Reviews from

in the past

Scott Pilgrim não tem uma mídia ruim. Hype pra série

Culture-wise? Coolest game ever. Kinda repetitive though...
You kind of have to grind your way through some bosses, wich is cool, except it grows annoying pretty fast. My favorite comic, not my favorite game.

not my kind of game but cute nonetheless. i hope scott passes away.

It was a pog game back on the 360 and it still is now, especially when you read about how it was even made in the first place. It's impressively adapted and introduced so many of us to Anamanaguchi. It really is a great piece of media to accompany the movie and comics.

I waited years for this game to get put on PC.... on a platform my friends actually have downloaded.. and in 2023, I finally got my wish. But boy, did the monkey's paw sure curl. Realistically, this game is hard as absolute balls for really no reason. I'm pretty sure the last level and subsequent boss fight is literally impossible. The enemy's only goal is to dogpile the shit out of you and it's very easy to get insta-killed in a sandwich.

A beat 'em up was the best way possible for this story to be told in game form though, despite the difficulty. It's still very fun solo, and it would be fun with friends as well... if the online.. worked. Played this game with my 3 friends for the whole experience but we kept getting de-synced in every level which would break the game. The only way to fix it was to replay the entire level from the beginning and hope it didn't de-sync again, which put a sour taste in their mouths since it was their first playthrough.

You can buy this game on Steam but you still need the Uplay launcher to play it, which barely functions. I'd still recommend it as the art it is alone. It's short and is more accurate to the comics than the movie is, so it adds better context to the events that take place.

While I loved my time with the game with friends. The music is great, the gameplay's got nice RPG elements into it, the graphics are pretty especially in 4K, and it's pretty faithful to the source material (a real treat to someone who's read the books and watched the movie.) Sadly, this Remaster (and the PC port specifically) is an absolute mess. No Crossplay, No Rollback (and the online that IS in the game is egregious and has desync problems), there are a bunch of bugs and glitches that my friends and I experienced when playing online, and on top of all of that Ubisoft Connect and an account is required which is STUPID (I know it was in the original, but having to have an external launcher for the game is STILL dumb.)

Overall, the actual game is excellent and I'm glad it's on modern platforms and all. Buuuuuut...the actual remaster itself is an absolute mess and could've been done WAY better to make this 10th ANNIVERSARY TITLE, MIND YOU, something genuinely special.

Oh well, it's Ubisoft, they sure as hell aren't gonna patch it ever. If you can get the game on sale (which they did at launch by the way cause they probably knew how much this remaster sucked) and play the game locally (get the full four players it's WAY more fun that way, trust me), I'm sure you'll get more enjoyment out of it but if you're trying to play online...good luck. As a Scott Pilgrim fan, I'm frankly kinda of disappointed with it and it's probably why I took so long to finish it (outside of me just playing other things.)

- Liked the bosses
- extra lives and cheat items shouldn't feel necessary for completion
- Good soundtrack

the first time i played - hated it. watched some videos on youtube and it kinda helped? finished the first level and now i'm back hating it.
maybe these arcade-style beat 'em ups just ain't my thing, but my god does the soundtrack rule. the only reason why i might pick it up again.

Muy simple, pero a la vez, una adaptación muy buena y simpática de la historia, que se presta muchísimo a este medio, y que es una gozada ver animada como un videojuego antiguo.

Ahora que me lo he pasado (motivado por el inminente estreno del anime) al fin soy merecedor de llevar este avatar en esta red social.

I’m not usually a fan of beat-em-ups but I am a fan of Scott Pilgrim so I gave this a try and it’s pretty fun!

That being said, whoever decided that objects you throw can bounce off of things/people and come back to damage you (sometimes multiple times/stunlocking you) will not be receiving the Power of Love or the Power of Self-Respect

A melhor adaptação de uma HQ para videogames que existe, agora em plataformas modernas? É masterpiece!

