Reviews from

in the past

Para ser un pseudo souls de star wars, la verdad es que me ha hecho sentir cosas

Great game that elevated everything that made Fallen Order great. Loved the exploration of the High Republic. Would give it 4.5 stars if the weren't for the technical issues that still haven't been completely ironed out. Fingers crossed we get the 3rd game this generation, and hopefully in a better launch state. Respawn does great work.

Um dos melhores jogos lançados em 2023, queimado por seus problemas de performance. Jedi Survivor evolui (e MUITO), tudo do Jedi Fallen Order. Excelente história do começo ao fim, muito cativante e não perde o ritmo em momento algum. O combate é muito dinâmico e divertido, Cal começa com várias das habilidades do jogo anterior e consegue muitas outras conforme o jogo avança, além das diversas posturas de ataque. Temos aqui um ótimo mundo aberto, onde se encontra diversos coletáveis bacanas, melhorias para o personagem, puzzles e diferentes tipos de inimigos e bosses (aprenda Final Fantasy 16). Os gráficos (versão de PC, RTX 3080) são bons em alguns momentos, piores em outros, se você estiver jogando na versão dos consoles, com frequência vai se deparar com quedas de resolução e framerate, o que não é bacana. OST é Star Wars, fãs da saga irão adorar. Menção honrosa ao estilo cinematográfico das cutscenes (que ficou excelente) e as lutas contra bosses, que são incríveis. Eu diria que nada é perfeito no Jedi Survivor, mas nada é mal feito e o jogo faz tudo muito bem.

Excelente jogo. 9/10

"Tell me, Cal Kestis... Why lead when they won't follow? Why fight when you can't win? What is your next move, Jedi?"

Amazing game, can't wait for the sequel.

Great game loved every minute of it

Forgot to log this. Anyways it’s great but god damn it ran like ass

Oof. Good story but not worth playing. Watch the cutscenes on YT.

Okay controversial but despite the performance issues I thought this game improved significantly on the first and is my favourite star wars game to date. It has an amazing story with a really good twist I did not see coming. The gamplay was challenging and fulfilling.

This has gone down as one of my favourite star wars games. I loved fallen order, but there were many aspects of that game that prevented me from loving it even more, such as a confusing map system and lack of customisation. Luckily, this was fixed in this game and I have ended up enjoying it so much more than fallen order.

surprisingly strong story. lightsaber combat is no jedi academy but definitely gets the closest in terms of fun.

The Good
- Improvements on much of Fallen Order
- Still really fun combat
- Very solid story

The Ok
- Very middling endgame

The Bad
- Multiple technical issues
- Poor planet variety

As the long-awaited sequel to Fallen Order, Survivor mostly succeeds. In fact, it’s in comparison to its predecessor that this game shines the most. Honestly, the best part is how it appears most of my major issues with Fallen Order were addressed here. There’s now a fast travel system, much better customization, more in-depth combat, and even a fun hub to expand upon. It all creates a great first impression, and it really fleshes out the game mechanics nicely. Presentation-wise, it’s solid. The music was predictably great, and the visuals are generally good. However, notable frame-rate drops were very common, which simply should not be the case on a PS5 with Performance Mode. In terms of the story, it’s approximately as good as Fallen Order’s. FO definitely had better antagonists, but I think that Survivor’s plot was just more fun to go through; assembling the band back together was great. After the story was completed, however, more flaws began to show. For one thing, it became apparent how little planet variety there truly was. While there are six explorable worlds, only two are sizable; the rest are much smaller. Plus, both of those two larger worlds are variations on a desert. Frankly, it’s a weird problem to have, when Fallen Order excelled here. Additionally, the side content after the main quest is finished is pretty lackluster. While it’s admittedly better than FO’s, there’s just not much real substance. The bounty hunters are cool, but it’s really just a procession of bosses followed by a cool cameo. The collectibles are mostly filler, the holo-tactics board is aggravatingly inconsistent, and your companions run out of new dialogue far sooner than I would like. Still, I did greatly enjoy myself, despite all that criticism, and Survivor is a clear improvement on Fallen Order.

