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Resident Evil Remake/Rebirth (2002) é um Survival Horror focado em exploração e solução de puzzles. O jogo possui duas campanhas e você pode controlar Jill Valentine ou Chris Redfield, a dificuldade depende de qual personagem você escolhe, sendo Jill o modo facilitado e Chris tendo um pouco mais de dificuldade em sua experiência. Existem poucos inimigos, mas possui uma variedade ''ok'', a munição é limitada, então é necessário saber quando e onde usar, os chefes são desafiadores, porém nada muito excepcional. Resident Evil Remake/Rebirth é uma boa pedida pra quem curte o gênero e deu um salto enorme se comparar com o original de 1996, os gráficos são de uma qualidade absurda, principalmente se você lembrar que foi lançado em 2002, a atuação dos dubladores também evoluiu bastante e o Remake conta também com modos extras e alguns desbloqueáveis, fazendo com que o fator replay aumente. O tempo de jogo é entre 9-11 horas na sua primeira jogatina, mas quando terminado da primeira vez, esse tempo cai bastante. Recomendo jogar de mente aberta, pois os controles não são convencionais e talvez uma pessoa mais nova pode acabar se frustrando em sua primeira vez jogando, mas se você gosta da franquia ou curte um Survival Horror completinho, esse aqui não irá te decepcionar <3

perhaps my favorite game in the series. the soundtrack, the warm, candle-lit atmosphere of the game makes me feel safe

zerei tanto q já sei tudo decorado

Amazing game but it essentially forces you to learn what should be a speedrun strategy (Baiting enemies to attack and running past them while they recover) to finish it. There's too little ammo and medicine otherwise.

I find it really difficult to recommend unless you are content spending up to 2-3 hours to get used to it and reloading saves often if you get hit. But if you accept that, you have a great horror game to go through.

the camera might be annoying at times but honestly that game has the best atmosphere out of all resident evil games and even after 20 years it’s still worth playing

Story and Characters
-The story for the game is quite simple, a group of special forces police officers are essentially trapped in a mansion and must figure out what is going on and why there are monsters and zombies everywhere. The game is older and the story is fairly minimal and cliched at this point. There are no dramatic story moments really and the story will rarely ever surprise you.
-The characters are all very basic and the voice acting isn’t great. None of the characters are developed in any meaningful ways and the characters often make choices that don’t make a lot of sense. For example, at one point a character tries to betray you and pulls a gun on you. You stop him and then fight a monster together and after that, you are totally fine with one another.
-The villain reveal is very obvious and also kind of pointless. Their motivations are not interesting at all and it isn’t really clear what their end goal is.
-Overall, pretty weak story and characters, but the game is from 1996, so I don’t think someone can judge it as harshly as they could if it was a game released in 2023.

-The gameplay is mainly oriented around exploration, solving puzzles and fighting monsters, with some boss fights in there as well. The puzzles can be fun sometimes although there are certain puzzles that feel overly complicated and unclear how you are supposed to solve them. Also, the inventory in the game is atrocious as you only get 8 slots including quest items. This means you are constantly backtracking to your stash so you can get whatever item you may need for a puzzle. But because the puzzles can sometimes be rather vague, you are having to carry a lot of puzzle items just in case you find one that works. This makes the game very frustrating and annoying at times.
-The combat is very basic and just consists of aiming and shooting, but because of the controls and camera angles, you cannot hit any head shots really and it can be very hard to avoid getting hit, especially by enemies like the dogs.
-There are loading screens every time you open a door which is very annoying and gets old quickly. It would make sense for the major areas, but they are there for every single door that you go through. This makes back tracking even more annoying.
-The boss fights are super basic and often very easy and forgettable. There isn’t any sort of dodge mechanic so you just have to run around and hope you don’t get hit while you try to shoot the enemies.
-The game only saves when you manually save at a typewriter station and use an ink ribbon. This would be more okay if it wasn’t for the fact that you die at random times because the game will occasionally throw enemies at you that you are not expecting. For example, there are areas where 2 or 3 dogs will rush to attack you and there is no way to really avoid being hit by them unless you have a shotgun and can hit them fast enough. This usually leads to you dying and then you lose a bunch of progress and have to do it all over again.

