Reviews from

in the past

The best game I've played in a while.

I’ve never really played on pc much. In fact I played the entirety of this game on my laptop so that just goes to show how much I use pc. This is basically the only game I’ve played on my ‘pc’ and the only one probably powerful enough for my laptop so there’s that. I decided to get this game after playing a little bit of among us and deciding I wanted to try what else innersloth had made…and then this came up.

The one thing I love about this collection is the references. They are everywhere and they’re wonderful (each time you’ll definitely point your finger at the screen and reenact once upon a time in Hollywood). Each game is also really fun and bustling with its different humour and ideas that it works really well. There is also a new game known as ‘completing the mission’ which perfectly ties everything together and offers the same amount of comedy and originality from the previous games.

Funny characters, smart references, still love fleeing the complex, this is the greatest gaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmeeeeee-

A great way to end a great flash series. Both remaking the older games and Completing the mission provides many different and satisfying endings to a franchise known for different and satisfying choices.

the single greatest point and click games ever made

I've seen all the endings but I picked it up myself to play with my family. They aren't as into it as I am. I don't feel it's fun to play alone, so I'm waiting until I find someone to play this with again.

Truley the culmination of the saga

Really was the best game to play on your school library's computer during free time. I'm so glad this remaster exists.

Pixar style animation but better and not shit

Gran juego flash ahora en una coleccion la cual tiene el ultimo episodio, es sencillo y muy gracioso

O jogo não é nada demais, eu já tinha visto a maioria dos finais das primeiras histórias do Henry Stickmin e talvez isso tenha feito eu me entediar um pouco no início, mas quando eu vi aquelas ramificações de diferentes segmentos dependendo dos finais que você escolheu, eu comecei a ficar mais interessado. Até chegar nas ramificações eu tava considerando terminar o jogo e pedir reembolso, mas aquela parte me prendeu o interesse e eu me permiti ver mais finais. É um joguinho divertido e não muito mais que isso. As referências são boas o suficiente e tem muito conteúdo, nas duas horas e pouco que eu joguei eu peguei 24 das 82 conquistas. Apesar de ter me entediado no começo do jogo, acho que eu também criei um certo carinho pelos primeiros jogos da coleção do jogo. Lembro de ficar assistindo dos vídeos do Coisa de Nerd de Henry Stickmin e me divertindo muito com as referências por volta de 2017.

Pretty good game. everytime i got a reference the game got even better not a masterpiece but not bad at all

Really funny game with a ton of easter eggs. This absurd game features Henry Stickmin, some stick figure who somehow always has in his pockets: a sniper rifle (FtC), a teleporter (pretty much every game) or cheese (StD).
Final note: 10/10

Drink whenever you said "I understood that reference!"

A game within like 100 other games by the number of references it has.

Funny, random, and interesting.

I dare you to take a 1/4 of a shot whenever you see a reference you understood.

If you're cultured you'll be wasted quickly.

Oynanışı kısa ama kendine has bi tarzı var. Mizahı güzel çıtır çerezlik bir oyun. Zamanında flash oyundu sonradan tüm oyunları kronolojik olarak birleştirip Steam'e çıkarmışlar.

Jogo simples e divertido, ótimo para passar o tempo

i feel it's hard 2 give this any lower .

cresci com os jogos do henry stickmin, quando eu vi que ia lançar na steam nao pude evitar de comprar, é muito bom