Reviews from

in the past

I'm not really reeling it.

Fin de la mejor trilogía, el mejor final que podría tener. Cine, simplemente: 🗿🍷

Going from engage dlc to futured redeemed was a crazy experience.

I loved everything about this game the characters, combat and, exploration all tied in nicely. Exploring and doing side quest felt so rewarding, I couldn't leave an area without filling up the map.

Story was peak giving us some answers from base game was very needed after 3 ending.

Allot of people hoped base 3 was more like future redeemed in terms of characters like shulk and rex appearing, but I appreciate 3 telling its own story without relying heavily on past characters so we can get this amazing dlc.

Chain attacks are absolutely busted

And I thought they couldn't top the base game.

Holy Shit.

An excellent addition to an already excellent game.

story is fun enough, but kinda convaluted. main appeal is seeing the old protagonists be old, and it definitely delivers on that, so I would consider myself satisfied. matthew sucks, i hate him, but the rex and shulk stuff with their children rules, and is thankfully kinda the focus of the game.

they made a weird descision to make the combat objectively worse. remember transforming into an awesome robot from the base game? well thats gone completely. now there are cut and paste team up attacks that do 5 damage. also class switching is gone which means once your two healers die you just have to sit there wasting away and there's nothing you could've done. it just feels extremely rushed. some nice changes to incentivising exploration but they kinda suck when the game is so short as they feel like they only pan out in a longer rpg.

music and visuals are on par with the base game; they're great. low key the main reason you play these games.

this is a fun enough send off to the series. i hope xenoblade is done for now. let monolith make something new.

Esse jogo fecha a franquia de uma forma muito completa. Locais excelentes, muito bonitos e legais de explorar, com ótimas músicas, tanto originais quanto as reusadas e remixadas. O combate e dano parece mais balanceado e divertido nesse jogo, a história não tem problemas de pacing, e entre os personagens retornam os protagonistas dos dois primeiros jogos, favoritos dos fãs que são bem marcantes e foram bem caracterizados como versões mais velhas deles, que são idolizados tanto dentro e fora da história do jogo. No geral, uma expansão bem consistente e um presente pra fãs que acompanharam todos os passos da franquia.

Xenoblade is a franchise that has always hit for me and I was super excited for this DLC. But honestly? I found myself underwhelmed and at times confused.

The gameplay is still the classic Xenoblade formula. Real-time RPG mechanics that really hits you right in the dopamine receptor. I found myself quite liking Xenoblade 3’s base gameplay. Sure, it wasn’t as in-depth as XC2’s, but I still found myself enjoying it. I did set myself to thinking that it would be improved in its DLC campaign, as Torna did for XC2. But honestly, there wasn’t TOO radical a change here. Pretty much the Interlink system was replaced with team attacks. Which to be fair, was cool seeing the mix and match potential of this cast of characters, but ultimately it didn’t satisfy me as much as I thought it would.

The story is what I was really looking forward to and it did mostly delivered. Seeing Shulk and Rex interact and seeing familiar locations feel fully realized in this DLC campaign was a treat. There are so many easter eggs to XC1 and XC2 that it makes you grin. The entire main cast for this campaign was a welcome band of assorted characters that all paired well. I wish they were explored a bit more but since this was only a dlc expansion I didn’t expect too much. The overall main plot was kinda a mixed bag for me. I feel like we went to metaphorical and introspective that it really did lose me by the end. I feel like the game didn’t explain how all the pieces fit together and things just kinda happen that you have to accept by the end. Nothing felt off-putting, just confusing.

Future Redeemed is a mixed bag for me. What was supposed to be a closing chapter to the Xenoblade trilogy left me with more questions than answers. The tale of the Founders was still engaging all the way through, but I don’t think I felt satisfied with the ending they gave us with. The gameplay was alright and the story left me confused, but this still was a good time. Perhaps not reaching the heights of the main game but still fairly good and worth a play if you’re a xeno-nutcase like me.

it was alright. not as crazy as people made it out to be but definitely better than torna even if the combat is worse and the story doesn't hit as hard. just wish the endgame was paced better

A love letter to Xenoblade Chronicles <3

This review contains spoilers

The tie-in for all the numbered Xenoblade games; felt like a perfect culmination of all 3 games. The protagonist reminds me of Fei from Xenogears. Short and sweet. Very enjoyable.

They had no right making rex so damn broken

One of the DLC's of all time.

This was my most anticipated DLC for a game I can think of, never before have I been so excited to see these characters return better than ever... it had its emotional moments especially with the returning cast, but also made sure to focus on it's new main character as while Shulk and Rex are in a league of their own, Matthew managed to shine just as much in the short time he was given.