Side Content
-The game is quite linear so there is not any side content really. There are bits of lore you can find in the world, but there is no real side content. This is not a negative though because the game is more linear and is not open world, so it really doesn’t need any side content.

World/Level Design
-This is actually a strength of the game as the mansion with weird experiments going on underground and the surrounding forest make for a good location for a resident evil game. It is a cool, creepy atmosphere that is fun to explore even if the game is quite dated at this point.

Graphics, Music and Glitches
-The game is obviously quite old as the remake was released in 2002, but the game still looks decent. The faces and animations are obviously very dated, but the environments and different rooms in the mansion all look quite good.
-The music was good and helped build on the creepy atmosphere.
-I did not encounter any glitches really when I was playing which is always good.

Main Positives of the Game
-The mansion is a cool setting and the game has a creepy atmosphere that really works.
-It is cool to see how the gameplay would go on to be continued into even the modern Resident Evil games. Finding keys, solving puzzles, fighting enemies and running away from monsters are all key aspects of the series that started with this very first title.

Main Negatives of the Game
-The different camera angles in the game make walking around and fighting far more frustrating as you often will not go where you want to.
-The game has terrible inventory management that forces you to constantly be going back to your stash for different items. This would be fine if they made it so the quest items didn’t actually take up slots, just the health items, weapons and ammo, but this is not the case.
-The story, characters and voice acting are all pretty weak. It is an older game so it is hard to judge too harshly, but the game definitely struggles in those departments.
-You lose a lot of progress to deaths unless you are frequently saving which is annoying to do and you only get limited saves.
-Some of the puzzles are annoying and the solutions to solve them are not clear enough. This is even more annoying because again, you don’t have the inventory space to carry anywhere close to all of your items.

Overall Score: 5/10

despite having been a fan of resident evil for over half my life at this point (and in fact owning the game as a child), it's only now that i've beaten this game for the first time. you tend to hear people talk about REmake in hushed whispers, hailing it as not only the best resident evil game alongside 4, but in fact one of the best games ever made. i think i would agree w/ that assessment. i just wish the game didnt get easier once you got back to the mansion though. who cares if hunters can one shot you when you basically never run out of magnum/grenade launcher ammo? for the record i played on normal, i imagine that would be an entirely different story on hard.

Resident Evil is a classic, and I can fully see why. The ominous atmosphere, the horrifying enemies, the excellent sound design.

Beforehand I had only played the Resi 2 remake, a game I intend to revisit on my playthrough of the series, and expected a downgrade. However, aside from the tank controls occasionally causing Jill to go the wrong way (which only caused a Game Over once), this game is fantastic.

That being said it's not perfect, while the majority of the puzzles are great, and provide that sensation of "Aha! I know exactly what to do" when you get the last piece, towards the end there's a couple of "click-everything-on-everything-until-something-works" (Ah yes, the broken flamethrower is the key to this door). Plus, the inventory system seems largely arbitrary, and does little to effect the game outside of "Oh good, I have to trail all the way back to get this from the item box".

Still, it sets an incredible benchmark for the rest of the series, where it only moved strength to strength (despite a few hiccups down the line)

A zombie got up so I ran to the safe room and cried.


