Reviews from

in the past

Really good and unique fighting game.
Only thing lacking is a 4 player mode

This game has such a cool concept how did they fuck it up this badly

Games I Dislike That Everybody Else Likes

I gotta be honest, the premise of a fighting game composed solely of classic kaiju-esque beasts in destructible environments is a home run - but man, this thing is the definition of clunky. It feels more like you're fighting against the camera than your opponent, and the slow movement of these monsters is way too literalized here because the fights are a total drag. I get that this is an early PS2 game but this was already THREE years into the system's life, and there are countless games that came out before this which play infinitely better - ones that don't need the crucial precision of a fighter, no less (actually, some of those games include fighters). And on that note, I'm sorry but this thing is just kind of ugly.

Fantastic arena brawler

A wide cast of characters with unique play styles, maps with gimmicks to turn the tides of combat, and multiplayer; this game does everything right for a party. The singleplayer has some unique challenges that can only be experienced within its story mode to keep it from getting stale. The general pool of attacks is shallow but strategizing with the environment will make you feel like a monster on the streets.

Pick a 40 story tall monster and kick the shit out of another, equally huge, classic movie monster ripoff. Each one has a completely unique appearance, feel, and moveset. Matches involve 2-4 monsters duking it out in a fairly large assortment of "arenas" full of environmental hazards like tidal waves and earth quakes. Fully destructable environments, complete with tiny screaming people, make you feel like a 140ish foot tall killing machine. Topping off the cake is some of the most fun multiplayer in existence. There's also a few entertaining minigames, and a couple of badass boss battles. A hugely unappreciated classic.

Im gonna buy this for my PS2 right this second

Such a fun and unique fighter, positively drizzling with genuine appreciation for the history of schlocky monster-movies. The love and care put into this title remains utterly unrivaled.

Nostalgia carries a heavy hand in my review of this game but it is just so stupidly unbalanced and silly that with friends, it is such a blast to play. We pick it back up every few months or so.

Discount monsters they may be but god you'll have a good time.

The balance is awful but man its fun to slap each other

With a group, it can be fun for a short period. Still plays fairly well, despite the camera being a bit of a detriment to the gameplay. Alone though, its repetitious nature can be tiring and after a couple fights I was ready to call it

Fantastic game based on cute monster!

I was so dialed into this games mechanics that I was writing Boss Cheese Guides on mfing Cheat Planet back in the day - which was frankly an incredible achievement considering how much I loved Cheat Planet (RIP Cheat Planet, Gamesradar or whatever you became just doesnt compare)

Another childhood game of mine I wanted to replay. I put it on easy and eventually gave up because there was a map I had to fight matis dude and robot monkey and let me tell you I failed about ten times. The helicopters from the government only attack you, and the two monsters you face never attack each other, but only you. I had a hard time gaining combos because the creatures would never let you get it in because of the bombardment of attacks. Not to mention they will attack as you are on the ground so it makes blocking impossible because by the time you get back up you are put down again. I like the game and it's monster movie references, but man was I frustrated a good amount of this playthrough. Maybe I'll play it with some friends in the future but even on easy I struggled quite a bit playing by myself. I wish I were better at video games.


In the midst of early 2000s Super Smash-mania, somebody decided they really wanted Godzilla and Mothra to fight in big cities, but didn't own the trademarks, so they took the great value brand versions of those movie monsters and made a pretty mid PS2 title out of it.

Jugaba con un amigo en su PS2 y podíamos estar horas y horas luchando y riéndonos. Me parece un juego buenísimo y muy potente para la época, poder destruir todos los edificios de un mapa en esa época es algo que a día de hoy me parece increíble

Man i really hope this game got a remake or a sequel. the battle is fun and the monsters is cool

Perhaps maybe this game could return again?
