Reviews from

in the past

Good game, but outshined by RollerCoaster Tycoon 2.

RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 has surpassed my expectations in the best of ways. For when I was going into this game, I was under the assumption it was gonna be bad; being the third game in a series that started in the 90s, making its big leap into 3D while transitioning to early 2000s game design principles and expectations. However, as it terns out, Atari was able to produce something amazing within all those boarders. Taking everything from the first two, transitioning it to 3D perfectly, and building on ever single aspect of these games to make an amazing combinations of systems. It is really a shame that this game is not talked about as much when put next to its precursors. Not being put in the bundle collection on steam will do that I suppose, but still. Make a note to play this if you enjoy tycoon games, this does not disappoint.

love how the game has both zoo's and waterparks, the best of the best :)

Destroying child balloon is so fun

i understand why people find this to be the weakest point in the series but i really just can’t get over the beautiful, awfully goofy 3d aesthetics of this game, the surreal imagery of the figures ethereally drifting through the park, and how above all of its dated tendencies it still manages to feel so smooth, user interface is fantastic and the POV function is an absolute game changer, genuinely a better game than planet coaster BECAUSE of its dorkiness

fun fact this game is made by atari

It will never not be funny to launch a coaster into a line of peds!

Listen it's nowhere near as good as the first 2, but it's still a lot of fun

I remember playing this game before even knowing what the 'Internet' was. If any one game defined my earliest childhood, it was this one. And how fun it still is! Especially the first-person was revolutionary for my tiny little brain!

this game taught me how tourist traps work

Does everything the first two Rollercoaster Tycoom games does, but worse. It is fun riding your own coasters in the 3D First Person Camera though.

Best roller coaster game lol

i miss being a child.. i miss being able to be creative without consequence.. just me, my PC and RCT3.. that's enough for me

Best one in the series

still a fun game it lost some of the charm that made the first 2 games so special, also the fact people are not in straight lines really infuriates me

me ensinou o que é juros e emprestimo com 8 anos de idade, apenas elogios

pillar of my childhood. unfortunately it just doesn't hold up nowadays.

this was one of my childhood faves and i picked it up again during my sad unemployment era (2) - currently running a theme park that is being assaulted with Ram Ranch speakers throughout the entire property and it has nearly a perfect visitor rating 👍

This game made me fall in love with the Tycoon genre.
There is something tranquil and mesmerizing about building your park piece by piece, watching guests enjoy your rides, which you carefully built to fit in the scenarios to look pretty.

Setting up prices to your rides, shops, hell, even bathrooms but don't do that .
And watching that $ balance go up.
Keeping your park clean, raising your janitors salary to keep them happy.
Hire mascots, that fit in with your park's theme.

This and more; one of the best Tycoon games ever made, coupled with the Wild! and Soaked! expansions, which add respectively the ability to make zoos and aquaparks... it just never stops giving.

Gets too over complicated even if the improved graphics are fun