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in the past

Muito bom! Sistema de combate muito denso e com MUITA variedade, mesmo. O jogo não para de introduzir coisas novas e é sempre um deleite ir criando combos longos e complicados. Acima de tudo, é um jogo muito divertido.

Personagens muito bons e história legal, mas achei o final meio abrupto. O grande trunfo do jogo está na rejogabilidade e na busca pela perfeição nesse tão bom sistema de combate. Infelizmente não sou muito de rejogar títulos, então deixei isso passar.

Mas ainda assim, jogão!

Devil may cry 5 é simplesmente incrível, o combate foi melhorado ao extremo, Bosses são divertidos e os personagens (com exceção do V) continuam muito bons e carismáticos, meu únicos problemas em relação a Dmc 5 é o jeito que a campanha é narrada e o próprio V que é o personagem mais sem graça da série

Great action! I played some of the PS2 entries on that system and had taken a bit of a break from them. This was a fun, sometimes very weird game and I'm glad to have played the shiny PS5 version. Went out of my way for some extra trophies but I don't have the fortitude to attempt a platinum trophy for this game. And that's ok! If you're looking for a fun stage-based action game, look no further.

The game received mixed reviews. On one hand, it shows that it doesn't take itself too seriously, indicating that its creators knew what they were doing. The gameplay with Dante is a positive experience, allowing players to beat demons while using a motorcycle as a weapon. However, there were some negative aspects pointed out, such as the gameplay with the character V, the mechanics of Nero's Devil Breaker, and a finale that was considered dragged out.

Jogaço apenas, muito divertido fellas

people looovee this game for the wrong reasons but if they actually played the game they will find out it is more than just some funny custscenes and a song that isn't even in the base/main game

Atualmente meu jogo favorito
Eu sou a tempestade que se aproxima...

motorla adam dövüyorum

This game is so entertaining,I must have spent countless hours just dishing out all sorts of crazy looking visually stunning attacks on the most grotesque nasty vile pieces of demon garbage I've ever seen.This was my first ever DMC game and it kinda makes me wanna play the rest of the games in the franchise but I'm crossing my fingers that we get some remakes for the more beloved entries.Each character in DMC5 is packed with all sorts of moves and have unique varying playstyles.Nero has a powerful revolver like gun and his powerful trusty close combat sword,the unique traits Nero has that sets him apart are his exceed gauge that let's him power up his sword to allow for even more crazy attacks then we move onto his devil breakers.Devil breakers house all sorts of differentiating powers,varying from riding on a rocket while knocking out enemies,slowing enemies down and healing yourself.They break easily as they're very fragile but you can always buy more at the shop or find them laying around casually on the ground or in secret areas so make sure to keep your eyes peeled.V's playstyle is very strategy based like,he has his pet demons play for him.He's equipped with both a long and close range demon that can fight at the same time as long as you know what you're doing.Straying far from them will help V himself not take damage but if you get close you can help your pets heal the health they've lost much faster,I've seen some folks online not loving his gameplay like the others but I was a strong fan and thought it was a nice change of pace from the aggressiveness of Nero.V also has a third demon that can be summoned when the purple DT gauge is ready,a ferocious golem of darkness ready to wipe out demons in an instant.Use him when you're faced with a horde of enemies and you're all out of tricks.Finally there's my fav character in both gameplay and overall badassness,Dante!This dude has so many weapons to choose from and so many moves to use.I must have put over 80 hours into the game already and I guarantee you there's probably still a move I haven't used while playing as him,He has a sword just like Nero but he's got way more melee and long range weapons to help him wage war on demons,I'm in love with his gameplay.He's also got a unique feature in that he has 4 different styles to choose from and those styles will affect what the circle button will do,Trickster,Gunslinger,Swordmaster and Royal Guard,choose the one that best suits your playstyle or or combine all 4 to whip out some dangerous combos.DMC5's action is just the beginning,during a fight you also gotta try and maintain your stylish ranking so you can get more red orbs.More red orbs you get the more abilities you can purchase from the shop,and the more abilities you acquire then the more mayhem you can unleash on demons.You should always try and experiment with different abilities and not just use the same attacks that work well for you.I enjoy games where the combat feels rewarding,getting better stylish ranks feels glorious and the rocking soundtrack this game carries just pumps me up to the max.Some of the demons have weaknesses that can make them easier to defeat,don't just mash the button and get damaged.Try and find out how to defeat those monsters faster.The boss fights that wait for you in the majority of the levels are monumental.They are intimidating beasts but thankfully they have a health gauge so you'll know when they're gonna kick the bucket.The game's story is batshit crazy and filled with badass cheesy one liners,it's nothing spectacular and it's not on the way to win any storytelling awards but it reminds me of those action movies I saw growing up in the 2000s.This is peak action gaming at it's core and that's all I need to be happy

Quite possibly the best action combat game ever.

