Reviews from

in the past

I loved the story, characters and world, that enable you to get fully immersed in it. The only thing i didn’t enjoy was combat and horse riding which become quite clunky at times

It is an absolute masterpiece of the RPG genre and narrative storytelling. I will say that I consider this as my very top 1 game of all time including the new generations up to 2023 and at the point no one has every dethrone my top 1 game in pure quality in my personal preferences. The game offers a vast and meticulously crafted world, filled with intricate quests, diverse landscapes, and a deep lore inspired by Andrzej Sapkowski's novels in a great detail. The gameplay seamlessly blends intense combat, spellcasting, and alchemy, providing a satisfying and strategic experience. The story is engrossing, driven by morally ambiguous choices and memorable characters with their own distinct personalities and motivations. The attention to detail is remarkable, with stunning visuals, a dynamic weather system, and an atmospheric soundtrack that enhances the immersion. it is a truly epic, I had 100 hundreds of hours of captivating gameplay with the DLC, unforgettable moments, and an emotional journey that will leave players in awe.

DLC Heart of Stone
- It is an incredible DLC with the content an equal of a base game with new lore and locations and It is a well told tale that continues the wonderful storytelling and world of the Witcher 3, while also bringing a couple new things to the table. WIth a spookiness of setpieces introducing the devil.

DLC Blood of Wine
- Once again an incredible DLC with an equal of a base game that puts other games on shame with its incredible details and more content. I would like to say comparable to other games' DLC it is highly embarrassing they only put an inch of an effort and very little content compare to the witcher 3's DLC. Toussaint is truly a breath of fresh air with incredible content that is equal to the main game. Great story, great characters, excellent music, and pretty good sidequests.

While it's commendable that the game manages to run on the Switch Lite, it's clear that the optimization falls short. The experience is hampered by subpar controls that fail to meet expectations. Although it's playable, the overall gameplay suffers as a result.

Overall, the game's compatibility with the Switch Lite is impressive, but the underwhelming controls detract from the overall experience.

CDPR is what devs should strive to be. producing quality games and not fucking the consumer. This is a great way to end a spectacular series or just geralt's adventure for returning players. A lot of people made this their first witcher game. I strongly advise to grab the first two. They usually go on sale rather often and for super cheap. Its tough to go back when you play something like this.

If you want a chronological game movie of the series heavily modded on 4k ultra 60 fps look no further here you go:

And if you want one just for witcher 3 I also have that here (WIP):

Next gen edit/Review:

Yea they borked the ever living shit out of this one. If your mid run I suggest opting into the beta (it will let u go back to pre updated title and wait for some patches because boi it is rough I get about low 20s without DLSS and with it on max I barley breach 50 and the frames are not stable at all. Turning off RTX while using the Tweaks mod to really tweak the shit out of your settings can net you 60 fps but the days of witcher 3 running on the rig like an ice box is over that shit is going to run hotter than even cyberpunk or RDR2.

I haven't touched this in a few months so maybe it runs better now but it is wrapped in DX12 so who the hell knows.

this game is so perfect for me, would never existed a game so immersive equal that.(remember this is so my opinion)

Definitivamente um dos melhores rpgs já feito, muita coisa para explorar e além de um jogo de cartas totalmente opcional, mas muito viciante.

Took me a few hours or so to start liking the game but after I was hooked onto. Spent multiple nights playing till 2 AM. I have a few nitpicks but other than that the game is amazing. The combat is fun once you unlock better abilities. Blood & wine expansion was excellent and even felt better than the main game.
Some issues I faced: There are missable achievements / trophies. The “good” ending is also VERY easily missable so look up a guide if you care about that.

i have about 100 hours into this game, and im gonna say confidently best 100 hours ive ever put in a video game

Simply the best western RPG I ever played.
Exceptional in all aspect. In the industry there was a "before TW3" and an "after TW3", and there is a reason to it.

Absolute gem and anomaly in the gaming landscape.
If you love game and/or adventure you MUST play it, period.

Combat was awful and the lore wasn't interesting

O melhor jogo que eu já joguei na vida. Foi revolucionário e se tornou a referência em mundo aberto dos jogos do gênero. A história é sensacional e o jogo é extremamente imersivo, as mais de 250 horas para platinar passaram voando. Uma coisa que esse jogo tem e que eu nunca vi em outro jogo de uma forma tão bem feita são as DLC's, que trazem uma história tão boa quanto a história principal. Apenas jogue, e faça questão de comprar a versão com as DLC's!

Melhor jogo da história, basicamente faz tudo o que precisa perfeitamente, melhor história que eu ja vi em um jogo com as melhores sidequests também

Obra prima da CD Projekt Red, dificilmente a cd vai conseguir superar o que foi feito nessa obra prima.