I had high hopes for this one after the great surprise that was Jedi: Fallen Order. Thankfully, those hopes were met with improvements on nearly everything that the former did. Stances were a great addition to the combat, and the narrative goes places that feel natural, yet exciting all the same. Unfortunately, the release was plagued with performance issues across every platform (issues which to my knowledge still aren't completely fixed). The experience on PS5 on performance mode was frankly unacceptable on modern hardware, especially given what some other titles have been able to accomplish with the same (if not more) limitations from a technical perspective. Overall, a solid title that could have released to wider praise had it been given more time to work out its performance woes.

There are 2 random shithead npcs that always bring a smile to my fave

A great sequel, just as entertaining, even more fun.

It's rare that I feel compelled to complete every mission in a game, but this one is THAT fun

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Hello Cal Kestis it is me, Boba Fett from the hit film Star Wars Episode 5: The Empire Strikes Back and Star Wars Episode 6: Return of the Jedi 🤭

This game improves on literally everything from the first game in every way. Like, seriously. I have a fairly modern PC I think, and it ran just fine on High with rare bugs. It almost never detracted from my experience. If you liked the first game, you'll love this one!

I play on Normal difficulty, keep in mind. The combat in this game has several problems which frustrate to the point of it just not being fun. You can't cancel or back out of attack animations. Inputs sometimes feel unresponsive. Enemy attack animations are forced to connect so even if you dodge away from them, they literally slide across the floor to stick to you to continue whatever barrage of attacks they're delivering. The unblockable attacks on some enemies are so frequent and random that it's almost impossible to find a way in and when you do, it only takes off a fraction of their block meter which refills if you're not aggressive enough. Such strange stuff. It's just not fun. Was this first game like this? I can't remember.

I don't know what to think about that twist...

enjoyed it a lot, i really dig this format for a star wars game and they improved mechanically a lot from the first one. also narratively interested in what this is trying to set up for either a third game or some new media in the franchise (or both)

Jedi Survivor improves upon its predecessor in pretty much every way to varying degrees, and the developers of these games really understand what makes Star Wars great. The locations and characters are cool or interesting across the board. Greez's saloon in particular is honestly the highlight of this game. Combat is fun as well and the lightsaber customization is great. That said, In typical star wars fashion, the main story is nothing to write home about and the main villain comes out of nowhere (more than once)

Cool game overall had a fun time

Merrin could stab me and I’d thank her

Expands the first in a good direction, though I would've preferred more planets rather than something as big as Koboh or Jedah. Great story. Merrin best girl.

beaten once and started a new game + builds on the previous game and the double bladed stance as bueatiful animations and makes you feel like darth maul at times

Would be 5/5 without the crashes and freezes

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Reviewing Jedi Survivor is best done when comparing it to the first game, seeing where it improves upon Fallen Order and where it falls behind.

Gameplay - Jedi Survivor wins this quite easily, the stances in Survivor are a major improvement on those in Fallen Order, specifically the Crossguard and Blaster/Saber ones are a ton of fun to play with. The new movement abilities, specifically the grapple and air dash, allow for more unique area layouts and parkour scenarios.

Boss Fights - Jedi Survivor also wins this one. The bosses in Fallen Order lack a bit due to them all more or less just using a lightsaber and the force. Survivor mixes it up a bit more with Rayvis and Bode. Generally the bosses in Survivor have more traits to let them stand out, an example being Vader's fight which forces the play to stick close to him due to his force pull if you back up too far.

Enemy Variety - Jedi Survivor wins this but it's not as simple as Survivor just having more enemies. The new enemies in Survivor feel a lot more unique compared to each other than the enemies in Fallen Order. It feels as if they each have their own unique attributes and fighting styles more so than the enemies in Fallen Order (just comparing the humanoid enemies, ignoring the creatures).

