Reviews from

in the past

Jogo longo, mas muito bom. Demora pra concluir, mas tem ótimas histórias. As secundárias são mais legais do que a história original. Muito legal você começar com os itens que tinha no jogo anterior. O combate as vezes é confuso, mas é interessante.

Best game I ve ever played period. The only game i would genuinely give a 10/10. I know the movement especially on horse is a bit clunky and combat isnt that balanced at all ( archers can one shot you) but i cant let those things overshadow how immaculate this game is. Witcher 3s excellent story, lore and characters, the magnificent landscape and soundtrack, the depth every quest has in the game and the plethora of choices and details that can alter dialogues/outcomes, the really impressive graphics for its time (that still stand out with the next gen update) and the 2 exceptional DLC expansions hearts of stone and blood and wine make it undoubtedly one of the greatest gaming experience one can have and its a must play for everyone. Cdpr still update the game for bug fixes, add some tiny extra content and rebalancing issues. Theres also a youtuber called xLetalis that makes videos since the release of the game and still discovers secrets/alternate dialogues and that kind of things. Make sure to play it before u die!

My fav game of all time, DLCs were amazing too..I hate this horse tho

My favourite Game of all Time. It's really immersive and well made. There is a ton of attention to detail in the tiniest things and and your actions actually have consequences for once. The dialogue as a whole is incredibly well made with tons of changes for even the tiniest things you do. People say the combat is just okay but i don't really get what they mean, it does what its supposed to and is really good, sure not the best but that's not the focus anyway.

I see the appeal which is the setting and lore, but the gameplay is meh, (main) story drags on too much and is mediocre, rpg elements are laughable. Though, one of the rare games where choices mean something which is very commendable. Slightly overrated and people turn a blind eye to many of its faults.

The Witcher 3 is an epic masterpiece that excels in every aspect. With its stunning visuals, immersive narrative, captivating characters, and exceptional gameplay, it stands as one of the greatest games ever created. From the intricately detailed world to the morally complex choices, it offers an unforgettable experience. Geralt of Rivia is a charismatic protagonist, and the combat is fluid and strategic. The expansions further enhance the game's grandeur. The Witcher 3 is a must-play for any gaming enthusiast.

For a while, All I played was The Witcher 3, I bought the both DLCs after finishing the first game, but I decided to put in the 'Game of the Year Edition' so I don't need to make separate logs.

MASTAPIECE, second greatest open world game

Pena que sou burra...e me frustro fácil.


This review contains spoilers

The witcher 3 é o terceiro jogo da franquia ganhador do GOTY de 2015


A gameplay em si no geral, é incrível, seu combate não é consegue agradar todo mundo, mas ainda é boa, tirando o cobate, é incrível andar de cavalo por ai, explorando o mapa. O sistema de Rpg faz ser recompensador vc explorar o mapa, mas acaba facilitando o jogo.


Cada mapa do jogo tem suas diferenças e o que faz explorar o mapa dar realmente o sentimento de descobrir algo novo sempre, mas ainda mantendo a temática do game, os designs dos personagens faz você realmente acreditar que esta vivendo em um mundo mágico mas ainda na época da idade média.


A trilha sonora é uma das melhores entre todos os jogos, fazendo você ficar muito imersivo na história, combate, exploração, etc. De longe uma das trilhas sonoras que eu mais gostei entre todos os jogos.


A história te deixa imersiva, msm não tendo jogado os outros jogos, sua história é bem independente, mas que complementa bem a história dos outros jogos. suas ações te levam pra diversos finais, mas a maioria delas não afeta, apenas algumas sim, e que ainda mudam poucas coisas no final, mas ainda sim, os finais do jogo deixam aberto posibilidades para novos jogos da franquia.


Existem 2 dlcs no jogo, uma é a Heart Of Stone(HOS), e a outra sendo Blood and Wine(BAW). Enquanto o HOS, parece apenas uma quest adicional com uma história boa, e tendo pouco conteúdo, BAW é o contrário disso, adicionando um mapa inteiro novo, onde terá diversas quests pra fazer, podendo liberar novos upgrades, espadas, armadura etc. Álem de contar com uma história execelente. Vale a pena resaltar que vc pode começar o jogo em qualquer dlc, diminuindo a dificuldade.


Não é a toa que este jogo ganhou o GOTY de 2015, sendo um dos mehores Rpgs que eu ja joguei na minha vida, todos os elogios que esse jogo tem, ele merece, ansioso pela volta da franquia.

Easily, one the best games ever made. Great story, incredible world with tons of lore. Good combat, great RPG mechanics. Aside from some issues with UI design and a couple minor bugs. It's a fantastic game.

Najlepszy najpiękniejszy, kiedyś wrócę ponownie

Great game, with interesting characters, and stroyline.

What can I say that hasn't been said? A masterpiece.

Its great and it looks perfect, but combat is too lacking and is has no replay value at all.

I built my first PC in 2017 and wondered what game I should purchase and play. Luckily, I had some friends recommend me this series titled "The Witcher". Though I wasn't immediately interested, a steam sale happened and that's where everything changed.
Coming from console gaming I had never truly experienced true power and visuals that even a mid to low end PC could offer and upon first boot my jaw had dropped. Mind you, I only had a 1060 at the time though it was a large upgrade from my PS4.
From the beautiful landscape and unbelievable colours I knew instantly that this game would be something that I'd remember for the rest of my life (was I ever right).
The gameplay and storytelling need no explanation, I had never truly been pulled into a game like this before. Choosing your own path for certain endings was something new for me and also very intriguing. Combat was a little weird to me at first however, after a few dozen hours I finally had it down and thoroughly enjoyed myself.
I could write on and on about how great of a game this was but I'd only be echoing what many people have been saying for years. I am extremely grateful to have had this masterpiece be my first ever PC game completion.
Anyone up for some gwent?

The first thing to praise would be the optimization. This game is like 8 years old and looks/runs better than the majority of AAA games nowadays. A factor of that might be from the big next gen update but still. The world is so vast and there's too much to do and explore. The gameplay and combat becomes pretty easy but I still had fun throughout. I do hate the extremely cluttered interfaces. Crafting and all that could have been much simpler or just easier to learn. The main story was solid but certainly would have been better if I had played the previous games. Overall I really did enjoy the game and I'm excited to play the DLC.

i really think i was just in my hater arc when i played this game