Reviews from

in the past

Absolutely I was a vampiric gigantic pizza throwing astromancer! A huuuuuge improvement over the first game, which admittedly was one of the earlier roguelikes that popularised the subgenre to today's standards. A fresh lick of paint, an expansive map, new abilities, more challenging difficulty, far more upgrades, side insights, loads more blueprints and tonnes of unique class combinations that keep the castle-crawling gameplay fun.

Basically the same game just with more more MORE! And sometimes that's all you need for those pick-up-and-play type games. Time just flies by with these rogues...

a 2D Platform game that you can dump hours and hours ans still not feel bored. The lore is cool too.

Una versión muy mejorada del primero, pero de verdad. Es lo más de lo mismo pero se siente más completo y más divertido en absolutamente todo, es divertidísimo y me parece de los indies más buenos que he jugado nunca. Algún día me pondré con el contenido adicional, pero de momento lo dejo aquí una vez pasado el jefe final. Recomendadísimo para todo el mundo y en especial a los amantes del género.

Top tier track: Immortal Cain

Better than the first one due to having some pretty unique modifiers for each run. Novelty wears off after beating the final boss for the first (or second) time.

Pretty much flawless, just a bit too hard for me

Oh God. The grind for gold is way too slow. I am so bored. I have been doing laps in the first area, the castle, for maximum gold gain. I haven't gotten this bored playing a game in so long. The house rules are a cute idea to give the player some control over modifiers but none of them affected gold gain. PASS.

The classic returns. The improvements and additions are awesome.

The lineage system is fun, but man I am bad at platformers. I have a decent number of hours in this game and I feel like I’ve seen maybe 10% of it because I always die.

Not sure what it says about me that I generally love roguelites (and will play them compulsively), but have never really gotten anything out of either of these two games.

I just fundamentally don't like this many permanent upgrades, this much resource gathering, this much 'play and play again to make the next run easier'. I thought that the 'True Rogue' one life mode would offer something more compelling, but it's more of a one shot randomizer than it is something curated and of genuine interest. The entire class and heir system feels like it goes out the window, not to mention the narrative and spatial logic.

This is both a pretty different and an obligatory game compared to the original. It is the original elaborated in the common ways, but it prioritizes different aspects of its gameplay. This is a much more movement heavy game, and it's easy to see not just in the level and boss design, but also by its odd tutorializing and its slow-roll of movement options. I'm not sure I needed a tutorial for how to double jump, but it's there and grinds whatever run you're on to a halt. The upgrades and the areas that they lock off, that make a first run into a pretty linear experience, call into question why it wasn't just a collection of sequential levels in the first place. The larger design feels light; lightly roguelike, lightly metroidvania, but the moment to moment design is a that of a pretty good combat platformer.

I enjoyed the boss fights, the enemies with different properties---restricted or unrestricted by walls, firing projectiles that pass through or not. It creates compelling logic and rhythms to combat, though I don't think the levels themselves are that interesting to move around in. I can't say I enjoyed a lot of the weapons, but when I found one I liked I gladly stuck with it (the Valkyrie's spear). There's a nice sense of survival to it, of managing and risking your HP. There are a number of nice ideas and moments here, but as I said up top, I don't care for the delivery method.

Não sei se fui jogar com a expectativa maior do que deveria, mas eu esperava mais.
As áreas são muito similares a cada run e o jogo exige um certo grind para progredir, além de que não senti que eu tivesse o poder de fazer builds muito diferentes a cada run, fazendo tudo depender dos upgrades permanentes, equipamentos e classe que está sendo utilizada no momento.
Apesar desses empecilhos na minha experiência, o jogo tem uma gameplay bem agradável, algumas classes são bem divertidas de jogar. Não joguei o 1, então não consigo avaliar a evolução em relação ao seu antecessor.

idk a game where most runs are meaningless and you have to grind out permanent upgrades just doesnt feel like a good roguelike to me. also the fact you can never really get too powerful because the game starts nerfing you by taking max health if you take too many items on your runs. kinda ruins it for me

Bem legal e variado, só tem muito grinding

I think this game missed the peak of the rogue-like era and playing it now after that has ended it just feels like flaws of the genre are very pronounced. The grind in this is massive and the gameplay does not vary significantly enough throughout the experience. Moment to moment it’s really fun and the trait gimmick is still good, but there’s just too much unnecessary grind going on here.

I managed to pass through the first boss that filtered out over three-fourths of the PS5 players and I am proud of that. Plus it's just a fun time to see how far you can go and what dumb stuff you can get away with the right characters. Gunslinger OP by the way.

I absolutely loved Rogue Legacy 1 and this is exactly what I wanted from a sequel. I'm still a bit too burned out from other roguelikes to finish this one currently but eventually I hope to finish this game.

Miles better than first one

Pretty much a major upgrade over the first in every way. Much more satisfying and fun to play and each class is much more varied.

Um roguelite com PERSONALIDADE
algo essencial na indústria atual

Logging this one after my first completion of the boss. It's a very good roguelite with great class diversity, which leads to every run being very different and unique.

On the other hand, it pales in comparison with other roguelites like Hades, in terms of history, or pure gameplay and itemization, such as Dead Cells. Still will be trying to put a dent in this full completion on the background between games.

Um incrível sequência para o primeiro jogo, Rogue Legacy 2 preserva as ideias de "rogue-light", premiando as runs do jogador e fazendo com que derrotas não sejam totalmente desperdiçadas, e aumenta a gama de possibilidades com novas armas, classes, poderes e muito mais!

Rogue Legacy 2 improves and expands on its roguelite-defining predecessor, and yet despite everything that's new and everything that's better - I enjoyed the original far more.

I know this is a genuine case of "it's not you, it's me", but the roguelite scene has progressed a long way since (and partially thanks to) Rogue Legacy 1's release. I enjoy the simplicity of Rogue Legacy 1 in the scene of roguelike/lite action platformers available to play now - but the middle ground of Rogue Legacy 2's simplicity+ isn't working for me quite so well.

I've played a good few hours, I enjoyed that time, I can see the merits - but I don't think I'm pushing to finish this one and I'll accept that much of that is simply on me.

I really wished I liked this game more. If the maps weren't similar every time, I think it would've improved it mightily.

I didn't play the first game but just watching videos of how much more content and visual quality this game has convinced me there's no point in doing so

The perfect sequel. It takes everything the original does and improves on it.

i can kick it back and chill with this one but the main mechanic throws it off for me. having so much of the game locked behind runs that feel meaningless demotivates me to learn the game and get better. at the end of the day its a numbers game, youre gonna have to grind it out. great class system and combat in general however the game being this type of rougelike eventually made me drop it.

Me jode no darle más puntuación, pero es como me siento tras completar el juego.
El loop jugable sigue siendo muy bueno, sin embargo, de mitad para adelante hay un pico de dificultad brutal con enemigos haciendo mucho daño y a veces demasiados proyectiles en pantalla sin opción viable a esquivar, y llega un punto que ni compensa farmear.
Una pena, porque el primero era de mis juegos indie favoritos, pero para mi, esta secuela me ha dejado bastante mal sabor de boca en algunos aspectos. Igual me planteo hacer algún desafío que he desbloqueado, pero ahora mismo 0 ganas.

Overall a fun metroidvania with a charming art style.

The controls are awful, I HATE the jump. Would not recommend.

Best time to play this game is now. The second best time to play it is like 2 years from now just in case there's more DLC and updates.