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Still Wakes the Deep: Menosprezado por alguns como lendas antes dele.

NĂŁo Still Wakes the Deep nĂŁo Ă© desenvolvido pela mesma Dev que fez Alien: Isolation, acho que nem publicado pela mesma publisher... E na verdade enquanto jogos eles nĂŁo tĂȘm nenhuma relação entre sim...

Mas isso nĂŁo significa que nĂŁo existam coisas em comum aqui...

As "belĂ­ssimas" (Tom IrĂŽnico) Reviews que alguns veĂ­culos vieram a conceder para ambos os jogo...

Em geral isso também tem se repetido com jogos de Horror de diversas formas diferentes. A não ser por algumas excessÔes, como franquias maiores, ou devs jå conhecidas... No geral jogos de terror tendem a receber no måximo uma nota 8 independente do que eles se propÔem a ser.

Rolou com Darkwood, Alien: Isolation, e aquela review "Monumental" (Tom IrÎnico) da Ign, e agora também com Still Wakes the Deep.

Citei esses dois games pois ambos atualmente jĂĄ sĂŁo considerados clĂĄssicos do horror moderno na indĂșstria. Mesmo tendo propostas diferentes, mas que sĂŁo muito bem aplicadas em suas diferentes mecĂąnicas... Assim como outros exemplos, vide Detention e Devotion, da Red Candle e atĂ© Soma, e Amnesia: The Bunker, tambĂ©m sĂŁo exemplos.

E acredito que Still Wake também pode, caso os fãs o abracem, ser colocado nessa mesma prateleira...

Still Wakes the Deep é um game de horror narrativo, com uma pitada de ação em alguns momentos... E eu não vou mentir, gostei muito do que foi apresentando aqui. Seja no design da plataforma na qual estamos, na narrativa contada por fora das falas, nos cenårios, ou até na fantåstica performance dos atores de cada personagem, que só não podem ser descritos como a melhor do ano pois Hellblade II também lançou aqui.

Os momentos de tensĂŁo e de tranquilidade sĂŁo muito bem balanceados, o que nesse jogo faz total diferença para que a cadĂȘncia da histĂłria em si seja bem aplicada... O jogo nĂŁo Ă© longo, mas nĂŁo precisa ser, sua narrativa Ă© tĂŁo bem montada que em momento nenhum eu me senti cansado, ou com vontade de parar de jogar.

Além de que tem momentos muito interessantes nesse jogo mas que eu não posso dizer pois seria Spoiler.

Agora algo interessante que eu poderia criticar seria o fato de que seus puzzles nĂŁo sĂŁo muito complexos... Mas mesmo sendo um ponto negativo, isso ainda assim nĂŁo hĂĄ tanto peso pela forma como esses mesmos puzzles sĂŁo distribuĂ­dos e aplicados...

Girar uma manivela nĂŁo Ă© difĂ­cil e dĂĄ pra aprender rĂĄpido.... Mas Ă© difĂ­cil de fazer isso quando tem um ser que vocĂȘ nĂŁo sabe o que Ă© te perseguindo sem olhar a quem....

No final das contas, Still Wakes the Deep faz tudo o que se propĂ”em muito bem... E tem muitos mĂ©ritos... Acredito que no futuro olharĂŁo para esse game com o carinho que olham para outros do gĂȘnero. E devo dizer que a Chinese Room fez um Ăłtimo retorno a indĂșstria com ele.

Para Still Wakes the Deep um 8.8/10 ou um 4/5... Recomendo muito, principalmente por estar no Gamepass agora no lançamento...

vou resumir o jogo inteiro: Uh oh, quebrou alguma coisa aqui! atravesse o lugar inteiro até o Ponto B. Uh oh! outra coisa quebrou novamente! atravesse o lugar inteiro de novo até o ponto C... OH NO!! QUEBROU DE NOVO!!!
Junta um sistema de gato e rato do Amnesia The Dark Descent (só que ainda mais simples), e uma série de corredores lineares e temos Still Wakes the Deep. Essa ser a desenvolvedora que estå fazendo Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines 2 é realmente uma divina comédia.

Still Wakes The Deep, despite having what I think is a pretty stupid and mid title is actually quite an enjoyable experience that I hope more people get to experience and aren't put off by the title. The game has incredible art direction and is very appealing to fans of lovecraftian horror or games like Dead Space and Resident Evil.
The oil rig setting is great and the atmosphere of the tight corridors and leaking pipes does very well for a horror game. The creatures designs are awesome and are very reminiscent of the creature from Carrion. I also want to point out the oil textures and how they fuse with the flesh to create something genuinely unique looking and not just another Resident Evil looking creature. This goes for the environments aswell, the game is stunning. The writing is also something I wasn't expecting to be as good as it was. While the story is pretty straight forward, I felt a connection to the characters that is alot more than you can say about most horror games.
Onto the negatives, the games structure is very linear, which isn't bad, but with the lack of gameplay elements it does tend to feel like just walking in a straight line with a few levers to pull. I won't spoil any sections but the hiding from the monster parts are pretty short and a tad janky from my experience so it doesn't have the same level of fear that other horror games like Alien Isolation can pull off. It also doesnt give the game much replay value but thats alright for a 4 hour game. With all said I'd still recommend the game if you think it looks cool, it was definitely my type of setting, but the gameplay keeps it from truly standing out amongst its horror game competitors.

