Reviews from

in the past

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No Pokémon game has ever had that jaw drop moment quite like when Nobunaga pulls up to the final fight with a Shiny Rayquaza.

Fire Emblem that got lost and became a Pokemon game instead. Got like halfway through it but got bored and stopped. Maybe something I'll try again someday since maybe I'd appreciate turn-based tactics games better.

Shoutout to all you people who know this game, you're real

Genuinely one of my favorite games of all time.
I still haven't fully beaten it.

main game lasted about 6 hours for me. the concept of the game is really cool actually and fits the pokemon theme well. i was confused at first that we only get one attack per pokemon but otherwise this wouldnt flow so well. postgame does not really speak to me so i am leaving it at that. its nice as something to ease your mind to and not too difficult in terms of tactic and such.

I can see what they were going for here, but the lack of depth/complexity in the mechanics are a real turn off.

One of the better Pokemon spinoff games - but a spinoff is a spinoff.

still vibing to the music even today
pugilis theme and yaksha theme my beloved

I would really appreciate it if they’d make more of these.

Honestly, I’m not rating this because I don’t know my feelings. I played it like, a year ago or so, did most of the first storyline, then put it down because I got distracted. But I picked it up again and just haven’t been feeling it beyond completing the main storyline. I enjoyed the game before, but I just can’t loop back. And it’s been long enough where I don’t remember my original feelings anyway. I think the game is cool and has some neat mechanics, I just can’t get back into it.

Maybe if you have Fire Emblem autism, this is cool.

Really nice spinoff. Decent story as well.

fire emblem if it sucked and was terrible and ass

I like the idea and I feel as though they can revisit it, but the gameplay was kind of dry. I think it brings more out of a tatical rpg with pokemon and their types. Maybe if there was more to do at least with the first story I would like it more ( like being able to upgrade buildings [to a certain degree at least] so I can actually use my gold lol). If they revisit the idea again, I have hopes that they can do a lot more.

Took me back to when Pokemon games had charm in them

Pokemon but ur must invade countrys

Mucho peor de lo que esperaba. Hay que grindear mucho y se me hizo muy repetitivo

Decently fun game but most of your time with it will be spent in the postgame. The main game is fairly short but the postgame is absurdly long. If you don't mind that then the game will be amazing for you, but I never felt too engaged with it for that reason.

Was looking for Fire Emblem Fates Conquest and reminded of this game's existence. Such a black sheep among the Pokemon series but I had such a blast with it as a kid. The gameplay loop is simple but engaging, and it feels really good to progress in this game. Definitely not underrated, but underappreciated for sure.

Fun af, if you do like Pokemon, give it a shot.

This shit fun asl!! New one/remake when???

I might come back for this later but for now it's just so mid and I would rather be playing something I actually enjoy. Was really fun at first but got boring rather quickly.

The biggest issue is that recruiting new pokemon for characters is a pain and having to rely on my few good automatic gold links just sucks. It just feels like the game doesn't respect my time.

El juegazo mas juegazo olvidado de Pokémon. Pokémon y Fire Emblem, que genialidad. Gameplay perfecto, aunque hay pocos Pokémon disponibles, el hecho de que cada entrenador pueda tener varios y tenga diferentes niveles de vinculo con cada uno. Y por si fuera poco, un ambiente de Japón era edo, con personajazos cosplayeros de buena personalidad. De lomejor que ha hecho Gamefreak. Y encima, lo he jugado poco, pero, un postgame mas grande que el mismo juego. Locura.

they made this game specifically for me, right? no one else would like this

I WANT TO SAY I LOVE CONQUEST but i never finished the other stories. I've been too lazy to do so and I'm not good w strategy games lol

Played through the main story, decided against playing the post game since I’d prefer to move on to Mystery Dungeon.

It’s a very interesting game because it 100% feels like watered down Fire Emblem, but with Pokémon’s type chart which would be an interesting combo if the game just took that next and went all in for being a mix of FE and Pokemon.

The world and set up is lowkey very interesting, but it feels like it never even thought to capitalize on those strengths.

Feels like it could be a lot better if the game is ever remade or got a spiritual successor, but at the end of the day it’s a game with a surprisingly good amount of potential that wasn’t met due to one reason or another.

Cool idea, wouldn't be against another try at a strategy spin-off. But this was pretty bare bones and simplistic. Cleary for beginners since this is a first for the series. Pokemon's appeal is so strong it does a lot of the heavy lifting.