Reviews from

in the past

this was so fun with friends u could fuck each other over real bad

Lo crean o no, este fue mi primer Zelda, así que entendí todas las referencias de forma retroactiva.

Unironically a banger, doesn't overstay it's welcome, worth the $0

throwing my younger brother off every cliff I could find never got old


Solid little multiplayer Zelda experience. Unfortunately I was not able to experience it with other people but I can tell it would have been awesome - I just would have had to have been there. Repeats levels, but a bunch of different items and enemies makes each level interesting. Grindy for unlocking postgame. Some great fanservice in levels themed like previous games.

I think this is an alright game for single player, which is how I played it. I liked some of the puzzles as well as some of the art. However, it's obvious it's supposed to be played with other people and that'd make the game better, but I wasn't able to experience that.

I have actually no recollection of playing this video game.

Played this one with @Astroboymario and finally got to experience the four swords multiplayer experience. Needless to say I am somewhat a bit letdown with how short and minuscule the experience was. Playing with your friends and doing stuff together is pretty cool, but the stages are so short and some things just feel like chores and consists of like two sections each. Really had fun figuring out the boss fights and working together to damage them. Was like a two hour playthrough, tbh you can probably skip this one as a whole unless you are like me and want to play all of them. Nice of Nintendo to put this on the DS back then since it was hell trying to get with people that all had copies of one of these gba games and the game link cables. To this day I don’t see why they don’t put alot of these on the switch and just add regular online play. This one can be played single player as well unlike the original gba version which is also a good quality of life edition.

I liked playing this, but I think I would have a much better time if I played with friends.

great game on the 3ds even as a singleplayer game it was still good

prior to randomly stumbling across this game on the dsi shop and having it completely change my life, 10 year old me was looking after virtual dogs and assisting a certain professor investigate mysteries around great britain. i had no idea it was a limited release so i do consider myself so so so so So grateful to have been able to play this game. started playing the game by myself then continued on with the help of my younger brother n it has provided so many cool memories. we're like basically done w the game. LOVE all the sound effects and music :o

It's an alright game, but the main levels aren't too interesting. I imagine it would be a lot better when playing with other people. The post-game areas added in this version were really cool to see, though. Overall, I'd say it's worth putting in the few hours it takes to beat this.

Muito chato, não via a hora de acabar, não é zelda de verdade, só não dou uma nota pior pq não joguei coop q é a maneira certa de jogar esse jogo

The fact that Nintendo put out a free Zelda game is pretty astounding - you'll never see them do that again.

The changing art styles are neat and its a blast playing with friends but doesn't really scratch that Zelda itch.

i kind of feel like crying sometimes when i remember how my cousins and i would lie on our beds in the evenings and play this together

Fun, but I had to play single player because it was a timed exclusive :(

my ass is never playing this completely bc i have no friends to play with but it looks fun!

Short, clever and inventive. It is a blast with friends, and it's not long enough to get old. Not the best Zelda by any means, but a good side story for those who really enjoy the series.

Muito divertido na época que joguei, pena que joguei sozinho...

See my main Four Swords review to learn more about how as a 5th grader, I robbed my friends of as many medals of courage as possible.

I first experience Four Swords with Four Swords Adventure but going back to play the original was honestly pretty easy thanks the anniversary addition! While not as fun as Four Swords Adventures, since the game focuses more on co-op rather than the co-op/vs nature that Adventures had, it meant most of the time you would be working alongside your partners which is fun but I do miss the chaotic nature. Overall still a fun game with 4 players!

Very cute and enjoyable game, even in singleplayer

Mostly nostalgia for rating this as high as I am but even replaying this (completely on my own too!!) it’s still so much fun despite how short it is. I’ll never disown my 3DS so I don’t lose this.

we need a new way to play 4 swords, it's been over 10 years nobody uses their ds anymore.

i played this daily with my best friends that i'm still close with back in elementary school!

Fond memories of this game. Nothing special at all but a perfect time waster.

it was quite good and fun, very short. makes me wanna play the gamecube one for more