"Jesus loves you, but everyone else thinks you're a cunt."

best case scenario for combining The Thing with oceanic cosmic horror, imo. doesn't reach the narrative heights that A Machine For Pigs does but this is such a taut experience throughout - I'm a mark for horror set on the ocean and cosmic horror so of course I really fucked with this

Still Wakes The Deep is a game I've been looking forward to for a long time. I'm glad to report that the game is indeed great. As expected after watching the trailer, the setting on the Oil Rig is pretty unique and I think this is the first game that used such a setting. The writing is also surprisingly good despite the fact that the story is rather straight forward. I did feel a connection to the main character and there were quiet a few emotional moments which I didn't expect.

I also like the creature design, it is a mix between The Thing and Lovecraft. Luckily they didn't spoil the design of the monsters in the trailer which is pretty rare nowadays. My biggest problem was how incredibly linear the game felt for the most part, even though I was already expecting something like that. The other issue that I experienced was a softlock where I had to pull a switch but it didn't work so I had to start a new playtrough halfway through the game. The lack of gameplay elements prevent it from being an outstanding game. Don't get me wrong there are gameplay elements, like a very simple hiding mechanic, being able to throw objects to distract the monsters or pulling levers. But these elements are representative of the horror game standards from 2010-12. Because of that some evil tongues might call this just a boring walking sim.

But Still Wakes The Deep is far from boring. It has a great atmosphere, voice acting and art direction and these things make it a really immersive experience. The writing is surprisingly good and the design of the monsters is one of the more unique ones in recent years. Overall a entertaining experience with a immersive atmosphere but don't expect to much gameplay-wise

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historia bem legal, protagonista muito cativante.
o final foi bom, mas para mim poderia ter tomado um rumo mais feliz que me agradaria mais.

The voice acting was very well done. The audio in general was really good. I found myself bored just walking from set piece to set piece though. I liked the atmosphere they built, and seeing the degradation of the rig and growth of the "thing" as the game goes on was also very cool. Was able to finish the game in one sitting which is nice for this type of experience.

Super fun horror game. The environment was beautifully crafted, and the monsters were creepy. You had to crawl through narrow vents, balance on high beams, and swim through dangerous waters, all while avoiding the dangerous monsteres. The stealth missions and chase sequences were also very thrilling.

The game was a bit on the short side (I completed it in 5 hours), but I personally see that as a plus rather than a minus. I'm afraid that if it had lasted longer, it would have become boring.

The one thing they could've done better is the story. It wasn't very interesting and lacked depth.

Estava eu tranquilamente passando pelo catålogo do Gamepass quando vi esse jogo que lançaria dali algumas semanas. Passado esse tempo, entrei no backloggd e vi uma Review da @Rebeccaecaeca destruindo o jogo e pensei, ei! não deve ser tão ruim assim!

É. É bem ruim. Bem bem ruim. É triste que vocĂȘ percebe haver muitas pessoas talentosas por trĂĄs do jogo, os grĂĄficos sĂŁo lindos, o design de muita coisa Ă© bem satisfatĂłrio mas Ă© SÓ isso. HistĂłria, ausente. Personagens, inexpressivos. AtĂ© a dublagem do jogo em inglĂȘs e a legenda em Pt-Br ficaram deixando a desejar.

O level design desse jogo parece uma piada, eu como amante de um bom level / game design me senti OFENDIDO com o funcionamento do jogo.

Olha, vocĂȘ caiu! Agora, ande em linha reta por mais 20 minutos, lembre-se que em TODA oportunidade de cruzar algum tipo de passagem, vocĂȘ VAI TER que apertar algo pra se segurar ou pular, pois nĂŁo sabemos como preencher o espaço do ponto A ao ponto B.

Tinta amarela por todo lugar, Ă© sĂ©rio, vocĂȘ tĂĄ andando reto e tem uma alavanca na sua frente (que em toda vez que aparece vocĂȘ precisa clicar, segurar, e entĂŁo apertar alguma tecla, esperando que a animação seja feita), essa alavanca Ă© amarela. Aquela outra coisa que vocĂȘ precisa mexer ali tambĂ©m Ă© amarela. A borda em que vocĂȘ se segura Ă© amarela. As janelas sĂŁo amarelas pra mostrar que vocĂȘ pode mexer naquilo, as portas sĂŁo amarelas, os dutos de ar sĂŁo amarelos, eu tĂŽ me sentindo a porra do HeyTails aqui.