Narrative - Fallen Order finally wins one. The story crafted in Fallen Order is just better than the one in Survivor. Cal's journey to become a jedi again and Cere's relationship with Trilla are much better than the race for Tanalorr. Bode's betrayal could have reached the level which Cere and Trilla's relationship are on but Bode's motives just aren't fleshed out or developed enough.

Characters - Fallen Order wins this by a mile. Survivor does have a great character with Bode, and some other really good character moments, but the game fails to properly use the characters. Cere is MASSIVELY underutilized causing her final moments to hit a lot softer than they could have if she was more present in the game. Merrin felt a bit wasted in Fallen Order but this is even more apparent in Survivor from the major relationship she has with Cal, her character just doesn't get enough development throughout the game. The only one of the original bunch who really got done well in Survivor was Greez. The antagonists also have issues with how they're used. From the little time they are physically there, there isn't enough development of them. Rayvis is about on par with the 9th Sister from Star Wars, if she was less imposing. Rayvis isn't made out to be a threat as much as the 9th Sister, he doesn't have any moment like the inquisitor's intense chase after Cal in Kashyyk or the joint-interrogation sequence in the start of the game with Trilla. This is really a shame because it's not until his boss fight (and death) where he really starts to stand out due to his sense of honor and hunger for battle. Coolest thing about him is that he's the same race as Durge. Dagan is almost frustratingly one-note. It's clear that the devs wanted to create an evil version of Cal, what if Cal's obsessive tendencies led to him going down a dark path, but this is where it ends. Everything we learn about Dagan is from the distant past, force echoes or visions. Not like the more recent purge which numerous characters were alive for, but instead something no one alive can connect to. Last but not least, there's Bode. His twist was masterfully written. From playing close attention to his voice lines and their delivery you can get a sense of uneasiness due to how unsure Bode is and sounds at times. I saw his betray coming, but the way it happened still took me by surprise. Him actually being a former jedi was also a massive surprise. Now here's the issue, the entire game's narrative was focused previously on Dagan and Tanalorr. Bode just doesn't get enough time to really develop. Whereas Trilla is built up across the entire game, Bode is only a villain for an hour or two. He just doesn't get enough time to really develop. This still could've been okay if before this point we went more into him as a character, but this wasn't done. Bode is a side character before his twist, one without much focus or importance. None of the antagonists are as imposing as Trilla, none of the antagonists are as complex as Trilla, and none of the antagonists shine as much as Trilla. I'd even argue that Taron Malicos was a better antagonist than both Rayvis and Dagan. Rayvis, Dagan, and Bode all had potential that went wasted.

Game Design/Direction - Fallen Order. Fallen Order knows what it wants to be and does it. Survivor, does not. Fallen Order spends a ton of time with the few main characters to further develop them to craft an interesting and gripping narrative. Jedi Survivor, on the other hand, is too loose. Too much dev time went into side content and characters, causing the characters that matter to really suffer. The game is just too ambitious for its own good. If the effort that went into Cere, Merrin, Trilla, and Greez went into Bode, Rayvis, and Dagan in the sequel then we could've had something truly fantastic. Instead, this focus was split across dozens of side characters which don't naturally play into the main game's campaign. This could have at least been somewhat redeemable if the major side quests naturally played into the game's story (look at Tears of the Kingdom's side adventures for major quests which organically fit into the game) but this doesn't really happen. The rest of the game also suffers from the devs' ambitions. If the general scope of the game was tuned down then I'm sure the bugs and optimization of the game would not be as poor.

Fun Bonus, Darth Vader appearance - Tied. Both of Vader's appearances are amazing. Him being an unstoppable force chasing Cal after killing Trilla in Fallen Order was fantastic, and his final duel with Cere in Survivor was also amazing. This was also a great way to wrap up Cere's character, and it ended up being my favorite boss fight across both entries.

great sequel expanding upon everything the first game did, including greater depth in combat, larger and more filled worlds, and impactful storytelling. platinum isn't overtly annoying and doesn't require all collectibles.