Reviews from

in the past

Individual review for the original game is available on my profile. This is a review of this specific DLC.

Honestly holds up better then I expected. Omega seems like a weird detour at first, and it kind of is - it's really self-contained and mostly exists as a vehicle for a fan favourite character - but man, as a stand alone story it's actually really fun and inventive. The Omega station was already one of the best hubs in the series and now seeing it from the perspective of it's liberator changes the feel of the station as well as your relationship to it.

Helps that it's got just really great character work. The villain is wonderful dastardly, Aria is a joy, and new character Nyreen is a highlight as the first female turian in the series. It's mostly a glorified side story, but as side stories go it's among the franchise's most thrilling and engaging. Love it!

Bishop... takes King F12 laughs in russian

The return to Omega that feels like it should have been in the base game the whole time. Much like Leviathan it feels more segmented than it really should. But the DLC itself offers a lot of unique encounters, and getting time with Aria and the awesome new character Nyreen makes this DLC great time.

Taking time out of my busy schedule of saving all organic life in galaxy to help resolve a glorified gang territory dispute

Un dlc entero dedicado a ser la putilla de Aria.

They finally revealed that yes, gender does not affect the sex appeal of turians

This DLC was basically:
“You doin’ the dishes bitch?”

“Yes of course Aria.”
and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

ME3 has some of the best DLCs but this one is my least favourite
It’s just mindless shooting with no plot

Dark horse best Mass Effect DLC. Tells the contained story of a lightning war, with a genuinely interesting question at its core: are you going to dance with the one that brought you?

Omega and Aria are two of the most distinct elements of Mass Effect 2, the most reperesentative of that game's bolder, meaner presentation. The Omega DLC has some of the best rolling battles in Mass Effect 3, the most striking presentation, and a commitment to military sci-fi that weaves the personal and galactic-scales together effortlessly.

Players often evaluate narrative DLC modules based on what they add, rather than what they achieve as single piece of storytelling. Omega has everything that works about Mass Effect 3 contained within 90 minutes (if that) and it rocks.

Aria T'loak can do whatever she wants with me

love Aria and the female turian and appreciate the noir and grit but ultimately just really really forgettable even in the days following, let alone 1.5 years later. the gameplay of 3 really is just inherently flawed.

Goes on for way too long and has almost no choices to make until the end, probably the most mid piece of content from the ME trilogy in my opinion

Playtime: 3 Hours
Score: 9/10

The first DLC for Mass Effect 3 wrapped up and I got to say its a good start! Omega is my favorite location in all of Mass Effect as I love that its the seedy underbelly of the ME universe. And Aria is one of my favorite ME characters so its cool to get a DLC focused on her. Content wise, its just like the ME2 DLC with a linear structure but I honestly don't mind it. Aria is just so cool to be with and having her as a companion is the highlight. Not much else to say other then I really enjoyed this and its now my new favorite ME DLC from the trilogy!

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