Fora que eu fiquei mais da metade do jogo pensando, ok, um 6/10, 5/10 pra esse jogo tĂĄ bom. DaĂ­ chegou o final do jogo e puta merda, existe uma perseguição que ocorre a 2 metros por segundo, existem monstros que te perseguem de longe pra ter certeza que vocĂȘ vai alcançar a porta / corredor a tempo de acontecer alguma animação e vocĂȘ estar seguro novamente.

Pensei que seria um suspiro ao gĂȘnero, infelizmente deveria ter permanecido no fundo do mar.

EDIT: Enquanto eu jogava, minha internet caiu e eu segui o jogo dessa forma, agora eu fui ver a lista de conquistas e percebi que não peguei conquistas padrÔes da história, tipo zerar o jogo ou passar da metade dele. Obrigado, Gamepass!

A breath of fresh air to the horror genre. I missed the old story-driven horror games. I just love it when a game not only wants to scare you but also tells you a story. This is a beautiful short story that I liked, and I just hope that games like this come out regularly.

Good indie game, especialy acessible on game pass, the modeling, facial expressions and graphics are better than some AAA games, but even being a next gen game the loading breaks the immersion, but is a good horror game where the only thing you can do is distract run and hide

Buen guiĂłn y actuaciones. Corta duraciĂłn. Esta bueno.

QTEs, slow walking and swimming, stealth segments. It's exactly what you'd expect.
Great vocal performances and some set pieces look really pretty.

An excellently crafted horror experience. The oil rig setting is fully taken advantage of to create tension, full of navigating tight and dangerous spaces, dizzying heights, mechanical or electrical whatsits, and more. The visual design of the space is very effective at making it feel like a real lived-in workplace... for the most part.

There is perhaps an overreliance on game-y level design elements that break the immersion a bit. It goes beyond the usual "yellow paint = important" flair, with one room in particular you walk into full of hidey-holes to avoid monster detection before there's any monster there, making it obvious what's going to happen in a couple of minutes.

The animation work of the characters you encounter are great, but for the monsters it's absolutely superb, with physics-enabled procedural tendrils that make their movements organic yet unnatural.

The audio design is atmospheric and immersive, and of course in true fashion for The Chinese Room, the writing, voice acting, and music are pitch perfect and fittingly emotional.

The developer released an alpha version of the game to "free" Xbox Game Pass without half the graphics settings, without DLSS and FSR support. GFE doesn't even recognize it as a game. Steam and EGS have a finalized version. This is nothing but a scam. Shame.

Just want to say that I absolutely loved

Unashamedly linear and held up exclusively by painfully standard 2010s horror game mechanics, with a nice coat of yellow paint at every step, but it still manages to be quite an engaging 5 hour thrill ride. The great art direction, sound design, voice acting and small but tight plot really sell a specific experience of comradery and simple but strong relationships between everyday people that find themselves in a truly terrifying situation. The oil rig itself is also very accomplished, with convincing connected interiors that you get to re-explore multiple times.

Worth a shot for the right price, especially inside Game Pass.

This review contains spoilers

MALDITO DEMOGORGON MATOU TODOS MEUS AMIGOS e seria um jogo perfeito se nĂŁo fosse uns diĂĄlogos bestas, principalmente na morte mais importante do jogo

If the 'yellow paint in games' discourse hadn't already started on twitter a few months ago then the release of Still Wakes the Deep would have single-handedly willed it into existence. Without exaggeration near enough every action the player is expected to take - pulling a lever, hiding in a cabinet, crawling through a vent, going in a particular direction etc etc - is signposted with yellow paint. I promise you this is not something that usually bothers me. If anything I've found the endless chatter about it a bit overwrought. The underlying point - that modern visuals trend towards clutter, meaning developers don't trust the player to find their own way - is apparent enough that it doesn't need litigating over and over. No one should be getting in a tizzy because the barrels in RE4 Remake have a bit of yellow on them. But it's so prevalent here. And the game doesn't need it much at all! Your path in any given moment is extremely obvious as everything is a set of very narrow spaces with any potentially confusing branch clearly barricaded off. Puzzles and interactions with the environment are simple. It's all patently meant to keep you moving in a high-pace, movie-like way but...throwing the excessive yellow paint on top of such stifling design... You become hyper-aware of the rails you're riding on. It's jarring. I'm necking about five different types of meds right now though so who knows

very good presentation but it’s a wee bit shorter than i was expecting, finished it in one sitting

I really liked it for the most part, for better and worse its the "Uncharted" of weird lovecraft body horror but the end is kind of abrupt for all the build and not as satisfying as you'd like, as is the tradition of horror games I suppose.