C'est avec ce jeu que j'ai découvert la licence. Au début j'avais beaucoup de mal à m'habituer au game design. Mais j'ai rapidement compris le fonctionnement du jeu et j'ai pris une claque. Déjà le jeu est encore beau aujourd'hui (j'imagine même pas pour l'époque). Les puzzles sont satisfaisant à faire, le gameplay "tank" est parfaitement adapté aux caméras fixes. Le jeu nous donne pas beaucoup de ressources et même pour sauvegarder il faut utiliser des objets limités. Ce qui nous pousse à ne pas trop en abuser et rajoute du stress en plus. J'ai trouvé aussi que les nouveaux ajouts comme les crimson head sont très pertinents. Même les gens qui ont fait le jeu d'origine seront dépaysé par moment. Pour moi ce jeu c'est quasi la perfection

It's a game alright

Not for me though, couldn't get it to it

My favourite resident evil game, the ambiance, better controls, puzzles, and enemies are so fun. pacing is well maintained throughout game as well

a great remake of the first game! it has a spooky atmosphere, it's gameplay is fun, and the soundtrack is very ambient! recommend!

This game is a masterpiece in the horror genre. Absolutely beautiful, just don't think too long about the world or it will make your head spin how bizarre it actually is.

Best of the classic Resident Evil games but gets quite stale towards the end.

Probably the best remake of a game ever

me molesta el angulo de la cam pero ta lindo

7 - Great game but gets exhausting by the 70% mark. I wish to embrace Albert Wesker.

Amei o jogo e minha imersão nele, a trilha, a posição da câmera e os específicos momentos de tensão deixam impossível não entrar na vibe que cada parte quer passar.

This review contains spoilers

pra mim esse jogo não é apenas um jogo de conforto, como é na minha opinião o potencial melhor survival horror já feito, aprimorou o que ja era bom e ditou um padrão de qualidade que até hoje a capcom força pra recuperar (e ocasionalmente recupera), apesar dos personagens e narrativas simplistas (isso ja era uma característica de praticamente todas as franquias da capcom pelo menos até 2005), o jogo compensa com files detalhadíssimos e com (safoda vo fala inglês) environmental storytelling como um laboratório de fachada perdeu pra sua própria criação, e como isso faz parte duma parada muito maior e muito bem construída e desenvolvida nos jogos anteriores e posteriores, os controles tank contribuem demais pra uma gameplay precisa, tem um fator replay bom p carai, é gótico é gore é 90s fashion tudo di bao SHINJEE MICOMEE

okay, so i wasn't able to help myself and so i decided to start a chris run, just to see how his gameplay experience is different. and yeah, i'm ready to say this is one of the best games ever made. a lot is said about jill being the easier character for a number of factors (access to the grenade launcher, you can get shotgun much earlier due to having barry, the lockpick, and of course more inventory spaces), but whether it was due to having just played the game or chris actually being easier, i found chris FAR easier. the fact he has more hp and a higher headshot rate w/ the handgun is so immensely helpful to me, and at no point did i find having 2 less inventory spaces anything more than a slight annoyance. as long as you're diligent about clearing out one safe path to an item room within the mansion (i chose the east wing), you're golden.

managed to get the achievement for completing the game in <5 hours by the skin of my teeth this run (4:55!), even with running to item rooms adding like 10-15 minutes. old keys aren't really an issue to collect, either. pretty much every one of them will be placed near an area that jill's lockpick would normally open. but whether or not you're playing jill or chris, you need to play this fucking game if you haven't already.

Jill would-you-like-to-be-my Valentine

A great game with a beautiful blend of survival horror; it's impressive how a game from another era in the gaming world made me jump out of my chair with scares. It may not be one of the best Resident Evil games, but that was the formula that, in my opinion, should never have left this incredible game series.

Simply put, this is one of the tightest, well-paced video game experiences in history. Will test your brain, your resolve, and your FEAR! The game isn't over upon completion; the developers were smart enough to design the game around repeat playthroughs, carefully placing enemies and items to work not only on your first attempt, but also on further explorations of the game, pushing you and the mansion walls to their absolute limits. Timeless. Perfection.

Even today, this remake is beautiful and scary. It's full of surprise and the atmosphere is over the top. My favorite game of the franchise.

Creo que le falta mucha qol para jugarlo a día de hoy. El inventario es enano y los puzzles imposibles. Aún así me lo pasé bien.