Reviews from

in the past

Great game till the final act. Drains you of enjoyment. Meh.

the first maybe 4 acts are manageable but act 5 & 6 are complete horseshit. fun if you have a rewind feature like on switch online

Just so we're all on the same page, I respect Ninja Gaiden and think everybody should play it at least once. The three stars is not a representation of the game itself, it's a representation of how bad I am at it. This is a game that caters to a specific clientele of hardcore NES players who enjoy a relentless challenge, and, well, as it turns out, it's not a game for me.

There are things to appreciate though. The cinematic approach, first and foremost. What you have here aren't just expository text boxes. These are cutscenes, no ifs or buts about it. Combining shots, angles, visuals, and telling a story throughout. These are your rewards for clearing each stage, and they're very ahead of their time. Not that the story itself is much to talk about, but the presentation is unquestionably professional, with a touch of cheesy.

Of particular note, is that the writer, Hideo Yoshizawa, would go on to direct the Klonoa games, where his drive for combining storytelling with gameplay was made all the more clearer. That one was good as hell.

The soundtrack pulls its weight too, and was one of the main reasons I kept going. There's definitely some stuff here that'll stick in your head.

At the end of the day though, I can't do this game without cheats. Every second I play the game is a 50% chance of me getting hit, and to take that away through a rewind-heavy perfect run obviously dulls the experience through my own fault. But, I'll always be happy to watch other people kick ass at it in speedruns.

It's fine. The gameplay felt pretty generic and a bit annoying at times. I hate those damn birds especially. It's not bad, though, just nothing special. However, while simple, I did really like the story. I don't see too many NES games that have full-on cutscenes so I thought that was really cool.

I suffer while binging hard NES games and I will never stop suffering from it why do I do this to myself

Análise não anacrônica:
O jogo é muito bom, controles bons, música INSANA, história presente o que é massa e reta final memorável, mas mesmo com essas coisas boas esse jogo ainda é difícil pra porra, tu levar um dano e sair voando prum buraco acontece muitas vezes e o penúltimo boss é dificil de mais.

Review anacrônica:
Se esse jogo não fosse bonito e com música boa eu ia querer jogar ele no lixo, jogo dificil pra caralho, curto prum cacete e que é injusto pra porra vtnc

Felt like a turbo mode for Castlevania. The first few levels are actually really fun and having cutscenes on an NES is awesome. However, the hit detection can be really janky and the constantly respawning enemies are awful. The second last boss is one of the worst I've ever played and the ending was so out of nowhere that I actually laughed out loud during it.

Impossible à terminer sans save states mais très plaisant en terme de gameplay, et la bande son du dernier niveau est très cool.

got all the way to the penultimate boss and gave up. i like the early cutscenes and the game feels great to play, but the level design and enemy placements are so incredibly bad. why do the birds (the hardest enemy to avoid) do 3 damage when nearly everything else does 1

The path of a ninja is hard, but rewarding.

Even with rewind, this game is still super hard.

This could have held up amazingly, but there's some really BS level design and enemy placement, and questionable hit detection. But the cinematic stuff is insanely impressive to me considering when it came out and it still feels good to play.

do you guys know this is the actual platformer Ninja Gaiden on backloggd? the other one (with 2.3k plays) is the beat 'em up for Arcade. lmao.

it started as a castlevania (1987) reskin, 1 minute later i was like "ok this is ninja gaiden. i'm sold."

and it ended like... this is artificial difficulty in its apex holy shit act V is kinda bad but act VI though??????? it's TERRIBLE

still, a fantastic experiment with great ideas, OST, storytelling, and even... challenges! the artificial difficulty can be good sometimes. enemies are limited per screen with infinite respawns so you can't even come up with a gameplan without failing so badly because of the projectile and enemy spam -- now I like the 3D games even more.

the balancing is really bad but one thing i found to be... (surprisingly) underwhelming was the combat!!! i know this is the platformer one but, i mean, they straight up cloned castlevania combat system but with not-so-interesting subweapons and the balancing ruins everything. (and this game is the biggest proof that flying swallow is OP in every fucking title)

but overall, i didn't mind the combat too much. the movement maneuvers and the walljump inclusion were the highlights of the game to me.

lastly, one could say that the fusion between platforming and action worked way better in the first castlevania... and i'd say that the disharmony between them is what makes Ninja Gaiden so special.

Ah, weary traveler, for what reason have you come so far as to visit one such as I? You wish to defeat...Ninja Gaiden on NES? You seek....guidance? That is quite the mountain to climb. It will not be easy...

The journey may seem frightening at first, but believe in me for it is not quite as bad as the tales would tell. To help Ryu Hayabusa on his quest to seek revenge for his father's murder, you must channel all of your ninja know-how and master the hitbox of your blade. Timing is of utmost importance! You must be light on your feet, and be as swift as the wind! Your enemy however is quite formidable, the Jaquio is not one to take lightly! For they do not fight fair with the placement of their army of henchpeople and henchanimals! You will need to maintain a good rhythm and flow to your movement if you wish to keep up progress, as the Jaquio's minions will not hesitate to warp back onto the field as soon as they are decimated by you!

On top of that, you must also maintain proper ninja balance. What is a ninja without their ninja balance? A dead ninja. The Jaquio knows this! That's why they hired the entire NFL to run at Hayabusa and tackle him into the ground! What good will Ryu be at exacting his revenge if he's been sacked on fourth down?! No good at all!