”Get to fuck, and when you come back, fuck off again”

Finally playing a game that isn’t voice-acted by Americans feels like surfacing from water for air.
Enjoyed this so much I played it in one sitting, probably because my favourite genre is “Guy In a Crumbling Facility”, to an extent where I’m certain they copied the homework of not only Infra but the HBO Chernobyl TV show in the game’s opening hours. Easy to bemoan the incredibly 2010’s cat-and-mouse horror gameplay during the moments you’re skirting around an enemy - as well as the fact that the entire game is hyper linear with a constant throughline of the game design yellow paint carrot-on-stick. There were certainly points where I went ah fuck this again when met with another Uncharted climbing sequence, but I felt that the entire game was paced very consistently, and the dialogue was pitch-perfect I love Roy and Caz.

Still Wakes the Deep really is only a short hop away from The Chinese Room’s prior A Machine For Pigs in schema, it feels to me that they were able to put what they learned from that project to task and lean into their strengths to make something that comes across as more whole, even if it took them surrendering A:AMFP’s fun thematics for something closer to a BBC One Original Drama.

Small notes:
-A shame that they couldn’t get Jessica Curry back on the soundtrack, which only ended up kind of middling here if I’m honest!!!!
-The rig was incredibly well-realised, I loved that you could see it bend and warp and shake in the wind and against the waves
-When the Horrific Otherworldly Entity is kind of beautiful to look at I really like dat.
-Maybe it’s just because I got motion sickness a few times, but the game feels like it could have been a VR game? The way the character’s arms respond to the environment was so Boneworks
-Enjoyed seeing real 70’s health and safety posters dotted around, they go so dumb hard
-It's not funny but I find it very funny that oil rigs have a "Mud Handling" facility

A compelling horror yarn with a gorgeous rendition of a Scottish oil rig. It’s a shame that despite its sprawling setting, you may as well be walking through a long, twisting corridor: you’re barely given room to explore, and never once have to question where you’re running to as you’re being chased. It destroys most of the tension, though it can be fucking creepy when it’s firing on all cylinders!

If you dig first-person horror games and have Game Pass, playing it is a no-brainer: it’s a memorable, five-hour romp. We only wish it lived up to its unique, dreary setting.

Wonderfully authentic setting and dialogue, definitely one of my favourite Outlast / SOMA lites of the past few years. Perhaps a bit too light on the actual gameplay, and I maybe would have liked a bit more depth on the origins of the creature / variety in enemies, but still a fantastically crafted experience nonetheless.

Still Wakes the Deep is another great work from developer Chinese Room. I loved Everybody's Gone to the Rapture and, while this isn't quite up there with it, it is still a very solid game and one of the best story driven games of 2024.

If you like Lovecraft and The Thing, make sure to play this as it takes a lot from both. Of course don't expect any complex gameplay systems, this is a "walking sim" at heart, but exploring the beautifully rendered enviroments of the Beira oil rig and its terrifying otherwordly elements is plenty fun even if sometimes way too linear for my taste.

Overall Chinese Room only needs to prove themselves with a gameplay dense game, because writing, sound, visuals and voice acting are absolutely strenghts for the studio. In this sense, Vampire The Masquerade 2 will be a crucial test for them.

SCOTLAND FOREVER!!! Nah, but seriously though, played it through Xbox game pass and thought it was a neat horror game (We don't get a lot of horror games that take place on an oil rig.). Some gripes:
- Really short horror game, beat it in less than 2 hours. Didn't ignore looking for notes, picking up the phones or talking to the crew.
- Gonna have to agree with another reviewer here, wish they added a bit more context on what this eldritch monstrosity was. Unless there was a piece of lore that I missed that mentioned that digging at this oil site had some bad juju and the company just dug anyways despite the warnings. Seriously anything that would of gave this a bit more context to imagine what type of monster this is (Dormant within the earth or it came from space.) would of bumped my grade a bit higher.
-Didn't really care that much about the side cast.
Despite that, I hope they can pull off an interesting experience for Vampire the Masquerade 2 whenever that comes out.

Um jogo muito imersivo, contando uma histĂłria cativante, embora nĂŁo tenha grandes aspectos de gameplay e nĂŁo tenha uma dificuldade elevada, compensa pela histĂłria e pelos assuntos que, implicitamente, traz a tona, o ideal para curtir uma boa histĂłria que pode ser completada em um dia sĂł, com certeza uma boa pedida para todos os pĂșblicos, mais que um jogo, uma experiĂȘncia!

Still Wakes the Deep (almost) swims perfectly when it comes to the first-person horror genre. The visuals, audio and voice acting are all top notch here and the Beira D rig is stunning, crammed with detail and character that makes for one of the most unsettling and claustrophobic atmospheres I've experienced in a horror game. All of this combined perfectly with a mysterious and captivating story that constantly keeps you wanting more!