Everything you've heard about the bad controls is true.
Other then that, this is an amazing game.
I wish it supported video capture but I can see a few reasons why it doesn't.
Regardless, there's a decent length to the main story and many endings to come across. I intend to do another playthrough on PS at some point.
The graphics are minimized on Switch but it still looks great, especially outside of cutscenes.
Load times could be better but I'm glad I'm able to play.
I enjoyed all the different dialog options and consequences, there's a lot to keep track of. Many builds/playstyles to consider and strategies for different bosses. Some of them gave me a challenge, but because of my dedicated build I was pretty overpowered in some cases, and overleveled.
I guess that might be another complaint is that there's so much to do, that if you actually do side quests, contracts and treasure hunts you'll outpace the main story, so I should have scaled the enemies.
All my issues aside I still really feel like for the options on the Nintendo Switch, this is an excellent adventure game.

completed it in jan and playing it again as of june 2023 xxxx

The best overall open world RPG I've ever played.

Great main story, side quests, characters, world design, loot, builds, mini game and can be made even better with mods.

Also, one of the few games that released DLC worth buying. I think Blood and Wine is better than the whole base game.

My only complaint is with the combat but given the quality of the rest of the game I guess you can't really expect sekiro levels of combat.

Game failed to make me give a s**t about anything.

I need more Ciri in my life...

I was always curious about this one, people talk about how great it is, but I had the feeling it wasn't my type of game. So when XBox gave a trial, I decided to give it a chance. Turns out, it isn't my type of game. There wasn't anything wrong with it, just not the type of stuff I'm interested in.

never really got the urge to continue this game but I'll pick it back up at some point :COPIUM:

"Hatred and prejudice will never be eradicated.
And the witch hunts will never be about witches.
To have a scapegoat — that's the key."

— Geralt of Rivia

In Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, you get to play as Geralt of Rivia, a witcher, a monster slayer for hire for the right price. You get to traverse the war-torn, monster-infested lands of the Continent while tracking down Ciri — the Child of Prophecy, a living weapon that can alter the shape of the world and also someone you hold near and dear to your mutated witcher heart.

This game was an absolute gem of a game to play. Even though I played it on the hardest difficulty for the achievements, it was a blast, every minute of it. Sure it was hard as heck, but the satisfaction you feel after completing a contract or slaying down a quest boss was just that something I really needed. When I got this game my ultimate plan was to first complete witcher 1 and 2 before tackling this game. I did just that, and I felt like this game was just the perfect finale for the journey of Geralt.

There is just so many little details in the world of which you traverse as Geralt, that it's hard to say what specifically I enjoyed the most, but believe me when I say, that I felt fully immersed in this game, would not be an overstatement. The soundtrack is out of this world, giving a thrill to a hunt, or the romance you get to experience. The graphics are just stunning and I had so much fun just screenshotting all the little details of the world around me.

The characters and the story of this game, were something that I just couldn't get enough of. Probably one of my favorite characters had to be Dandelion, obviously, but I also really enjoyed Gaunter O'dimm as well. OH! And Regis, he is such a sweetheart, a lovable vampire we all should love and appreciate. Now speaking of the story, the main game had such twists and turns that at certain points I was sitting on the edge of my gamer seat.

The fact that there is multiple endings is such a treat and I will most definitely revisit this game at some point once again to get a different ending. The two DLCs, Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine were also absolutely amazing stories and I enjoyed them both wholeheartedly.

In the end I must say that this game is 100% worth the time I put in it, and I can't wait to get my hands on the books some day. Such an intricate world that deserves all the love and attention. I do hope there will be new games in the world of The Witcher, maybe not through the eyes of Geralt, but the eyes of another.

Also Triss best girl, fite me.

Simplesmente incrível. Um jogo onde as escolhas realmente importam pro futuro de certos personagens, quests secundárias que realmente são interessantes, dão vontade de fazer e influenciam na história principal, além de possuir excelentes DLCs. 10/10

I love Ciri, I love the story, and I love Gwent. I spent way too long playing Gwent in the main game that I would open the game after I completed it just to play it. This is the only open world game I have played up to this point with "main quest" level side quests. How they managed to tell such engaging side quests is remarkable, the bloody baron one is a great example. That side quest alone could rival many games entire story. The RPG elements in this game only enhance it, forcing me to constantly seek the best armor and equipment before I do any main quests, simply because I wanted to.

would have been 5 stars if the main character wasn't so boring.

Greatest to ever do it. Amazing story, characters, worldbuilding, side quests, open world, just everything. The weakest part was combat but even that was fine

A little bit overrated; honestly can't sit down and play it for longer than an hour