Joguei pelo o hype da serie saindo, ele bem divertido e a animação dos sprites são muito bem feitas, so que esse jogo chutou muito minha bunda, precisaria me dedicar bastante pra zerar, mas fica ai bom jogo

tambem gosto de imaginar esse jogo como a visão do scott sobre os eventos que acontecem com ele, se encaixa no personagem

Not really into arcade-style beat 'em ups but I'm glad this game got brought back from being dead media as it's pretty great.

been on a big Scott Pilgrim kick recently with the show coming out and all so I thought I would go back and finally finish this game I am not huge into beat 'em ups but this one is fairly creative and of course, it is fairly faithful to the comic.
I actually remember this from way back in the day and it going delisted so its nice to see it getting new ports and physical releases

Really enjoying the game do far. It reminds me of my childhood when they had the Simpson beat em up arcade game.

Stylistically Scott Pilgrim vs The World The Game is amazing. It captures the original comic super well and the music is great too. The problem is the gameplay, it’s mostly fine, but lots of enemies and hazards just demolish you. Maybe it’s better with multiplayer or I’m just not into beat em ups but I wish I liked this game more than I do.

Honestly anything that gives me more Wallace Wells is objectively good

he souldnt have dated that child

tem uma dificuldade superficial demais

this port sucks ass. the online was shit, the game itself wass really buggy, it requires Ubisoft connect to even play it on PC and its just a really bad port.

now the game itself was pretty fun! im not a huge beat em up sucker but i enjoyed my time. The visuals were amazing and very faitful to the source material, the soundtrack is a real bop for sure. even though the game itself is great the low quality of this port makes me bring it down

Yes, I'm unbelievably grateful that the game is on modern platforms AND has a physical release. However, I really wish Ubisoft bothered to but more effort into this "remaster".

This port, especially on PC is beyond buggy. Lots of glitches that weren't present in the original, the online is delay based with no rollback so you REALLY feel the input lag, no crossplay which is dumb considering other Ubisoft titles that require a Ubisoft Connect account have it like Rainbow Six SIege, For Honor, XDefiant, etc. I personally don't mind having to use Ubisoft Connect / Uplay to play this game, but you literally get no benefits. The stats on Ubisoft Connect don't track properly with inflated hours and offer no rich presence of any kind. There's no DualShock 4 / DualSense support. Only Xinput controllers work. The audio is also awfully quiet for some reason. Even on max volume in Windows and in game, it's super quiet needing mods to fix it. Also, all the jank the original title has in terms of making a lobby and what not is still here.

As for the game itself, it's still a good time. I still don't personally like how leveling works and the movement is still jank. However, the art, music, combat, combos all look and feel great.

The game is really faithful to it's source material. I think anyone who's read the books or watched the movie should absolutely play this. It may not be as good as I remember it being, but I still had a good time.

I should have let my nostalgia kept thinking this was good

Multiplayer was broken, constantly having to restart to fix. The beat-em-up mechanics were very repetitive and boring by doing the same attacks and enemies getting seemingly random counters/stuns on you made it more frustrating. The platforming is awful, requiring you to have pixel-perfect accuracy and quick reaction times that I found the game only bearable at max level.

I played this game all the way through once with friends... the uPlay network was so bad that it took us forever because the network kept kicking us off and freezing the game, and during one boss fight it disconnected us into two instances and made it impossible to beat the boss level.

I love the movie, the comic, and the music... but the game itself and the network and company that made it is just too garbage for it to be enjoyable.

Vale a pena passar por experiências de vida ou morte com a esperança de TALVEZ ficar com a garota de cabelo colorido no final?
Eu não sei ao certo, mas é isso que veremos nesse jogo.

Aqui temos um objetivo bem "simples":
Derrotar todos os 7 ex-namorados de Ramona para ficar com ela no final.
Viram como é simples?

Bem, tal jogo é um relançamento de 2010, pois a Ubisoft perdeu os direitos de tal franquia em 2014 e em 2021 retomou com isso, mas com todas as DLC's inclusas.
É um jogo baseado nos quadrinhos de mesmo nome (nem sabia que existiam até pesquisar) e não do filme, então não estranhe se alguma coisa parecer estranha além do que você sabe sobre o filme.
Lembra MUITO os games beat-em-ups antigos com seu visual pixelado, sem diálogos e músicas frenéticas durante as batalhas. É ótimo para reunir uma galera tanto local quanto online (muito questionável) e passar uma tarde matando o tempo.
Os personagens até que possuem animações de ações/combates distintos, mas em jogabilidade é tudo a mesma coisa. Cada um chega até o nível 16, mas para termos novas habilidades precisamos juntar moedinhas e entrarmos nas lojinhas.