While you indeed do have your mystical dragon sword and your ninja sub-weapons, there is also another unseen magic that you must keep mind of. That which can be barely seen from your view of the screen, the void of the edge of the CRT monitor. The fourth dimension one could say. Utilization of this can be instrumental in making certain sections of your adventure easier. The Jaquio's minions may be able to warp themselves back onto screen, but sometimes the warp tubes backfire and transport them to another stage entirely. A big break for you! Sword throwing Larry will be busy throwing his swords elsewhere!

Step by step, inch by inch, you can ascend this mountain with the help of your endless continues. Ninja Hayabusa is never a quitter, and the journey's checkpoints can be surprisingly forgiving at times. Well....except when you finally confront Jaquio themselves, whom will inevitably bamboozle you with their fiendish side-to-side movement and homing fireballs. They do not fight fair, I've mention this! Jaquio loves trap doors! They can't get enough of them, and will not hesitate to send you back to stage 6-1! Be patient, and be precise with your approach against the scoundrel! Of course, as always you may attempt to fight dirty as well against Jaquio. You may utilize the art of save stating or time rewind, and would you be less of a person to me if I saw you stoop to his level?

Eh, I don't judge. Just remember to never give up, and always think to yourself...

Finish the story.

Personally though, I do believe there is something to climbing the mountain from bottom to top constantly, and acquiring mastery of all of it's paths and tricks. Knowing every nook and cranny of where an avian fiend will rear their ugly head, and being prepared for any football player attempting to make you another number to their season statistics. Your rhythm becoming greater and preparing you for your next attempt at the climb. Maybe you don't agree, maybe you do. Regardless, one day maybe you'll see why I adore this adventure as much as I do and meet me at the top of the mountain.

It's quite pretty.

For some reason if you die on the final boss you have to repeat 3 stages. Other than that is good but the second one is better.

Such a cool game. I'm basically always in the mood to play it because of how tight the controls are. I did have to use a save state for the final boss because getting sent back to 6-1 is just too fucked up.

A good game that has one of the worst last levels in any game ever and glitchy nonsense plaguing it throughout. Which is a shame because if it had better balance it would easily be the best of the trilogy.

Esse jogo é insano.

Inimigos spawnam na sua frente só pra te matar, vc dá um passinho pro lado na tela e eles respawnam, as vezes ficam spawnando infinitamente, qualquer golpezinho já te joga num buraco, as vezes o ninja dá um golpe e não acerta, simplesmente passa pelos inimigos como se fosse ar, posicionamento insano dos inimigos feito pra te foder, jogo absolutamente insano.

Você tem só duas vidas e quando perde as duas tem que voltar no começo do estágio, a não ser que esteja no final boss, ai mesmo que tenha 10 vidas, volta 5 estágios atrás kkkkkk te fode, esse jogo é um lixo insano, sem dúvida o pior jogo já feito em todos os tempos.

Nice try, director of the CIA, but you haven't fully convinced me that the "demon" in South America that you want me to kill isn't just a democratically elected socialist leader

Former speedrunner bias: This legendary precision platformer is a top-tier NES speed game. It's an absolute pleasure to run, jamming through the game, jumping and slashing without stopping - it's almost made for it. Anyone can easily bring their completion time under 20 minutes with a little routing and practice, which is a huge difference compared to the often multi-hour casual or blind playthrough. Learning good strategy and executing it enhances the experience of playing, and I'd recommend any fans of the game or other classic platformers to give it shot. It's just a fun run.

Sadly at a certain point, the RNG of the final boss and a few weird physics elements give it tarnish. Ninja Gaiden 2 is an improvement here, plus with its levels and mechanics being a bit more polished, it comes out on top as the better speed game. That said, the first one is close behind it.

Played live at SGDQ 2013 and various smaller events over the next few years. Created romhack "Ninja Gaiden Master" in like 2014. Personal best time is 12:17.

This game does a lot right, but it's also got some glaring flaws. The knockback is insane, the enemies constantly respawn, the final boss sends you back too far, yada yada. But god dang, this game is just plain cool.

vsfd mn, literalmente não vale a pena, nem um pouco, a gameplay é pessima, a mecanica é quebrada e mal feita(sim caralho eu sei que existia as limitações da epoca, porem mesmo assim consegue fracassar) é dificil pra um nivel que não é retribuido com conquista nem nada, pois a historia mesmo é pessima mal feita e feita com a bunda de tão ridicula, e ainda tiveram a cara de pau de continuar essa historia horrivel em mais 2 jogos.

vsfd ninja gaiden, vsfd.

Hard but just git gud scrub

Impressive narratively for the time, but those birds really wanted to instill trauma like my god.

Ninja Gaiden (1988): La historia es un meme y genérica a más no poder, pero es un esfuerzo titánico comparado con lo que había. El gameplay es pocho y aquí no excusa la época porque el diseño consiste en paladas de enemigos al tuntún, que era vago entonces y lo sería ahora (6,05)

People ate good in the NES era, I'll tell you, I can see myself playing this game almost everyday trying every single time to beat the final gauntlet, as I tried during this month. Despite its age, Ninja Gaiden controls incredibly well and the wall jumping adds a lot of strategy and cool factor to the platforming. I'll just say that some enemies' placements feel unfair and the knockback is frustrating, but once you get used to it and know the lay of the land, it's not that bad. It's not an issue when they respawn if you never get hit and get out of there as soon as possible.

The perfect game to speedrun or just casually enjoy, it may be on the hard side but its story sections, levels and music make it all worth in the end: easy to play, hard to master, it feels incredible to beat.