Reviews from

in the past

main story good side story is all over the place especially simons. weapons good. charecters good didnt like playing simon. enemy's easy. use desert wind or any other aoe abilities bosses alot of bosses in this can 2 shot you and some can do it as fast as you can blink so yeah thats fun but yes i would highly recommend this 1 other note if you plan on 100% it will take days due to 1 quest were you got to kill a certain number of each enemy in the game and there random fastest i 100% this was 84 hours

This was a huge disappointment coming off of Level-5's Dark Cloud 2. I think I need to give it another chance though, as I barely touched it before moving on to something else. Maybe I'll play the PS4 re-release if I ever find some gaming downtime.

Amazing animation, story telling and voice acting. Neat mechanics, but some balance issues made combat a bit trivial.

I keep putting off this game because it is just so amazing down to the last minute details. It's so charming and perfectly embodies the mysterious vastness of PS2 games. I haven't played an RPG that made me feel like a kid with no prior experiences in such a long time. I really want to enjoy every second of it.

Absolute banger game I played when it came out on PS2 and picked up for the PS4 when it came back out. Rogue Galaxy is so enjoyable in its world building and character diversity that it didn’t even damper the experience when I had to grind 800 fights to get Jaster to level 99 for the plat.

The end game, like many rpgs can get a little repetitive in the trash mob fights (break barrier, LV3 AOE spell) but the bosses are diverse and interesting to fight. Insectron is a fun little chess mini game and the Factory is a very cool break from saving the galaxy.

All in all, if you have PS+ play this game.

Joguei quando criança... Não lembro muito da história mas lembro que era amplo e bonito.

this game could be good but dungeons exist and are ugly

Definitely a flawed JRPG - for most of the random encounters, the best option is to use an all-targeting ability to wipe the enemies out in seconds, rather than actually try and fight them, whereas the game's solo bosses can be quite unexpected difficulty spikes. On top of that, the story leans pretty hard into cliches. However, the weapon upgrading system is a ton of fun, and I really liked exploring the worlds, and playing the bug-raising minigame, so on balance it was a great experience.

Pretty good. I liked the cutscene direction, the animations, the music.
Unfortunately, it has some of the worst dungeon design I've seen. They are just long.

The action combat is almost great, but the balance makes it just good enough. You end up spamming so many potions because of the ridiculous damage you take. The game knows this and gives away money and puts shops in the dungeons to make sure you're always stocked. I really liked how seamless the transition is from combat to exploration. The enemies just appear and disappear, no battle transition.
Once you get a bit into the game, you can easily break any encounter using aoe spells or buff abilities.

The voice casting is surprisingly great. I loved hearing Steve Blum as Zegram. There are other big names here too like Yuri Lowenthal. Pretty good dub for a game of this time.

I don't regret playing through this game, but it could have been so much better.

After redefining the goal of dungeon-crawlers with Dark Cloud/Chronicle, Level-5 proved that they could also be ambitious storytellers with Rogue Galaxy, a space opera adventure that brings their narrative side to the forefront. In the process - however, their old structure virtually transformed into a regular JRPG. On the gameplay level, DC2's dual-wielding hack 'n' slash is squeezed into brief conventional encounters here, while new additions like stamina (that function more like magazines in a shooter game), Secret of Mana's control-swap and A.I.-piloted allies were (somewhat questionable) attempts at diversifying combat's pace and movesets. On the systems level, they still display a knack for elaborate minigames (crafting & monster raising this time), but their takes on weapon synthesis (in place of spectrumize) and character skill trees (that employ the item requirements of Build-Ups) are relatively restrained. Compared to the versatile, eclectic dungeoneering of before, Level-5's updated brand of ARPG is a tad more compromised with the PS2 canon, perfecting their production skills at the cost of complexity, even though their signature loot-farming is still alive and well.

And sure enough, the project excels above all in the visuals. Its artstyle not only continues the lessons learned with DQVIII but also acquired a stronger identity from this change of scenery: Armed with vibrant graphics and lengthy cinematics, they depict a classic sci-fi universe in which Dark Cloud's enthusiastic, contagious (and certainly more sincere-feeling than the average) spirit could fully shine.

Diferente e bem legal de se jogar, eu ultimamente não tô com saco para rpgs de encontro aleatório. esse aqui foi uma exceção pela mecânica única de fundir armas.

o jogo além de uma mecânica única também possui uma temática diferente, puxando para um star trek de piratas(literalmente piratas) muitas coisas do jogo são legais, trilha sonora é o ponto alto, Fantastica!

eu teria dado 4.5 estrelas se não fosse pelo final...(sem spoilers adiante)
o jogo termina em aberto, cara, eu nunca vi um rpg terminar em aberto...(não do jeito do rogue galaxy) é tenso tu passar literalmente 40+ horas numa aventura muito boa para entregarem um final tão... Foda-se o jogador?

é isso, rogue galaxy é um ótimo jogo, porem se encerra de maneira tanto faz, que era algo que eu não esperava de um jogo que criou um universo tão rico...

Junto a Dragon Quest VIII, el mejor JRPG de su generación. Adoro Rogue Galaxy y no me canso de rejugarlo con el pasar de los años. Banda sonora increíble, personajes carismáticos, una trama que te mantiene enganchado desde el principio y un sistema de combate de acción que funciona a las mil maravillas.

Do fundo do coração: eu realmente queria ter gostado mais desse jogo.

Un gran jrpg da giocare assolutamente. Sembra stupido all'inizio poi la storia riserva svariati twist.

Fuck that final boss I don't feel like doing all that bullshit, I literally was just maining Zegram and Lilika so the rest of the crew got no love from me after the 30-hour mark. the weapon leveling system is actually a fucking slog holy shit, if you play this you'll see why I only focused on like 3-4 characters managing all that bullshit is actually headache-inducing and just straight-up not fun. the game has its redeeming features like the world setting and characters but after that 30-40 hour mark shit becomes a slog that just wastes your time with an average story and repetitive gamely.