I will review Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition primarily as a Special Edition, relative to the original game.

As a Special Edition, truth be told, I actually find it quite criminal that they didn't add these features to PC. It'll hamper the game's accessibility in the long term. I think every gamer with the opportunity deserves to play Turbo Mode in 120fps. I can pretend not to be a graphics nutcase, but this game tickles my soul. Makes me feel like I'm at the apex of gaming. Devil May Cry 5 is truly a masterpiece.

If you have the PC version, though... Don't lose sleep over the fact that they gatekept these features behind a $500 console. It's a silly decision of them not to port it, but the PC version is still fantastic in its own right. They hit the ground running from the start.

But, yeah, do consider hopping on this game. DMC5 is DMC5, no matter what machine you've got it on.

Apesar de eu querer dizer que este é o melhor Devil May Cry, a linearidade dele me incomoda, fora isso, apresenta o melhor combate.

For a long time, I was obsessed with Devil May Cry 5's music and art style, however, I never actually played a Devil May Cry game before. 3 years later, I finally decided to play Devil May Cry 5.
I'm gonna be honest, the gameplay didn't necessarily surprise me at first because I'm a newcomer to the series and I couldn't play the game properly, but after getting used to Nero's moveset, things got infinitely better. V's moveset didn't bother me because it basically revolves around button-mashing, unfortunately, and that's probably the only gripe I have about Devil May Cry 5's gameplay, but Dante's moveset on the other hand, left me speechless; it single-handedly elevates Devil May Cry 5's gameplay as arguably my absolute favorite gameplay in any videogame, ever!
Seriously, the amount of variety and depth in his moveset is simply unmatched.
I don't remember the last time where my enjoyment with a game skyrocketed that much in such a short amount of time; from the moment Dante becomes playable, the game gets much better.
Heck, he even made me buy Vergil's DLC, which is pretty good; Vergil's moveset is incredible as well!
The story, however, is just serviceable, but it's not an important part of the game.
The characters are likeable despite having cheesy dialogue, which is intentional anyway.
The music is absolutely phenomenal and the visuals are breathtaking.
The level design though, is definitely one of Devil May Cry 5's weakest aspects.
Also, the game has microtransactions, even though they're mostly an afterthought and they didn't affect my experience at all.

+ Excellent gameplay
+ Nice characters
+ Awesome music
+ Gorgeous graphics and cutscenes

- V's moveset
- Uninspired level design

Narrative: ?/10
Gameplay: 10/10
Content: ?/10
Characters: 7/10
Music: 10/10
Graphics/Audio: 10/10

Final Rating: 9/10
- Amazing -
Devil May Cry 5 is a banger! It's a superb Action - Hack 'n' Slash game and a perfect example of peak gameplay.

Do I recommend it?:
Hell yes, a must-play for fans of the genre. However, I wouldn't recommend it to people who don't enjoy playing games with complex and demanding gameplay.

As soon as I finished DMC 5 I had to sit down and comprehend what I played… and to catch my breath after the intensity that was the final boss. To me, DMC 5 is the best game in the franchise. First off this is the most gorgeous looking game in the series and one of the best looking games of the PS4/XBOX ONE generation. Photorealism was the right call and it shows that the RE Engine can handle action games. It’s quite fitting that it did use the engine from Resident Evil 7 since DMC was supposed to be a Resident Evil game.

The story may not be strong, I mean these games aren’t exactly known for their stories, but it does have a lot of memorable moments like Rebellion being destroyed, Neros Devil Trigger awakening, the resurrection of Vergil, and the greatest moment of all: Dante doing the moonwalk.

What this series is known for is gameplay and boy does DMC 5 have it. To no surprise everyone has their own playstyle, Nero being my favorite because of his sword base moves. His new abilities the Devil Breakers all have their powers like a chain whip, electricity, time stop, and the literal Mega Buster (my personal favorite next to Punch Line). They are fun, but their drawback is that the only way to switch between them is to self-destruct the one you are currently using, so you better make sure you equip your favorites in a specific order. The decision to not switch them up is puzzling, that would be like if Dante threw away his guns. You could argue that equipping 8 Devil Breakers would make combat easier, but why not just leave it at 4 or 3? Dante has fewer sword moves compared to Nero in favor of more weapons like the Cavaliere (the coolest motorcycle/sword hybrid ever created), the King Cerberus, and Sin Devil Trigger (which is like the Super Sayan God form). Then there’s V who ironically stays away from the action from a distance and lets his demons do the fighting for him. This is so drastically different from other characters yet it doesn’t feel out of place. Lastly, there is Vergil who’s playstyle is as smooth as butter, Pulling off Judgement Cut End is never not satisfying. Everyone is fun in their way and I never got bored with any of them.

