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The force is strong with this one!

Одна из лучших игр по Звездным Войнам. Красивые большие локации. Разнообразная боевая система. Интересные враги. Сюжет также очень интересен и затрагивает две абсолютно разные эпохи вселенной

Onto another sequel. This one also another worthy follow up. Both this and tears of the kingdom feel that exploration deserves to be rewarded mostly with customisations. Which in both cases has diminishing returns if you’re not that into them or you’ve got your fit already sorted.
I digress, this is expectedly a bombastic triple A experience with fun combat and traversal mechanics. I still don’t quite understand the need to have the souls thing in this game as much as I like the combat it doesn’t feel precise/solid enough to support it. The different combat stances however were a welcome change and getting to wield a blaster and a lightsaber in one stance and a twin saber in another made enemy encounters a blast to go through (pardon the pun).
The story very confidently builds on what occurred in fallen order and has some really emotional highs and lows that I obviously won’t spoil here. If you liked the first you’ll get a kick out of it for sure.
The negative is however worth mentioning here. Unfortunately this game is still buggy in places. Some had me laughing while others ruined certain story moments.
A triumphant defeat of a boss turned comical when in the cutscene as they were struck the death blow they started to stutter and teleport between 2 positions and then violently so as their body lay on the floor after the cutscene.
Another when two characters kiss they completely missed while one was snogging the others nose and one was kissing the air under the others chin.
Also after defeating another character as their body lay on the floor the fight with them started again and I had to fight them and beat them again all the while their body was still on the floor!
I also had two crashes but the main thing is you never know when or where it’s going to happen and it can ruin your experience at times.
Overall I enjoyed the game underneath the mess and hopefully more stable builds will come.

haven't even finished it but yea this seems about right

İnceleme en kısa zamanda eklenecek İnceleme Videosu İçin Tıklayın Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order İncelemesi İçin Tıklayın

apart from the frame drops and performance issues its better than everything from fallen order thar was very good too

Apart from the performance problems which I experienced very little, This game is an improvement in every way. More customization, better combat, better movement, and a better story. Dagan Gera's reveal and Kyber crystal bleed had me screaming.

Better than the first in every aspect

This sequel was amazing. Apart from the slight bugs and graphics mistakes, this game is a true step above the previous and creates the perfect Star Wars exploration game. The movement and parkour is on steroids now, and the combat is delicious. The story is absurdly good, and the twists and everything surrounding it was great.

My biggest issue was how I kinda wish there were more planets. It felt more like a go to Koboh, then Jedha, then back to Koboh, then back to Jedha. The story and mystery felt more tight and packed. And a little more enemy variety wouldn't hurt. AMAZING GAME, if you liked the first in any way, play this one.

Overall: Jedi Survivor improves everything about Jedi: Fallen Order's gameplay and creates a world worth exploring every nook and cranny, but the story doesn't live up to the first installment.

Pros: Gameplay is smoother with more combat and traversal options, better exploration, and an overall better play experience. Voice acting is top notch once again as well.

Cons: Story isn't as good as the first game, technical glitches brought down the experience once again.

4.25 Stars
I consider Jedi: Fallen Order to be amongst the best games that I’ve ever played. So, I was extremely excited to see everything new that this game had to offer and it didn’t disappoint. Many things have been added or expanded upon from its predecessor and are mostly worthwhile additions. It adds more enemies and abilities, a huge main world to explore, side quests (rumors), challenges, an immensely fun mini game, and more. Holotactics is now one of my favorite mini games ever. You also get an outpost to interact with and recruit intriguing NPCs to. This game also has one of the coolest action sequences that I’ve ever played through (when you escape the Pilgrim Sanctuary with Merrin).

This game has some flaws though. First, the beginning of the plot feels like happenstance, more so than I can recall in any other game. No spoilers, but is Cal the luckiest Jedi in the galaxy? Also, the villain’s motives seem naive and are not fleshed out enough. Second, you obtain some gadgets very late in the story, which slightly discourages exploration, even after 25+ hours. Last, sometimes the controls are unresponsive and there are minor glitches that caused me to restart the game (R1 button not working, couldn’t change stance, or couldn’t cycle targets.)

Combat in this game was slightly frustrating too. I played on Jedi Master (Hard mode) difficulty, for context. The ranged enemies are irritating. Whether attacking them or deflecting their shots back at them, they are highly evasive. The targeting controls are messy, so when targeting someone, if I get attacked, the game will switch targets. There was also one instance where I had an enemy trapped in a corner and he dodged all of my attacks, despite my lightsaber clipping through his body. Finally, some mini bosses have one hit kill attacks (not present in Fallen Order), which adds another level of frustration.

