Reviews from

in the past

Cool but not my type of game

good but lacking some charm i felt that new leaf has

I think this game came out at the perfect time. I played this for hours on end when it came out, and ended up with an island I was pretty happy with. Unfortunately, I got to a point where I just decided I was done, and no matter how hard I've tried, I haven't been able to get back into it. It's not a bad game, it's just missing something that I felt the other entries in the series had.

Some good additions to New Leaf (terraforming!) but the characters have better personalitites in NL and in general I tend to prefer NL's "simpler" game loop.

It feels like NL was made to be played in short sessions every day for the rest of your life, while New Horizons was made to be binged and "completed" by playing it as much as possible as fast as possible. Which to be fair, even if it was true, would probably have been the correct choice for the COVID era. I just prefer NL personally!

fun game but doesnt hit the same as new leaf, teraforming is a super nice addition but it takes wayyyy too long, same with making paths

Got me through COVID and I still live to return, especially for the happy home DLC.

nostalgique de ce sale confinement

Back in my day, Animal Crossing was a game that continued playing even when you turned off the console!

Antes de jogar eu tinha uma paixão imensa pelo jogo (porque imaginava que seria incrível), e até foi, mas acabei me desapegando muito rápido

being able to put stuff outside is cool

Saved my quarantine like everyone else but i burned out pretty quickly and got really tired of the repetitive chores at some point. I might give it another try one day though, and i look back on it really fondly.

Insanely good. Played during covid and had fun

i was grinding this game in quarantine just to accidentally lose it all :( my island will never look how i want it

got 150 hours in this, so it did consume a lot of my time. but once you get everything, its either you put it down or study design and city planning, and I am not going to do that

played a ton whilst in lockdown but burned out on it pretty quickly and just cant go back. was a pretty fun few hundred hours while it lasted

I love this game but it doesn't have the magic that New Leaf had. For whatever reason. Happy Home Designer is awesome though.

as much as I need a relaxing time in my day-to-day I just cannot get into these games also may I add that for a supposedly "relaxing game" in most of these games you are drowning in debt

its embarrassing how competitive i am with my friends on this game

(Review from 2021) This game is good, but this game is also bad. It's fun and cute and came out at the perfect time, but the drip rate of updates, the relatively empty personalities in the game, the tedious online, and the reliance on visiting other players constantly has sort of made it a shallow and frustrating experience at times. With a few updates and some better coding I truly think this game could shine


I think it was trying to be a little more substantial than “cute,” though. Didn’t really land.

Este juego no es para mí. Es muy lento de jugar, no sentí progresión y no me ofreció mucho que hacer. Que sea en tiempo real me pareció un coñazo, no te deja minmaxear. Pero me alegro por la gente que sí lo ha disfrutado.

during lockdown this game kept me going but overtime it got a lil boring

Can be a neat little cozy game with lots to do, but can also be one of the most inconvenient games out there.

The game looks great, has a lot of content and customisation, being able to build and place stuff outside is a game changer. I've enjoyed (for the most part) designing my island/ house, collecting fossils, bugs and fish, and overall just chilling.

But man does this game LOVE to waste your time, almost everything has an animation, text box pop up, your tools break very quickly, misplacing/ misbuilding things, you'll be time travelling a lot as it seems almost everything takes a day in real time (moving buildings, building stuff and only being able to order 5 items a day) and the absolutley abissmal online, it works but the set up is a nightmare, so many text boxes just to get on the bloody thing, good luck trying to join if someone is using there nook phone, and if the island isn't available or you got the code wrong? you have to go through all the text boxes and reconnect. But thats not even the worst part, the worst part is once you're on the island (if it's a popular island like a treasure island for example) you WILL be stopped every 5 seconds for anywhere between 30 seconds up to 2 minutes all because someone is either leaving the island or joining, in which you HAVE to watch the whole process, every. single. time. I highly doubt they play tested this, who thought this was a good idea?! What were they thinking?!

Something that has turned a lot of people off is that this one doesn't really feel like a life sim, but more of a designer game, that doesn't make it bad, just different compared to the other animal crossing games. What doesn't help are the lifeless npcs, repeating the same dialogue over and over, weirdly having much more personality in the post cards they send you. There's also less shops and attractions than say new leaf, the main things are here, general shop, clothes shop and the museum/cafe, but no clubs, hair dressers, shoe shops or flower shops, granted some of those are still in the game, just not in the form of actual places which gives you less things to put on your island.

In the end whether this is better than new leaf is up to preference, if you enjoy the life sim aspects of the series more, then new leafs the one for you, but if you enjoy the customisation aspect more, then new horizons should be a fun time. I can personally go either way, but overall new horizons is a game I'll put a good chunk of hours into every now and again, only to slowly become annoyed at all the inconveniences and put it down for a while.

j'ai 1645h de jeu au total et c'est pas une vanne

Music is weirdly less distinctive and theres a certain charm missing plus a drought of activities due to the "freedoms" given to you in this one. I like new leaf more this shit is boring who gives a shit if I can make hills and shit, i want to go to the club

This game had a stronghold on my life during those first 4-6 months of COVID. But after like 3 months into the game, it just gets so damn grindy. I didn't like the new build mechanic, while it definitely gives the player so much more customization, it was just too convaluded and hard to get what you wanted.

The first like 10 hours of this game is such a blast tho and it was honestly theraputic waking up each day and playing this game for 30 minutes. New Leaf definitely better tho :)