Acting-wise everyone is on point. Ruben Langdon (who can probably play Dante in his sleep at this point) portrays a more mature, but still fun-loving protagonist in Dante. While Johnny Yong Bosch (a personal favorite of mine) delivers his sarcasm and swagger to Nero. Most of JYB’s best roles are considered to be Ichigo, Vash, Lelouch, and Izaya, but I would put Nero up there as some of his best work especially during the final mission. Brian Hanford gives V an ominous and tranquil tone which helps add to the mystery of who V is. And Wendee Lee as Trish who sadly does not get a lot of screen time, but does a serviceable job with what she is given, a shame Trish wasn’t in the game that much because this was perfect casting. (I would also like to point out that including Daniel Southworth makes four actors in here who were on Power Rangers… just a fun fact).

Other than the devil arms my other gripe was that there was no playable Trish of Lady. Last time we got a Special Edition of a DMC game Vergil, Trish, and Lady were all included as playable characters yet this time we only got Vergil. I know they didn’t get enough screen time in the game but they didn’t in DMC4 either and they became playable. If they were I honestly would have called DMC5 the magnum opus of the series.

Overall DMC5 is my favorite game in the franchise and I recommend playing it.

WOW! I had a great time playing it this time around. I don't know what happened between the PS4 version and this one to me but I could actually do combo, I might have to go for the platinum!

Devil May Cry 5 is the greatest action game ever made. Hands down. Nothing compares.

Not even gonna talk about the gameplay it’s just peak okay it’s peak

The story… I’m not gonna talk about the story either it’s crazy spoiler heavy

The music is peak it’s like 11/10 it’s so fire like oh my God

Legendary game.

A game that knows exactly what it is and celebrates that fact wholeheartedly, this is perhaps the best action game I’ve ever played. Stylish and sick as hell from top to bottom, from the characters, to the music, and the combat, the fucking combat. Doing combo after combo on defenseless demons is one of the most hype feelings imaginable, and when you manage to pull off a series of moves you thought up it gets the adrenaline flowing. I’ve never really been a heavy action game player but this makes me feel like I’ve been in love with the genre for years.

I might’ve played this game on the lowest difficulty but I had such a good time even then that I can for sure see myself replaying, something I don’t really do a lot anymore. Hell I already started doing Devil Hunter mode with Vergil. This game is just too fun, yes I know I sound like a broken record saying this as much as I have but man I haven’t had such a good time with a combat system in years. There’s still so much I don’t fully grasp about it but I’m looking forward to unlocking more skills, doing even wilder moves, and fully mastering this game in due time.

As someone who knew about this game for a long time and knew a lot of the story beats being spoiled through osmosis, I’m still very pleasantly surprised how much I adored it still, along with the fantastic characters. Everyone who’s playable has a unique personality and charm to them along with a signature fighting style that conveys that very well to the player. For a game that I completed in about ten hours, I feel like I’ve grown far more attached to these characters than I would in most given ten hour stretches of games. The dynamics between everyone feel so charged with every interaction being a treat. This being my first go-round with the series I feel like there’s definitely a bunch I’m missing but they knew exactly what to do to bring me up to speed.

I could go on about the story for a while but I’ll simply stick to my basic thoughts of it being fun as hell, intense, and cathartic all at once. Given what I do know about the story of the earlier games this feels like such an immense payoff and if I was a lifelong DMC fan I would’ve been so incredibly happy to see this game come to fruition. The climax was incredible and felt like the culmination of so much about the series, from the relationship between Dante and Vergil, to this being a coming of age story for Nero; all incredibly strong notes to end on.

This game is kinda perfect in my eyes, does its job Smokin’ Sexy Style! all the way through

REAL ACTION GAME! From story to gameplay to music everything here is well done and top notch. A perfect package imo. Now I just gotta get good at it lol


Now I know I'm speaking from the perspective of someone who got into this series a year ago, and didn't have to wait for this after 4's release... but that 11 years was totally worth it man, oh my god.

This is a fucking video game right here

Am i the only one who likes playing as V.

Where action combat in gaming peaked. Capcom cooked an entirely different beast here I adored it. Will this ever be topped⁉️ Devil May Cry 6 save me…

Melhor DMC de todos, campanha e gameplay muito divertidas e gráficos lindos. Melhores OSTs sendo Devil Trigger do Nero e Bury the Light do Vergil. Recomendo muito!
Obs: zerei com 24h

i am bad at hack and slash games but i do like devil may cry and the game was so great it was worth pushing through being bad at it

Not sure if I enjoyed this as much as DMC 3 due to some eh boss fights and getting a bit tired with V’s gameplay, but this is still a great example of DMC’s sick combat and style.

Also, Nero really won me over.


This might be the most sexist game in existence, but it is fun, I'll give it that