I personally enjoyed Jedi: Fallen Order slightly more. I found it to be simpler and better paced. The vast amount of combat options in this game is frankly overwhelming and unnecessary. And, maybe the story could have been told better. Regardless, this is an amazing sequel that I still highly recommend. The plot gets pretty dark towards the end and I can’t wait to see the payoff in another entry.

The Star Wars Jedi series has perfected exciting lightsaber-centric gameplay, but nearly every major character is less interesting than they were in Fallen Order, and no moment comes close to matching the heights of that game's conclusion (An all-time great gaming moment). Survivor is good, but I was still disappointed.

This game knocked it out of the park. I loved Fallen Order and this game further built upon its predecessor's strengths and fixed many of its weaknesses. I heard that this game was extremely iffy on launch, but I'm honestly surprised by how well my game ran compared to Fallen Order which in contrast was fairly unoptimized. I'd get the occasional frame drop and graphical bugs but it didn't really take me out of it.
Story is great, gameplay is awesome and I loved the new skill system, and the customization options are great.

Edit: this game made me almost cry

This game totally blew me away by how good it is, the story is soooo good. I haven't played a game where I've been sucked into the story like this one since Hollow Knight, I loved every minute of it. The exploration is great and the combat is near perfection for a Star Wars game. Customization options are really cool and varied. I don't have anything bad to say about this game except sometimes the difficulty spikes are weird, but you can change the difficulty

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they really smeared shit on a diamond with that twist

Jedi Survivor is a definite upgrade over Fallen Order, which I also loved, enhancing its combat, semi open world and platforming! The platforming especially is something I loved about the game, combining wall running, force pulling, dashing and grappling is just so smooth and satisfying!!! It's not a perfect game though, including a lot of bugs and frame rate issues. At first, I thought the story itself was not as interesting as the first one which led me to be less engaged with the game overall. But once that amazing plot twist happens, the story really hits its strides.

Jedi Survivor is the best Star Wars game so far, slightly ahead of Fallen Order. A potential third game would take the cake

I liked this one a helluva lot more than the last one. The character writing feels just as tight as before, and the combat I would say is finally good. It would legit be perfect if i could DMC style switch between all styles like a madman but i get that theyre cowards. Ive also never seen that much screen tearing and pop ins in a game before and it was on ps5 it was crazy

Huge upgrade from Fallen Order in pretty much every department except for the story in my opinion. Got all the achievements which wasn't too tedious but I didn't go for true 100% completion. There was no way in HELL I was gonna find all those seed packets on Koboh.

the gameplay is solid, even if the new stances are a waste. Main problem with the game is the narrative, biggest issue being that it is very boring. just uninteresting all around, then the last 20% goes from boring to very dumb.

they added a greatsword lightsaber to star wars but didn't have the balls to make the blade actually thick. disney has simultaneous saved and ruined star wars

A true sequel - meaning that just about everything that was an issue in the first game has been improved here. Combat feels better and comes with lots of different styles, exploration feels more rewarding with different prizes and way more customization options, worlds feel like they are built with tons of depth and have much more to do than the linear worlds of the previous game (the trade off is that there are less worlds). It feels like they made a bunch of fun new mechanics and gameplay abilities within the game itself too, for both combat and traversal.

My main issue with the game comes from the performance, of course. I didn’t ruin into any game-ending bugs or anything, heck the game didn’t even crash for me once, but there’s a lot of visual hiccups and a weird blurry-ness over a lot of the movement in the game. Some story moments towards the end also felt a little messier than the beats towards the beginning. Feels like some other things could use some polish, but this is a huge step up from the first game in that sense.

An easy recommendation for any Star Wars fan - it’s a story in that universe done very right and leaves me wanting a third game to wrap up plenty of interesting loose ends that were purposely set. Anyone who isn’t a Star Wars person should still check it out if it looks interesting to them. It’s got plenty of heart and some really loveable characters, and it should be played if only for that.

This review contains spoilers

Having not played the first game I was surprisingly kinda excited to play Star Wars Jedi Survivor and it was ... good? Idk I liked the game sure but of course I heard about the game releasing in a messy state and my excitement kinda got drained but I persevered.

First off I did have performance issues throughout the game. At the very start there is supposed to be a prompt to use the force to move a piece of railing to climb up, I never got the prompt and when i quit to the main menu and started the save back up again, my game crashed. I also had frames drop during cutscenes very frequently. So this put a damper on my overall score for the game.

I found some of the platforming very inconsistent, when it was good it was great I loved it but when it was bad... it just didn't work? On multiple occasions Cal just fell off the wall for no reason and wouldn't climb onto some walls even though I jumped as near as possible to it. I will say though near the end of the game when you get the grappling hook, I found that very fun.

