Reviews from

in the past

Short and can be finished by mashing one combo.

Sonic the Fighters is very cute and charming on the surface level, but extremely janky and frustrating when it comes down to playing it.

The movement feels sluggish and heavy while at the same time the game feels like it's running too fast, the interactions between different moves are strange, and moving around in a 3D space just feels unacceptably unintuitive and unreliable in a post-Tekken 2 and post-Soul Edge world.

The AI also cheats heinously, even by fighting game standards. I spent hours grinding out and learning every fight to get the Super Sonic ending without losing a round, but even after everything I feel like it came down to a lot of luck at the end.

The soundtrack is lively and incredibly fun, the graphics are colourful and eye-catching and look great for the time, and the attention to detail and care put into everything down to attack animations replicating concept art poses makes for an extremely cute package that's a treat to look at and listen to, but unfortunately not that great to play.

Had trouble figuring out the controls but I can play as Fang and that's all I need really.

Sonic the fighters is a game that is just so fun and stupid that it kind of works. The gameplay still holds up and can be quite tricky on some of the stages. The game is also SUPER short so I don't really have much more to say. One last thing though, I think they should make a new sonic fighting game because I had fun with this and I'm just imaging a game with an arcade mode and a 5 hour campaign and online. I think a new sonic fighting game would have a lot of potential and I hope SEGA decides to actually do anything besides yakuza.

Eu joguei muito isso aqui quando era menor. A parte mais foda desse jogo é a parte de apresentação, o jogo é bonito os personagens se movem de uma maneira muito fluída é muito foda, os cenários também são bons e a música é bem boa bem marcante. A pior coisa desse jogo é que ele é extremamente simples mesmo (tanto em profundidade de gameplay quanto no jogo em si).

Actually quite a good 3d fighting game, and I think it was free (?) on xbox arcade back in the 360 days. I remember playing this with my brother and it was a lot of fun.

Uma proposta interessante até. Não é lá um jogo de luta muito profundo, mas é como se fosse um Virtua Fighter clássico com o Sonic.

A temática é legal, mas por ser um jogo originalmente de Arcade é meio curto. Porém o que quebra mesmo é o desbalanceamento dos personagens, que fica bem evidente quando você tenta jogar com alguém que não seja o Sonic.

Maneirinho, passo o pano por ser uma idéia que dificilmente veríamos ser executada hoje em dia.

I actually really like this game. It's just a fun arcade fighting game. I think people just want it to be something it isn't.

Played on sonic gems collection. what the hell even is this

Outro que joguei na infância, uma coleção de Sonic que tinha no PS2. Bons tempos.
Atualmente o tema do meu 3DS é desse jogo.


The ACTUAL best 3D Sonic game in terms of visuals, I'm not even kidding around here. All would be right with the world and SEGA would be ruling supreme over all game companies if we got an action-adventure Sonic game with these graphics. Nintendo would have fallen, Sony would have begged to join SEGA in its quest for world domination, Microsoft would've stayed far away from the console business, trembling in fear and shame when stepping under the shadow of Sonic's gargantuan hold over the gaming industry.

... Okay, hyperbole aside, I just love the way this game looks. The 3D models, the super stretchy animations, the designs for characters like Bark, Bean and Honey; it's timeless in its charm and appeal.

Of course it's not a very polished fighting game, but it's a decent enough slapfest. I even tried to apply some of my Tekken knowledge for some mixed results.
Sounds great too, both in terms of music and sound effects. I could FEEL the pain behind some of these punches and stomps.



Idc if its piss easy and basic its awesome
also honey :3

Very awk to control,blocking is stupid and barely works but the hits feel fucking brutal. Bean and Bark aren't in other Sonic games because they simply did not make it out alive from this.

(Review from 2022) Nothing crazy, goofy little fighting game

played this through Like a Dragon, IDC it counts

It's definitely a game where Sonic and his friends are fighters, I'll give it that

Pelo preço, até que valeu. 5 reais pra ver meu priminho de 4 anos feliz vale muito. Porém, o jogo em si não é muita coisa, já que só apertando os botões aleatoriamente não me garantiu só o término do jogo como também todos os troféus.

I'm split on this game. Has pretty split pros and cons. I enjoyed it and can see myself having fun with it for a short while with friends, but it has enough mechanical problems that it would get tiring quickly.
- At least solo, the game is simple enough to have fun with. Can do decently with either blind mashing or trying to exercise serious play .
- GCN release has infinite continues, which help fix some of the cons.
- The art style is really nice. It isn't outstanding, but I enjoy the renderings of the characters and I think it translates the classic designs well to 3D.

- This is an arcade fighter from the 90s, so expect HEAVY balancing issues. Some move strings which are way too strong, moves that can completely bypass shield with no consistency, etc.
- To add to the above, gotta have the classic boss character who is absurdly broken. Can take out half your health with an unblockable, infinite range attack that is also an approach tool. Many other faults.
- Controls feel inconsistent, especially with moves that require simultaneous button presses. Even with a dedicated button for hitting 2 or 3 others at once, often can feel like it just doesn't work.

Mesma opinião do Sonic R. Ideia legal, trilha sonora até que boa, visual/gráficos legais pra época e bem estilosos. No entanto curto de mais, apesar dos personagens terem uma gameplay bem única uns dos outros (com ressalva em alguns golpes que os personagens tem de maneira igual).

Those fighting viper dev’s sure know what’s up

Thank you RGG for putting this stylishly appealing squash-and-stretch oddity in Like A Dragon Gaiden so now I can confirm that this was indeed imperfectly fun for what it is (will never revisit!) and that Kiryu canonically played Sonic The Fighters. Seriously tho, I actually wished this was the presentation the franchise stuck with or took inspiration from nowadays, besides a reference in the IDW comics.


Sonic the Fighters is another Sonic Spin off that really needed another attempt, an Arcade fighting game with a ton of enegry, hilariously over-animated characters and a killer soundtrack stuck behind a game with confusing mechanics and lacking content.

STF has a story mode where you take 1 character through a bunch of set challenges in set stages each and every time. There’s very little in variation and it’s a shame that this is all the single player content that’s available.

Combat is overall fun but very inconsistent. Every character has a ton of moves that compliment their established characteristics. I don’t think it’s always simple to pull off advanced techniques, but practice can allow you to mop the floor with opponents… sometimes.

Sometimes you’ll lock an enemy into a chain and deal massive damage, sometimes you’ll either get blocked for no apparent reason or barely deal any damage. The block is also odd, you only get 5 dedicated guards per round. This isn’t a problem per se and it does make you think about when you should be blocking, and when it’s better to try and dodge or just take the hit.

I think what saves fighters from feeling extreme bare is the animation, it’s absolutely brillaint, looney toons styled slapstick and the sound effects are so crunchy you can really feel those hits.

But as I say it’s a fairly simple game. Better with friends for sure but there are better options. Love the soundtrack too, it’s got great great variety. Play this if you’re curious but don’t go out your way for it.