I don't understand how Monolith can get away with producing stuff like this on the switch... Nintendo best do their utmost in keeping them on board as they produce some of the most amazing fiction I have played... the way it crosses the border between sc-fi and fantasy is amazing, in a similar vain to some final fantasy games.

This cooked so much harder than the base game, actually CRAZY.

Monolith needs to make more 20-30 hour experiences.

Incredible DLC that ties the entire series together and refines the base game while also making it better in retrospect. The callbacks to Xenoblade 1 and 2 are so amazingly done, the affinity point/completion tracking is an amazing system, and holy hell the radio cutscene. Overall an amazing sendoff to the amazing arc of the first 3 Xenoblade games.

proof positive that they should let takahashi cook whatever he wants.

LET TAKAHASHI COOK. If this wasn't a DLC it would be my GOTY, but because it technically isn't a full game I'm not calling it that. Amazing conclusion to the story started with XC1, and an amazing expansion of the lore for Xenoblade 3, and Xenoblade as a whole, plus banger OSTs and a great take on 3's combat. I love the aged up old characters, along with the new ones! A will have my heart forever.

Story: 10/10
Gameplay: 10/10
Characters: 10/10
Music: 9/10

se isso tivesse sido o jogo principal, provavelmente teria sido o melhor xenoblade

Expected an epilogue and got a prequel instead... Without spoiling, I think we all miss the same thing from the ending.

Not a bad experience but definitely not the ultimate, incredible, life-changing finale that everyone talks about.

A sloppy, messy but oddly satisfying end of the trilogy.

I rated every Xenoblade game with 4.5 stars, mostly because each one was amazing but there were small nitpicks I had with all of them. The only nitpick I have about Future Redeemed is the length. I had such a good time with this DLC and I just wanted more!

The gameplay is fairly similar to 3's combat system with a few tweaks, but those tweaks elevate this to be my favorite in the whole series, with A and Rex in particular being very fun to play as. The exploration in this DLC is also the most rewarding in the series, as everything you can find out in the world helps with giving you a better experience in the game. Whether you're finding ways to expand your combat arsenal or ways to make exploration itself easier, the items and hidden treasures of the game are all meaningful to gameplay, and it makes the whole experience feel incredibly satisfying.

The story is just peak fucking fiction man. I was a bit conflicted at first because the premise of the DLC made me think that there would be more references to past characters and moments in the series(there still definitely is plenty of this, I was just getting greedy in what I wanted), but as things went along I got more comfortable in what this actually was. A prequel set in the perfect moment of transition between the past 2 games and Xenoblade Chronicles 3. It's true that when the DLC was announced I wanted an epilogue and not a prequel, but once I was done with this I truly felt like the emotional core of the entire series was perfectly encapsulated in this moment of time. Some of the newer characters are a bit underdeveloped, but they're fun companions and serve their place in the story well. Other new characters, such as A and Matthew, fare even better. Matthew is our new protagonist and he's up there as one of my favorites in the series. His interactions with A are pure gold, and A themselves are a great addition to the cast. The return of Shulk and Rex, well, need I say more? It's fucking amazing.

This best thing about this DLC is how it brings added context to the events of 3, and gives past games a more active role in the state of the world depicted in the series. I know some people will be left wanting more, but this DLC touched on everything that was important in this series, and struck a final resonant chord in its themes.

It also has some of the best songs in the whole series. The final boss theme sent my soul out of my body.

Play Xenoblade Chronicles. All the games. They're worth your time.

I don't know what to say man, This game was just made for me

Un DLC absolutamente brillante que no solo expande más el universo y la trama de XC3, sino que también aporta a XC, XC2 e incluso XCX.

Sacrifica algunas mecánicas de combate propias del juego base en favor de animarte a explorar muchísimo más y funciona porque la región nueva es divertida de explorar y sorprendentemente densa para ser solo un mapa.

Si habéis jugado a la saga entera, diría que esto es un capítulo absolutamente imprescindible que resuelve un montón de preguntas... y genera otras tantas.

Magistral, una vez más. Menuda joya.


An absolutely brilliant DLC that not only expands further the universe and plot of XC3, but also adds to XC, XC2 and even XCX.

It sacrifices some of the combat mechanics from the main game in exchange for pushing you to explore so much more and it works because the new region is fun to explore and surprisingly dense for a single map.

If you've played through the whole series, I'd say this is a completely unmissable chapter that solves a lot of questions... and generates quite a few more.

Masterful, once again. Such a gem.