non stop a few years back.

if only the dev was not a total nonce and also full of himself

Surreal graphics and confusing gameplay, but it's a recommedable experience.

this might be the worst thing to ever exist and I think the guy who made this game is an asshole or something so that makes me automatically right

see when i played hylics i was like "woah this game's kinda weird it's like different lol" but i still played through it like normal. when i played this game i had no idea what to do, where i was, or what the fuck was happening at any time

Ah, one of the old "this game would be a 10 if it didnt play like poop carpaccio" games. Pathologic type game, very narratively challenging and impressive ludonarrative synchronicity. There's a lot of game journalism buzzwords you could describe middens with that make it sound very smart, and it is a very smart game, but it's not a game that you need to analyze for 100 hours to find its obscure symbolism compelling. Like some of the best surrealist works, it's got a semi-surface level to latch onto and invites you deeper into its bizarre complex of themes and ideas rather than throwing you into the deep end and just assuming you'll be interested because it's weird. I'd be lying if I said the visuals didn't do a lot of the heavy lifting, but that's just because it is a fucking gorgeous game. Like, El Shaddai visual design. Jack King Spooner tier visual design.
It takes a lot of cues from OFF but instead of OFF's needlessly frustrating gameplay, the gameplay in middens is... fine. It gets the job done. It's as basic as rpgmaker combat really gets, but that does tie in with the game's themes. If killing was insanely rich and rewarding it wouldn't really work with what it's going for.
IDK I could go on about why I like the themes clicking together and exploring the rift and shit but it's a free game and it takes like 3 hours to finish. You should give it a go. It's got a lot of meat on its bones.