Reviews from

in the past

Wow! Such a good addition to the story! Xande was an awesome villain! I'm sad there's not gonna be more Final Fantasies, since there's already 3....

Story made no fucking sense at all. Played and beat the game mostly with: White Mage, Geomancer, Black Mage, Knight. Lvl 60, job lvl 99.

The first Final Fantasy game is a classic and the second is flawed but commendable for the advancements it tried to make. This third entry is the best of the NES games because of its major advancements in the gameplay department. The story returns to the basic formula of the original and loses some of II's complexity but makes up for it with the Job system. The Job system is a classic Final Fantasy mechanic that sort of exists in the first game but was fleshed out more in this entry. This DS remake also has fun character models and graphics that take an already good game and make it a must-have for the system. This is one of the better Final Fantasy games because it's still simplistic and easy to pick up but complex enough to sink a lot of time into.

Really wild to see so much of FF4 in this game.

I managed to get through the game in japanese when I was like 10.
I'm still not sure how.

A full remake of Final Fantasy III. Other than the full visual overhaul, one of the main draws to this release of III is the massively expanded story and writing compared to the Famicom original. Originally starring a quartet of lowly onion knights on a journey to defend the world against the destruction of magical crystals, in this version our party now have names, unique designs, and actual personalities and as such get far more chances to react and chatter about events as they happen. This is nice but not crucial, especially as the cast are largely shallow archetypes rather than actual characters - but perhaps that's fitting for a game that also fails to characterise its supporting cast or villains beyond bland tropes.

If Final Fantasy II was Square experimenting with narrative, III is the team doing the same with the gameplay. III is the first game in the franchise to feature a fully realised job system, allowing players to flip each member of the party between different classes in order to deal with changing situations and to ensure maximum tactical flexibility. I love job systems, and III's is a wonderfully solid take on the format. However, it's frustrating that some dungeons force you into or away from specific classes, robbing the player of agency. While that might be ok for some players, this combined with the dreadful storytelling is a deathblow for III to me; it works but it's hardly a shining jewel of the NES-era FInal Fantasy games.

Rendered unplayable for me due to the slowest animations I've ever seen on DS. I'm sure other ports speed this up, but I'd rather try V or go back to IV on DS.

Being holed up in the aft cabin of my father's recreational boat, playing this. Playing it continuously and a lot, rejecting all notions of going outside and eating hotdogs or going swimming with fellow islet guests. This was the first moment I experienced the true power of JRPG.

não me prendeu, história meio sem pé sem cabeça onde você não sente nenhuma atração pelo enredo

I wish I had played the original before this as I know this version is harder but this is still one of the best final fantasy games I have played. Cute graphics, good but basic story, just the right amount of challenge (with a little grinding), and the job system rules. Fuck that Iron Giant though

Thought this was one of the best games ever made when I first played it. Imagine my surprise when I found out about the shrek 2 game

kinda sucks compared to the og, dropped after around 7 hours i cba

This version of FF3 is very grindy and the art style hasn't aged well, even on the Steam version. The Pixel Remaster is the better choice.

Mecânicas um pouco mais bem estruturadas que os dois primeiros, evolução dos sistemas criados anteriormente porém necessidade de grind excessiva. Uma versão possivelmente melhor que a original atualmente, talvez perca para a versão de PSP, e em minha opinião bem melhor que a Pixel Remaster.
História segue a qualidade dos antecessores porém sem muitos inimigos marcantes seja por design ou por inserção narrativa.

- Jogado via emulador no PC e Switch numa proporção 90/10.
- Ingame foram cadastradas 72h50 como registrado no log, porém considero pelo menos +10h pelas 3 ou 4 vezes que falhei em executar a última dungeon.

Can't help but think about how many games this one inspired.
This game shows it's age through the old style storytelling and artstyle.
Yet i feel it only empowers it's ageless gameplay and entertaining worldbuilding.

I was enjoying it until the end. The end is a big succession of bosses that if you die you must repeat a long pointless cave every time. Ridiculous

Amazing NDS remake.
Job system makes it considerably better than the 2 previous games.

In my run-through of the entire Final Fantasy franchise, this was the first one that was frustratingly disappointing. The original version was annoying enough by keeping resting places super limited until way later in the game, meaning you had to backtrack halfway across the map just to restore your HP/MP, then spend the replenished characters getting back to where you were to begin with. This remake makes that more frustrating by seemingly amping up the random encounters (one literally occurred three steps after another one while playing on PC).

This remake tries to put a bandage on the dull story by inserting actual characters into it, but they are not interesting enough to care about and tend to fall back on stereotypical tropes that were old even in 2006.

The introduction of the now-classic "Jobs System" was a cool concept, but it feels like a creative step backwards from FFII's awesome "build-your-own" characters. In this game's predecessor, you could make any character fit any role you could imagine by focusing on weapon/magic types instead of being forced to restrict your character to a singular purpose in combat.

I'd recommend the Pixel Remaster of the original FFIII over this choppy DS port.

A complete remake of the NES original, this has a slightly expanded story, new 3D graphics, and a more balanced gameplay system. And all of it is on the DS, a portable system. I have to give credit to the team behind this because they made Final Fantasy 3 much easier to jump into and play. With that said, the game is still very difficult and quite grind heavy at times. Also, the story doesn't really get interesting until the back half of the game which is a very long time to wait. This is still a good game, and an easy recommendation to any old-school JRPG enthusiasts who want a fresh take on an old classic.

its just okay a typical ff game. subpar story, mediocre combat, alright music. a little forgettable. the job system is interesting but really once you get into a high enough job level, switching to another class just means grinding for a couple hours and thats lame. I Just. HATE limiting saving to the overworld and losing hours of progress.

Thank god they made the party real characters

História legal, personagens bem carismáticos, sistema de classe muito bom, pena que cometi o erro de não aproveitar mais, variando entre elas com mais frequência, talvez esse tenha se tornado meu 3 final fantasy favorito

No es mal juego pero tampoco la panacea. Final Fantasy III destruye los elementos de Final Fantasy II y mejora la fórmula de Final Fantasy con el sistema de trabajos para traernos un título divertido, pero insuficiente y con varios problemas de desarrollo en la historia, pese a que esta edición expande la vida de los personajes.