Reviews from

in the past

wirebugs are the best thing that ever happened to me and if we ever get another game like mh:w then please god put something similar

Hunters are getting a little too strong. I feel bad for the monsters at this point.

got to sunbreak after doing almost everything in the normal village so i consider main game done.

first of all i never played any 3Ds game, my first MH experience was with freedom unite and portable third. both amazing games that i hold very dearly despite some absolute jank and time wasting shenanigans, they were games made to be grinded to an absolute halt.
with that said i still loved MH rise, yeah birds as temporal upgrade is bloody stupid and so is switching food for dango, but as far as it goes this is the best experience so far, i loved my time with it, got to HR 9 before going to sunbreak and it felt like a polished upgrade from the old psp games i enjoyed so much with friends, as a side note i'm kinda glad they took off friend launching with heavy weapons, i had a friend who would complain for hours every time i switch axed him far away or accidentally great sworded him into another map (maybe not so accidentally), so in this game he has zero reasons to complain, but now i am the one complaining because i actually do enjoy his salt, please let me launch players from cliffs again capcom <3.

overall this is an upgraded version of portable third and thats all i could ever ask for

i liked mh world but this just doesn't feel nearly as good, or maybe i just dont like monster hunter either one

Probably serviceable as a switch game but on pc it feels so underwhelming when World is on the same platform and better in most ways. Also its probably the easiest Monster Hunter game ever because the wirebug trivializes combat. Hoping Sunbreak has the same quality jump that Iceborne had but I doubt it'll be by much if at all. The best thing the game has is the Quest Maidens being better than World's handler.

I don't know if Monster Hunter is entirely my thing but I can't deny that Rise is both a fantastic entry point for the series while also being a great game in it's own right. The series has made a name for itself on two major components to it's success - depth of combat, and the actual monster designs themselves, and Rise succeeds heavily at both which counts as a win in my book. Strong controls and mobility across the board make this a breeze to play, especially as hunts take longer and longer to complete.

It's definitely got a learning curve - the series' notoriety for difficult to explain concepts is definitely here - but for those willing to take the plunge and actually try it out this might be your best bet to start. And while I definitely prefer something with more story on it's bones - this is literally just kill monster, rinse and repeat - the actual loop of gameplay is so fun it's hard to ignore.

super fun, love wirebugs. didnt feel as grindable to me as the other monster hunters ive played; finished everything in rise + sunbreak and didnt feel much incentive to play after that. i wanted to get farther, but grinding anomaly levels was ass so i gave up. really fun though! just didnt feel as content dense or grindable as other monster hunter games for me

great game and sunbreak makes the game even better, my only complaint is that we didn't get fatalis as the final update monster

画面整体流畅度比想象中好 re引擎牛逼

this game, unfortunately, did not hook me the same way that worlds/iceborne did. I did enjoy the time I played, though.

Sold game with solid gameplay but a little easy and not quite enough content compared to the other games for me to say it’s great

wish the landscapes felt as lush and decadent as world's but still a very smooth gameplay loop. movement has been made way easier so traversing across the map is a breeze.

great introductory game for the series, but a bit too easy for seasoned players. still fun to play with friends either way

é muito bonito, mas a mobilada é HORRÍVEL muito informação ao mesmo tempo, você não consegue encontrar nada... enfim

One of the most fun multiplayer games I have every played. Fighting the various monsters and getting that sweet loot was addicting. Its just a little bit too much grinding to get to the final monsters.

wow you hunted monsters and then you rose

I don't have much anything to say about this game and i don't feel like giving it too much heat either since it was clearly made for quick hunts during someone else 12 noon lunch break

My first MH, very fun combat, I wish it didn't get boring for me at some point (I haven't played it for some time since I made this review), cuz it's a very good game, really. Also, Insect Glaive ROCKS.


really fun, grindy experience. i love the addition of new monsters all while bringing back old classics. the wirebugs added for really smooth movement compared to other mh titles have to kill the monsters? Noooooooooo!

(Played on Gamepass. Enjoyed. Will buy eventually.)

Agora sim, com 160 horas nas costas e tendo matado o ultimo monstro do jogo, venho dar um veredito

é bom pra caralho

game is great but rampages are so bad that it actively brings down the base game a lot. still had a blast playing

Really fun but so much worse than world it's unbelievable. Really unfortunate development process

Had a fantastic time with this game overall. Coming from Generations Ultimate, the improvements made in this game is astounding. Wirebugs and maps being more vertical, change the game a fair bit giving players the ability to play each of the five maps very differently each time. This also goes without saying but the many quality of life features that was added to the game, such as having the choice of eating before a hunt or if a player had forgotten to eat before a hunt they can do from the tent at the main base. The music and presentation are fantastic in this game, especially the music I never got tired of listening to the music during my time playing this game with the hub and the desert area being some of my favorites in the game. There are a couple of small things that did bother me, such as the boring grind from HR 50 to HR 100. I felt as if though the final hunt should have been the HR 50 hunt, but it wasn't and the last fight was another 50 ranks down the line. The HR 100 isn't bad, it is an interesting fight but I feel as if the build up from HR 50 to 100 wasn't as exciting as it could be. I would suggest to have some of the apex monsters be some of the urgent quests on the way to HR 100 to keep players engaged. As I had started to lose my interest in the game a bit around the HR 90 mark. But that grind for HR levels aside, this iteration of Monster Hunter is an absolutely amazing experience, as for me, it improves in many areas where I felt Generations Ultimate could deal without. Great time sink if you have friends to play through the game or a fan of boss fights.