Temos um mapa com 8 fases e suas subfases, e no final de cada uma temos um chefão/ex-namorado diferente. Caso você tenha prestado atenção no que eu comentei lá no início, coloquei que são 7 ex-namorados, então por quê 8? Deixo esse "mistério" pra quem quiser jogar.
Aqui se resume em "bata em inimigos e avance pra frente". Não tem segredo, confia na call.

A duração dele é até que curta, tipo, em um dia livre sabendo o que é pra fazer você termina rapidamente, e caso queira estender a duração jogue com os outros 3 personagens.
Temos alguns Extras nos quais envolvem fazermos speedrun nos chefões, luta com zumbis até perder e modo Versus pra jogar contra algum amigo.

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game consegue ser muito bom apesar de sua simplicidade, ainda mais com alguém jogando contigo. Super recomendado para aqueles que gostam de se reunirem.
Só três adendos:

- Online mais falha do que ajuda. Foi difícil eu e mais um amigo conseguirmos chegar em 2h de conexão;
- Existem cheats no jogo que te deixam roubado e não interferem em nada nas conquistas. É mais pra zuar quando tiver terminado ou indo em busca do 100%;
- Em pleno 2022 tem troféu bugado nessa caçamba, mas com persistência você consegue.

kind of fun but became extremely repetitive

♥ Simplesmente Scott Pilgrim!
• Dei uma chance a esse jogo e acabei conhecendo essa série maravilhosa que já conquistou um espaço no meu coração.
↳ O jogo em si é muito lindo e as músicas são ótimas. Uma das coisas que mais gosto nesse jogo são as referencias aos quadrinhos que só lendo para entender mesmo algumas bizarrices (bizarrices legais, afinal é Scott Pilgrim xD).
↳ A gameplay é bem boa, mas se torna é bem repetitiva. Bem, acho que é algo comum em Beat 'em ups.

• A única que me incomoda nesse jogo é o começo, que é muito arrastado até você comprar os itens para se fortalecer. Depois disso o jogo engata e "começa de verdade", ai sim, ele se torna bem divertido.
↳ Você começa com todos os atributos zerados (exceto a Knives que começa com 1 de SPD) e isso deixa o jogo bem difícil já no começo. Nos dois primeiros mundos você até consegue se virar mas dps meio que vc que é obrigado a farmar moedas para fortalecer seus atributos.

Played this because the Netflix anime was amazing, and I wanted to see if the game was good too. Either this game is subpar for the genre, or I’m just not a fan of the genre. Either way, I didn’t care for it, unfortunately.

I like the Scott Pilgrim series and the game looks great, but I hate beat ‘em up type games… they are not fun to me as the movement and play always feel clunky or awkward and eventually things get repetitive very quickly. When I first got the game years ago, I gave up as it seemed unplayable, but I wanted to give it another chance after watching the new anime today. Unfortunately, after playing again, I find that this game is no different than any other beat ‘em up games. It’s not making me like these type of games… I play on normal difficulty and am already struggling as the enemies tend to move way faster, have bigger attack range, and they spam attacks when I am locked in place so I can’t do anything. My hand/fingers simply cannot handle these type of games… it’s simply not fun… I tried.

Update: I didn’t want to leave the game unfinished… so I looked up guides as the game itself doesn’t really have any explanation. I was able to beat the game, after learning I can upgrade stats permanently with certain items that can be bought in shops… it made the game bearable to play as the entire time I’ve been doing very little damage and taking so much dmg when I played normally without that knowledge… unfortunately the game wasn’t fun still as there were still many parts even with max stats and level I had frustration with… I was just able to beat it… finally.

So much fun with friends and is an amazing love letter to the series

not rly my thing but the soundtrack goes hard as HELL