Reviews from

in the past

Been playing this off and on for a bit. It's not bad! It's just not really got a lot of pull or staying power for itself. It's a fun enough dungeoncrawler with a pretty neat aesthetic, and it's a roguelite whose rogue qualities actually feel like they belong in the general style the game sports.

To give a quick rundown on my thoughts, the moveset feels a bit too wide but each option feels a little shallow. I unlocked a number of builds and none of them felt suuuuper different from one another in terms of how you make use of your base moveset. Instead, it's just the mechanics tied to the unique weapon types that differentiate them. Still, the general moveset feels fine enough to use in a character action "you reap what you sow" kind of way, although a lack of ranks or buffed rewards makes that a little moot. At the very least you get plenty of small unlockables - cosmetic, lore, and classes - that help metaprogression feel like... uh, metaprogression. It just doesn't quiiite counteract the lack of progression the game has at times.

When it comes to common combat, the enemies are fun but monotonous. There's honestly a bit of appeal to the monotony as you are really just seeking to mow down bunches of sword-and-sorcery type enemies when you play this game, so I think it works fine. It's just worth noting, I suppose. The bosses are pretty fun in how lopping off their body parts affects how you can and will deal with them, as well as taking advantage of nearby traps. I think the fact that traps hit anyone is a lot of fun and adds to combat tactics far more than most other mechanics do.

There's some random kinda lame things like losing all your equipment if you fail a janky optional platforming section or procedural generation leading to some long and uninteresting trap-spam corridors. I don't think the gameplay loop is harmed much by those things, as again the monotony is part of the intent here, but it never feels good when it feels like you've spent the longest hour of your life in a set of levels only to find out there's yet another one before you can pick a different area to explore.

I'd say Mortal Sin is probably a very easy recommendation to anyone who finds the things I've described particularly appealing, especially if they enjoy the aesthetic. The difficulty level's fair enough from what I've played and it seems like it's got plenty of content even if it's a little shallow. I might come back to this later, but it just didn't leave a very strong impression on me beyond just being pretty fun with some moderate pitfalls. It was certainly an alright way to spend some time and unwind as a lot of the games I've been playing involve a ton of brainpower and concentration that I can't afford at late hours.

This game, though? This one had my back. I just wish there was a bit more to it to really grip me. In a sense it's the epitome of the problem people have with modern indie roguelites in that there's width but not depth, but again I do think that has a pretty wide audience by this point. I'm just probably not in there, or at least I don't feel like I am.

I like to think of Mortal Sin as an arcade dungeon crawler beat em' up. Fast-paced, first-person melee combat with so much depth that I don't think any other first-person game can compete. You explore a wide variety of handcrafted areas, neatly sewn together into procedurally generated levels teeming with traps and enemies that want you dead.

When it's time to upgrade your character with enough perks and buffs to become grossly overpowered, the rush of one-hitting a horde of 25+ enemies, dismembering them all in a matter of seconds, while your combo meter stays at 3.0x is better than sex. Combat flows so well due to how many actions you can do in quick succession. Bashes, kicks and regular attacks can be chained together to raise your combo meter. Parries give you an upper hand, giving you a speed boost. Combo Shuffle is an interesting mode that I suck at.

Mortal Sin is so fast-paced you need to make split-second decisions that will make or break your run. Curses help you scale loot to higher numbers to have an easier time with each run, but each curse comes with a downside. Some change how you play the game completely.

The "scare" mechanic makes you mindful of your position when they start popping up during exploration or combat, keeping you always on your toes

There is nothing wrong with the game's graphics. The harsh shadows and vibrant colors of the art style remind me of a grimdark comic book.

The music is dynamic and rotates from exploration to combat seamlessly. Overall, the atmosphere in Mortal Sin is top notch for a game made by one person.

Cool stuff but kind of hurts my eyes after awhile lol

😋😋 soooooooooo tasty

This game is absolutely sick. The melee combat feels chunky and satisfying with great animations and very solid combos that feel amazing to execute. The roguelike progression is also very good with a nice variety of things to unlock including new combos, weapons, base upgrades, ect. My only real negative is the artstyle, and its not so much a negative as i think it looks great but I can't play it for very long without getting eye strain/headaches, even after fiddling with the settings. There is a dark grey mode that does go easier on the eyes but it REALLY takes away from the asthetic to me so I don't want to use it. Its unfortunately a game I have to play an hour at a time then take a break from it for a few hours at least. Everything else about the game is fantastic and thats really just a me issue, I'd highly recommend this to any fast paced action game fans/roguelike enjoyers.

I hope this game gets better and better after each update, while it is a fun time, it's repetitive nature is quite awful. great gameplay, a whole eye sore, my eyes still burn

this game is fun and looks awesome but hooooly shit the visuals give me an actual migraine after about 20 minutes so i cant play it

Pretty fun and stylish as hell, but kinda unbalanced and repetitive. Lit overall tho. Just don't forget to block!

One of the most visually unique games you'll ever see with awesome, very responsive gameplay. Can become repetitive if you struggle with levels but it always feels nice to progress past those points.

Ainda devo jogar bastante, mas impressões iniciais são:

direção de arte muito foda, combate bem legal e diversificado, muito replayability por conta das classes e da ordem diferente que voce pode fazer as fases. As quests de npc são meio parecidas com hades, q vc tem q fazer algo nas runs pros npcs no hub liberarem dialogo novo. Achei bem daora, com ctz irei voltar mais

The game is ongoing development so I won't be too harsh on it but what I will say is: This game will take every opportunity to fuck you possible and you cannot let it. Cling to life, soldier, because you will kill them all. Kill. Them. All.

boh cioè bei colori sì ma tutto il resto? come roguelike cosa offre di particolare? a me è sembrato poverissimo e roccioso da morire, immagino di essermi beccato la versione con pochi aggiornamenti

fun lil romp but i got bored theres a low amount of enemy types and i got filtered cuz i kept losing

Mortal Sin fits very firmly in the category of video game that I love very much but cannot play for more than a half hour or so at a time. It's chunky, relatively deep, and shows a lot of promise as an early access title. It checks all the boxes. But like DUSK, even the best of its genre can drain me.

Great aesthetics and mechanics, but I found it kinda stressing. I ended each session shaking.

It's pretty cool, lack of enemy diversity and levels diversity makes its repetitive. The combat is probably some of the best first person sword fighting I've done though.

Fun but repetitive. Best played on steam deck in burst so that the repetitiveness never sinks in. Overall if you catch it on sale I would recommend.

you play as John Berserk from the hit manga, Berserk, if you microwaved your eyeballs first.

Melting pot of a couple of things: most chiefly Berserk and Diablo (if it was first person), with dashes of Post Void as a topping. Very satisfying gameplay loop once you get the hang of it, although perhaps a bit too repetitive to binge for too long. Solid love letter to its inspirations, with a dev that clearly cares about making it a good game that can stand on its own (they rewrote the entire level generation system a week ago and it replaced a lot of the box-y room design with significantly more fitting aesthetic prefabs for the given biomes).