Reviews from

in the past

The best Pokemon spinoff. Engaging gameplay, a very cool art style and direction, along with some great music and a fantastic story. The side-stories that are unlocked at the end of the main story are all great in their own right, and the Two Heroes final story is honestly so worth completing all the others. Fantastic game, here's hoping for a sequel or remake in the future!

Eu adorei essa perspectiva diferente que deram pra franquia de Pokemon. Imaginar esse universo alternativo e ver como ele se desenrola é bem bacana e a mudança pra um jogo mais estratégico é sempre bem vinda.

Mas puta que pariu, que jogo longo. Vou terminar não.

Played the Reconquered rom hack. That version is pretty much just the definitive version.

The game is pretty simple and pretty short but it's fun and has good vibes. Vibe check actually goes crazy for this game

My personal favorite Pokemon spinoff game. The gameplay loop is a bit repetitive but it's enjoyable finding perfect links and battling in the different maps of the game. Each pokemon only having one move seemed like a weird choice at first but it adds just that bit more strategy to it. Not a hard game by any means, but it definitely has its moments here and there. Art style is great and using actual Japanese warlords is so interesting and cool. Postgame giving you the ability to play as all the other warlords was a fun choice

whoever decided to use the samurai warriors designs for all the characters in this game deserves extreme head

actually very fun i miss this style

One of the best Pokémon spinoffs, bar none. Completing the 'story' mode, only to find out it's a tutorial for the rest of the game - wherein you get to play as EVERY single warlord, each with their own campaigns - was mindblowing when I first played.

Never fully completed this game as a result, but my god there's hours upon hours of content waiting for you, and as deep as you want the strategy to be, too - a damn shame it's never gotten a followup.

Great fusion of two great franchises

Genuinely makes me feel a little old remembering this game because it’s been over 11 years and I remember like it was yesterday:looking at the Pokémon website one day and seeing a trailer for this game, and thinking it was the coolest thing ever and anticipating its release. I saved up enough money to get it the day after it came out and then frantically played it for a few days before beating the main story(and then spending the better part of a year coming back to it to beat the postgame). For a long while at that point it probably was my favorite game I’d ever played, I can’t quite say that anymore but it’ll always have a place among my personal favorites.

i want to marry half of this cast

j'avais commencé sur un émulateur et ça m'avait trop plu?? c'est super original, maybe un remake one day??

Super underrated. One of my favorite Pokemon spinoff games

One of the coolest Pokemon spin offs I've ever played!! I would love to see another entry in this series one day!

I feel like people don't talk about this enough. Like... this happened guys.

There's definitely some really great stuff in this game. I adored the look of it as well as the gameplay. I loved the combat and thought it was really well done. The arenas are also awesome and felt widely different. However, I really disliked the Link system. I hated how I wasn't able to fully level every Pokemon, I had to have a specific one. I also didn't like how much grinding this game required. Overall, I liked this game a lot but it did have some cons.

Such an innovative and different take on the pokemon franchise. Loved it all the way and there's plenty of nostalgia there too

its ok! i love the concept, i dig the artwork (the pokemons by characters side emoting alongside the characters was REALLY cute), i REALLY dig the music, but the narrative side of things felt pretty barebones to me. i liked oshi, but her story was the only one i was invsted in, the rest of the cast kinda slid right off me.

the gameplay is pretty easy to get into, with lots of unique stages. the main story is kinda short which i didnt mind and i know the postgame is alot bigger fopr those wantign to spend more thime on this. i skipped it personally since it seemed far too timeconsuming and lacked the more character meat i wanted (only a cutscene at the beginning and end). i wished they took a bit from fire emblem where you could have supports between characters for

again, i liked the concept and some aspects of it, but not really a game overall that will stcok with me

Essa mistura de Pokémon com Fire Emblem é muito boa.
Espero que tenha uma continuação.

I have tried to start playing this game several times, but I am completely intimidated by the large-scale strategy aspects. I like the standard turn-based tactical combat maps in the vein of FF Tactics and Fire Emblem, but the larger overarching military strategy turns me away every time. Maybe some day it will click with me, idk.

No rating as I don't think I've played enough of it to give it one.


Never gonna be able to beat this shit smh.

They were so big brain for making this it is a CRIME they haven't made a sequel

i finished the game and then there was so much more game