Reviews from

in the past

I got a kick out of it during the Rick and Morty peak period.

Really grindy pokemon clone
It looked great for a phone game from it's time. It clearly wasn't just another mobile shovelware.
Maybe this could have been a better game if it was released for the 3ds... or the vita (lol). Then it wouldn't have been full of the typical mobile manipulation tactics to make you spend more money.

decent pokemon clone for when you have no internet. Has very little depth to it outside of grinding and fusing. Humor gets stale fast since there's maybe 5 voice lines in the game.

Low-effort mobile game cashing in on the license.

2016 me thought this was the best game ever in the middle of my Rick and Morty phase. Pokémon wishes it was this good.

A competent Pokémon clone, based on a show that was made by a sex-offender

was 10x more entertaining than biology class so can't fault it

A ver, como version de pokemon no esta mal.

Quiero decir, estaba divertido hasta que el juego era mas pokemon que rick y morty.

Pocket Mortys is, no joke, one of the best mobile games I've ever played. I was never a huge Rick and Morty fan (I though it was... ok!), but this game really took some of the best writing you could get from the show, slammed that into a wry Pokémon knock-off, and added the supremely satisfying game mechanic of fusing doubles of the same "type" of Morty together for a really polished experience.

I love collecting a thousand versions of the same guy, and this game understands that about me. It rules.

Fun pokemon clone, almost feels like a family friendly game with how tame it is compard to the show tho lol, kept me entertained during those boring ass hours in high school

Nintendo is coming your way to sue your sorry ass

As someone who never grew up playing Pokemon (I know, I know, but I wasn't allowed to have a GameBoy okay?!) this was a fun, yet overly simple, introduction to that type of turn-based combat people know and love.

While I'm not one for turn-based games, I did find myself enjoying the rock-paper-scissors gameplay of "Pocket Mortys." At least, I enjoyed it for the first hour or so. After a while, the game itself became quite repetitive and fell into the gacha-style traps of trying to get me to pay for more healing items with real money. I can't stand this. This is a game that is made to kill time in the waiting room at a doctor's office, or on the bus, or even sitting on the toilet after eating an extra burrito when you know your bowels are inflamed and you're not 16 anymore.........

I'd willingly pay a fee for a complete game WITHOUT gacha mechanics built in. Alas, that is not possible.

Pocket Mortys will stay in my pocket, FOR GOOD.

It's better than Pokémon. But then again, it's not like the bar is too high.

Yes, I am biased and I stand by that.

god i hate my life but thank god its not 2016