The combat is very good, I thoroughly enjoyed the options of stances and upgrading each stance till I found my favourite (crossguard). The parrying system is satisfying and hitting blasters back at stormtroopers gave me good supply of dopamine. One grievance I did have with the combat was some enemies unblockable attacks (red attacks). The game says to evade the enemies when they flash red and sometimes that didn't work (potential skill issue). I also thought the last boss fight with Bode was ridiculously hard considering I played on Jedi Knight or Normal.

The story was great which was a pleasant surprise considering it's star wars and they haven't made very many good movies recently. I love Cal as a protagonist and found his relationship with Merrin believable and compelling. I LOVED Bode turning bad, I kinda thought he was dodgy at the start but he won me over as a good guy eventually and then boom he kills Master Cordova, great twist. I loved Dagan Gera's story arc and liked how he had a very good reason to be a bad guy and found him very believable as the main villain for the first half, two thirds of the game. Cere's death felt meaningful and the fact Darth Vader was the one to do it makes me like it even more. I also found the game pretty funny. I thought some of the characters in the Saloon were class, like Turgle who you save from Rayvis. I came across some Echos that were Turgle getting threatened by bandits for trying to scam them which I found hilarious.

Star Wars: Jedi Survivor gets a 3.5/5 for me and it's a very frustrating score because I think with a few tweaks to the mechanics and bug fixes it could easily have been a 4 or even 4.5.

Found the story very underwhelming with some elements lined up to be something big but then to just sort of go nowhere. Even after a few months there were still bugs and a crash in my ps5. Character felt floaty and some of the 1 hit attacks were brutal.

This was an absolute blast and improved drastically on the original. I was very satisfied with the game overall. There were some slight frame drops and bugs but nothing that hindered my experience at all. I still don’t care for much in the story but there’s a few twists and turns that caught me off guard. The game is gorgeous, gameplay is very fun and deep, and there’s just so much to do. Definitely pick this one up.

Further proof that Respawn’s jaunt through a galaxy far, far away is doing more interesting things with Star Wars than most of the films. Loved all of the multi-era storytelling, the tough-as-nails combat, and the evolution of Cal’s movement that with every new power made me long for a Jedi platforming game sometime down the line. However, I definitely didn’t care for the multitude of crashes, performance issues on PS5, and fully bugged quests. It’s a shame because with a bit more time in the oven, this could have been the best Star Wars game of all time upon release, but instead it will just have to settle for the best Star Wars game of all time a few months from now when it’s all patched up.

Some heinous technical bugs that impeded missions being completed, and endemically poor graphics performance across platforms mar what might have been the greatest Star Wars game ever. The story is right on the mark, better than the recent films and most of the shows. As a Star Wars experience, this is top tier.
As a game, however, it's got some hollow bones. Though it's inspired by Sekiro and Soulslikes, the combat is too reactive in its boss duels, since the guard and counter system crowds out any creative plays. There's also no way to take the initiative. Not even your special attacks earned with hard won skill points will matter all that much. You wait for your windows and hit til they close; repeat. Battles with swarms of enemies are more interesting, especially when there are some bruisers mixed in with pawns. The force powers and environments combine for some fun combat options.
Traversal is initially elating with the ability to run across walls and jump and dash, but the feeling of freedom is closed down by the restrictive environments, where every little ledge and crawlspace has been planned out to either accommodate or deny you entry. No creativity allowed. This is represented by the map which shows you in simple polygons the predetermined paths you are to take. The environments are pretty but just window dressing on a very rote metroidvania skeleton. And despite some self-contained force dream sequences, there's no platforming to speak of, at least not the sort that rewards skill. What's fundamentally at issue here is how the traversal moves are almost entirely divorced from combat. Outside of the jump and dash, none of the cool traversal moves you do matter at all in combat. decades ago, Kyle Katern could slice a stormtrooper's head off while running on a wall. This is an odd step backward. On the other hand this is the series that finally got blocking blaster bolts right. Not a small thing to make a fluid, cinematic game that really does make you feel like you're playing the movie. But games aren't movies and so it's the attempt to blend the two visually that, ironically, makes the gameplay feel more wooden. For a studio that got so much right in Titanfall making motion feel fun, the stilted motion here is disappointing.
The upside is a series that has come into its own and has elevated people's expectations for a singleplayer Star Wars game. The many cosmetic options are more important than they seem. Being able to dress up your action figures and go play with them makes the world feel lived in and variable. Getting to dress up your SW action figures is not a small part of the fun of playing. This is the first game that has hung its hat entirely on creating a quality SP experience and it shows. Despite the shallow gameplay it's a solid 7/10.