Reviews from

in the past

Zerei 2 vezes ja, bom pra caralhoooo esse RE

some of the food dont even look that bad no lie


Esse jogo que definitivamente é um Resident Evil, está além do Incrível.


Lore e História INCRIVEL

De fato um respiro forte trazendo a franquia de volta.

Perfect. Only lacks on variety and some times the combat is a bit plunky

man too angry to die goes to rescue his wife

O jogo que salvou a Capcom de um futuro sombrio.

Falling from a skyscraper into a bunch of broken glass while burning would be a less painful fall than the one this game had in it´s third act.

I had zero interest in Resident Evil until about three-ish years ago when my friend sent me a clip of Ethan's "What the fuck...well that's special," line, which immediately had me reassess my opinion on RE as a whole. Cut to me watching a "shit Ethan Winters says" compilation. I didn't get around to actually getting into RE properly for another year or so until I played RE2Make, and only after DBD got me a little more used to the horror genre.

Cut to some time last year (I think? Maybe a year and a half ago?) and I figure it's finally time to get to know the guy who I've called my favorite character since getting into Resident Evil so I stop looking like a poser or whatever. I got past the introductory section in the main house and was so scared I just...put it down and sort of forgot about it. And opted to play other games before it. UNTIL NOW!!!

The worst part is that I missed Ethan's "What the fuck...well that's special," line because I was too busy asking if the game was gaslighting me because I jumped down onto the floor to look for the lantern and was wildly panning around and happened to be re-climbing the ladder at the time the voice line was triggered. :(

The tl;dr of my review is that I quite like the story, I can officially say Ethan is my favorite character in the franchise without looking like idk what I'm talking about, I like Mia and Ethan's relationship and the implied drama that circumvents it both before and after the game (even before RE8 came out). Jack is easily the most memorable part of the game though and it's a shame they went through him so fast. Also it's weird they only stuck to 3 enemy types for the whole thing. The pacing sort of fell off in the latter half of the game too, although I didn't hate the ship level the way other reviews seem to say they do. 4 stars for Ethan

i would like this game so much more if it stayed inside the main house and kept the dark comedy vibe the whole time

Sólido, um bom retorno as raízes de resident evil

Sou cagão, o jogo é fenomenal, mas não gosto de levar susto, então não vou zerar nunca

This title saved the Resident Evil Franchise.
A complete horror masterpiece.

It marked a significant departure from the action-oriented gameplay of its predecessors and brought the series back to its survival horror root and that made me HAPPY.

The Baker family, with their unsettling presence and sadistic behavior, became iconic villains that added depth and psychological terror to the game.

Perfect comeback for the resident evil series especially it focusing majorly on the horror aspect which was just amazing with the setting and first person perspective. Would give a 5 but Ethan and Mia are kinda lame but to each their own.

so glad they stopped doing whatever re6 was

resident evil 7 rebooted the franchise in a new direction with an entire different protagonist an entire different game design in my after they killed the franchise with resident evil 6 that no i did not play yet and so i cant give any opinion about it being really as bad as people say but its still kinda evident that capcom wanted to restart from the very beginning of the franchise with a new direction that is still reminiscent of the original games with some survival horror experience here and there BUT with FIRST PERSON PERSPECTIVE WOOOOOOOOOOOOO SPOOOOOOOOKY

ethan surname loses his loved one after she goes missing in some weird circumstances and even tho she clearly and explicitly says to NOT APPROACH HER OR “THE HOUSE” in a video he decides to completely fucking ignore her live laugh love advice and seek her in the louisiana countryside which is already pretty scary like that

so he gets into this house and gets kinda kidnapped by the resident family that you slowly begin to understand is fucking bat shit crazy due to a virus or something and every single one of the baker is going at ethans throat and even mia is possessed by this sorta virus to the point that she cuts his hand of with a chainsaw kinda badass if you ask me mia is weird shes a weird character i dont get her that much if you ask me

basically what happens is that one by one you got some feisty chitchat with this people that usually ends with them being killed in a horrifying way i love lousiana

the bakers really do take the cake of the most interesting aspect of this game each one of them got some interesting personality bits here and there and do have something in common with each other which is the fact that theyre all fucking crazy and absolutely want ethan dead now i have no idea why they actually want him to die or anything i just think theyre schizo and such BUT if im gonna get in their shoes and think about a stranger getting in my house while i taste some disgusting slugs and have some family time im pretty sure i would be angry + very scared because i got fear of home invasion

ethan as a person who is just a POV for the player has the personality of a dutiful hero which is basically ok yall my goth GF is missing and i need to rescue here ASAP im going afk brb so he just gets there and kills everyone in front of him while also getting amputated more than once

as for the fact that this game is basically a return to the origins of the series you can see how the main aesthetic of this one really echoes the first games atmosphere where youre in a closed space with mentally unstable beings which are somehow even scarier than normal zombies because theyre sentient and have weird accents but anyway

these guys are fun dad baker wants you fucking dead and wont stop at anything and his section is more of a action ish stuff mom baker is more of a stealth kinda woman with big jumpscares here and there and kid baker is absolutely buck wild with some escape room kinda segments

SPOILER you fucking kill every one of them and get into some weird sections which i dont consider too incredibly fun after the house stuff BUT you can play as mia who all of the sudden is a top assassin and can get shit done with a knife and a rifle AND THEN the mine which is umh nice i guess no jk i dont particularly enjoy that part but at least its short

and then theres zoe my sweet little angel who did nothing wrong my baby OOF

anyhow the gameplay is pretty fun as i said its survival horror ish you got loads of weapons of different kind and it all feels pretty different from classic resident evil because its FIRST PERSON wow so incredible literally nobody ever did something like this and so everything just feels way scarier in this one (kinda again i dont usually get scared in videogames thats a fucking pity actually) and yeah i mean you dont get TOOOOOOOOO action ey its more on the point gun in the head and shoot OR flee and usually its better to just flee so thats about it

very funny very interesting not too much shit going on in the story department apart from the last 20 minutes and this is something that is part of resident evil as a whole i think like you go through every demon in hell for the entirety of the game with no context and then at the end suddenly you get a super detailed infodump with people writing diaries or something about how things came to be and why are they doing what theyre doing literally so weird if you think about it

the playable tapes segments were kinda cool

umh remember to protect the person you went there for youre welcome

gg very excited for village theres gonna be sexy chris so im gonna play it with my MEAT out

startei mas deu preguiça de seguir

I find this game to be weird, it feels like a good game but everything it does never goes above and beyond. The gameplay is severely held back by the extremelly basic enemy and level design, the story is interesting but nothing spectacular and visually it's great but doesn't live up to the creativity of the previous games, especially the monsters.

My man Ethan Winters can't catch a break

esse jogo simplismente salvou a franquia de resident evil

one of the few games that genuinely scare me, still to this day can't finish this game due to my fear of it. so I watched my father play it lol. more than a great entry for the Resident Evil series, despite the change of gameplay!
(ah I just love Ethan Winters so much.)

cool game but girls werent sexy enough

simplesmente o jogo, a obra, a maravilha que reviveu essa saga maravilhosa, que jogo lindo, platinei duas vezes no ps4 e espero voltar a jogar no futuro.

this happened to my buddy ahiya

Extremely fun horror game that's genuinly scary!

actually scary. I love this game. madhouse is a must.