Reviews from

in the past

I enjoyed this when I was in middle school.

J'accroche moyen au jeu de gestion dans le genre

Saudades da minha vila toda completa, sem nada a mais para ser melhorada. Eu já fui o mestre nesse jogo.

The best tycoon mobile game ever created.

I used to play this game so much I used to use giants, archers, barbarians, wizards and goblins to farm loot and upgrade my own buildings it was incredibly fun but there was no need to add a builder base or whatever its called it felt like you had to keep up with 2 different villages which was kind of a lot

Very culturally relevant. Almost everyone I know has played this game before. "The" mobile game. The current state of the game is interesting and has a lot of content to keep you playing which is something the game lacked heavily before. The builder base along with the challenges, star bonuses, etc, make this game worth opening and playing for a bit, which was seldom seen in its early days. The gameplay itself is pretty fun and is pretty much a pocket sized RTS. There is plenty of horrible monetization, which is a given with really any mobile game.

Donc si on donne des gemmes aux ouvriers ils travaillent plus vite ? Ça ressemble à du chantage ça.
On va me virer toutes ces feignasses et les remplacer par des Portugais, c'est moins cher et ça réclame pas de cailloux verts pour faire son boulot.

é divertido e passa bem o tempo, mas depois dessa atualização dos equipamentos de herói o jogo ta mais pay to win do que nunca

Este juego deberian darle el GOTY game of they year del año de juegos

gaste gemas pra progredir tmnc

I don't care your mother is in the hospital AmericanSniperXXX69, I need you to attack RIGHT NOW

buda dada ding

Yeah this game kinda sucks if I'm being honest.

My girl left me but she doesn't know I was TH10 and used Miners + Wizards. If I told her she would have stayed, right?

C'est simple j'étais en CM1 quand j'ai commencé le jeu, aujourd'hui je suis en étude sup et j'y joue parfois encore.

Nunca vou me recuperar depois de ter perdido minha conta antiga...

"Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives - choice, not chance, determines your destiny."
- Aristotle

Jogo bem feitinho mas com uma empresa horrível e mercenária, ou seja, lixo completo

3.5☆ - An absolute classic of a mobile game, great memories and it's actually a relatively significant game in my gaming history. Nostalgia +1☆.

Era muito legal ver a progressão das suas construções e tropas. Uma pena que beneficiava muito quem colocava dinheiro, o jogo era muito mais lento para quem jogava de forma 100% gratuita.

Joguei por vários anos, só parei porque perdi a conta da Play Store.

Excelente RTS mobile, requer muito mais dedicação do que o Clash Royale, dado seu gênero e o grind infinito.
Esse jogo é FREEMIUM, ou seja, se você não pagar, você não vai progredir efetivamente e vai ficar na desvantagem.

Jogava muito desde 2016, saudades, é bem divertido e extremamente viciante apesar do tempo que demora pra construir e evoluir as coisas mas o sentimento de progressão e ver as suas criações ganhando level confesso que é maravilhoso e compensa toda a demora.

Mobile’s best game. Actual top 50 contender