Reviews from

in the past

I think the visuals are pretty, but I shelved it because I wasn't feeling much while playing. I got lost a bunch and didn't know if I just had to listen to all the voice recordings, or if there was somewhere else I had to go through. I'll pick it back up soon and probably restart it to get a fresh run-through.

I know it's hard to justify the connection of gameplay with story. It's supposed to be a dream that the protagonist, but the collectibles kinda ruin that premise. Even though, there's something in its story and its sincerity that I can't look past to.

visuals were nice, but i got lost in the game for like an hour and decided to stop playing

It was fine, enjoyed it enough to be worthwhile. Definitely feels like the developers' first project, and the writing and voice acting was a little clunky, but I see what they were going for.

-- Cheesy
-- No Gameplay
- Meh graphics

This was an indie game that promised a compelling narrative rather than quality gameplay. I went into this knowing that. Like, oh, it's on sale for really cheap on the Nintendo Switch eshop, sure let's try it, it won't take too much of my time. Despite that, this is still one of my least favourite games of all time. It's so mind-numbingly pretentious that I wanted to burn the (digital) copy of the game and forget it ever existed. It's all just good marketing and good advertisment, that's all. The game has nothing to offer in any aspect of gaming. It tries too hard to be intellectual. It's extremely boring, the writing is just plain corny, and I regret the dollar I spent on the game not because I lost the money, but because it went to the devs of this stupid game. Waste of money, uber-profound cash-grab, please erase all discussions of this game in the history of mankind.

Bonito final, mas meio repetitivo até chegar lá

Obviously some guys first game. Very boring with a mildly touching narrative. But the narrative didn't map onto gameplay well.

Not a lot to say on that.

An overall disappointing game. Non existent art direction. Boring talking stuff. Lame plateforming gameplay.

L’ambiance était sympa mais un game play chiant à mourir est une histoire qu’on arrive pas à suivre

My endless love for this game 💗 All the disadvantages of the gameplay for me are covered by the story told by the main character, it is touching and very sincere. It's hard not to be attracted to her.

Uh... I mean the game looks good? I found it hard to stay hooked to the game when you move soooo slowly and with the jumping being so clunky. The story of the guy and his girlfriend seems interesting, but I think I'd rather just watch or read a summary cause this game isn't the most entertaining to me.

secretly mormon, dissatisfying ending, waste of money


This game is beautiful. The imagery is amazing, make a pause whenever you discover a new piece of story, rotate the camera and enjoy the view.
Don't activate the commentary, it will spoil the whole experience in the first minute of the game.

This game was fine enough until I got stuck for more than a minute or two and then the desire to play it left me, never to return. I liked the narration stuff, but didn't want to wander around in the woods to get to hear more of it.

I love the conceit of this game: traversing a beautiful dreamscape while listening to a compelling story. But for a game like this to work it needs to be well written and well acted, and this is neither. The writing is cumbersome and the acting is weirdly directed, creating an awkwardness that is matched by unnatural movement in the dreamscape. The audio and visuals are great, but the game just doesn't deliver narratively or mechanically.

Not worth it. Really nothing to say about this game besides that I felt compelled to buy it because of the nice visuals but not even that saves it from being an empty game.

What does the fox say?

Nothing, he says nothing, this is a chill game

[Main Story]
A small game with a strong message where throughout the game it makes itself known to the player, leaving a tear in the corner of the eye.

Se me dissessem que um jogo aparentemente simples como The First Tree, desenvolvido totalmente por uma única pessoa com base na sua história pessoal, seria capaz de me marcar tão profundamente, teria duvidado do que me estavam a dizer. No entanto, foi exatamente isso que aconteceu, e logo no primeiro jogo que passei este ano.

Em The First Tree não existem inimigos, não há game overs, e as mecânicas não são super complexas.

O jogo atira-nos diretamente para a sua aventura, dá-nos controlo de uma raposa e permite-nos explorar o seu belo mundo livremente. A jogabilidade pode parecer um pouco desajeitada por vezes, principalmente devido aos movimentos que nem sempre respondem da melhor forma. No entanto, isso contribui para a simplicidade do jogo, que não tenta ser mais do que realmente é. Aqui, o foco está na narrativa, não necessariamente numa jogabilidade perfeita e isenta de bugs.

É uma experiência que desafia as preconceções sobre o que um jogo feito por uma "One Man Team" pode alcançar. A narrativa comovente e a atmosfera envolvente criada pela banda sonora e pelos visuais combinam-se para formar algo único.

A jornada da raposa e a história de vida do narrador estão entrelaçadas, abordando temas como a perda e o arrependimento, mas de uma maneira leve.

The First Tree é uma aventura memorável e altamente recomendável para todos os que procuram algo deste género.

Boring game, very empty world full of a couple of random unity assets strewn about.

Wank ass narrative. Middle class white guy talks about how hard his life was and no one understood him growing up. Total wank.

It was meant to be meditative & hold a special message, but the gameplay was boring & navigating the environment was a chore.

I’ve looked at this game for years always waiting for that one day I would find the time to play it. It never happened for many reasons, until lately, a friend gifted it to me, forcing me to finally save some time for it.
The game tells a really special story, with a short, yet long experience, not necessarily for good reasons.
Persé there is nothing wrong with the game, but some game design choices make it longer if not frustrating.
The game has the gameplay flow constantly interrupted by objectives that are either hard to find or are collectibles around. I would have preferred if the game just flowed like Flowers or Journey, following its story and embracing the narrative instead of having a bigger empty map that makes it more dispersive.
That said, I still strongly suggest it because regardless of technical or game design issues, it's a beautiful story in a really rough-around-the-edge game.
The experience is worth the price, especially on sale.

sad boys unite

a short game that felt like it lasted weeks

giant levels with sometimes annoyingly well hidden collectibles plus slow movement and clunky jumping is... not a good mix

i won't really comment on the writing much beyond wondering out loud how odd the metaphor of a fox chasing the murderer of its children is for a man grieving the loss of his (estranged?) father, but hey

i give the dev points for making this all on their own while working a full time job, or so i read! but unfortunately i can't say that i'm a fan of the final product

i'm sure it meant something to them tho and that's good

oh! one thing i actually liked was the switch from stylized art to realism once you exit the dreamscape and control joseph, i thought that was neato (: