Reviews from

in the past

Its a remake of one of the best zelda games, ofc its good.

first Zelda game I've ever beaten

and it was awesome.

And I didn't even have to use a guide until the near-end of the game.

Really great puzzles and gameplay on this classic topdown adventure game and the updated graphics look really good.

The original game was already an incredibly charming experience so the new diorama aesthetic made this great game even better

A terrific remake. The art style is so good that I wish they'd make a new adventure like this.

I love the aesthetic and everything they did to make this game visually distinct but there should have been way way more focus on modernising some of the really old fashioned gameplay. It feels like I'm playing through Zelda 1 at times with how some of the enemies and dungeons are designed. Look no further than the secret seashells which sometimes are just hidden in the most random places which you would only be able to find thanks to the tracker item later in the game. The story and theme of the game is one I like alot and wish they would go for more when creating some of their games, it allows for much more creative freedom and are not tied down to any lore from other games (which they have been finding problems with recently with TOTK).
The powerscaling is maybe a bit too tweaked in the direction of making the player feel powerful because by the end of the game you're almost untouchable.
Overall I would say this game is fine, it has its occasional really fun dungeon or puzzle only for you to be met with some excruciatingly boring dungeons like the infamous Eagles Tower. Though the gameplay is not the strength of the game, the aesthetic and story is. Play it if you like 2d Zelda

Helped me realize I don't actually like the standard zelda formula all that much, an ok game at the best of times.

A arte desse jogo é muito linda

This remake is great, but the added build your own dungeon mechanic was very lackluster.

miss when zelda was more like this

GooeyScale: 80/100

Modernizing a classic without having to changing any of the original design really just goes to show how Nintendo has always been on top of game in terms of pure game design. The toy-like visuals add so much to its dreamlike atmosphere

The original Link's Awakening was one of the best games on the Game Boy. It wasn't diminished by its portable status; instead, it stood out as a legitimately good Zelda game. This remake improves on the original with amazing graphics, cute clay-like designs, and an improved soundtrack. I think this is the definitive version of the game that is worth playing if you're a fan of the series.

Link's Awakening DX on gameboy was a favorite of mine as a kid, but I never made it past the second dungeon. It was nice to be able to revisit and complete this game. A beautiful and tragic story revisited in a fun new artsyle

First 2D Zelda game, overall very enjoyable from start to finish. The puzzles are interesting, Zelda game so soundtracks goes hard, I'm glad that the writing is kinda basic and I didn't really connect with any character (except a lil bit for Marin and I fucking hate the Trendy Game shopkeeper) or else the ending would broke me, I really like the Metroid-ish type of progression here although sometime it can get confusing (the old man on the phone was so clutch for me). The bosses are definitely not too hard but finding a way to damage them is pretty tricky (especially the last one).
Really short too so wouldn't hurt giving it a go if you are looking for some simple feel good fun gameplay.

While I think this game is pretty alright across the board in terms of gameplay, with some hiccups in overall dungeon design that annoyed me by the end, it's entirely bolstered by its unique and pretty dark premise. Is it "heroic" to end this world, even if its a dream? Are you the hero here? While Link's Awakening is for all intents and purposes a pretty standard 2D Zelda fare with a relatively small world to explore, knowing that you're striving to eventually bring it to an end is a really interesting concept. Just a good Zelda!

Sin todas las caracolas, pero casi

Dejé de jugar al original cuando anunciaron este remake y hasta hace poco no pude agenciármelo.

As Charming and well designed as a game gets. (I love the frog prince references more than the Mario ones)

El remake destruye completamente el apartado estilístico y artístico del original, restándole profundidad a la historia y a su rico e interesante subtexto. Más allá de eso sigue siendo uno de los mejores juegos de Zelda, solo que esta es la peor versión para experimentarlo.

i hope valorant players also come to an awakening that they're playing a shitty fucking game

oh oops they do they just dont want to admit it

Gorgeous. Really fun, really breezy, only takes a few days really. Some pain-in-the-ass obtuse puzzles, but others that are so satisfying…. Lovely smooth difficulty curve. Bittersweet

(16 hearts)

Fun little game. This really has me wishing that we could get another modern 2D Zelda, but that seems far off, especially with Aonuma saying that this open world model is their likely path forward from this point. It was a little annoying traveling around sometimes especially before I had the fast travel song, and backtracking is something you need to do a lot. There were a few points where I was pretty lost as well and not sure what to do. Overall though, the combat feels much better than Link to the Past without all the bouncing and whatnot, and the bosses were good once I figured out the trick.

Depois de ter me decepcionado com o Link to the Past, decidi jogar OCARINA OF TIME, e realmente descobrir que o desgosto que senti com aquele jogo foi só com ele mesmo (talvez por ter sido meu primeiro?), gostei muito de tudo de Ocarina e raramente ele me deixava na mão, sendo anti intuitivo ou coisa parecida, mas infelizmente eu perdi meu save quando cheguei no Shadow Temple, me desanimei pra caralho mas decidi continuar na franquia.

Dessa vez, peguei um jogo moderno, Link's Awakening de switch, eu sempre achei esse jogo interessante, principalmente o de game boy clássico. Primeiro, eu gostei que ele evoluiu muita coisa do de Super nintendo, mas isso desde o clássico, o remake como remake não me agradou muito, o estilo gráfico não é algo que eu esperaria de Link's Awakening, penso como esse jogo seria num estilo mais anime/Link to the Past, nossa, o jogo inteiro e aquele final seria muito mais impactante.

Dito isso, é bonitinho e funciona, apesar de não ser o ideal pra mim. Tem também muitos pedaços chatos pra caralho, principalmente em progressão. MAS, as dungeons (parte mais insuportavel do Link to the Past) aqui estão ótimas, raramente achava elas chatas e cada uma tinha um puzzle único, e eram desafiadoras mas também bem intuitivas, foi muito bom.

É isso, gostei da experiencia, ainda mantenho jogando Zelda até hoje, um dia quero pegar o Ocarina pra tentar novamente (esse ano ainda) mas até lá, to indo em outros jogos, aproveitar que essa é uma das únicas franquias quase 100% antologica, o que me agrada bastante.

mon premier jeu switch ça avait pas l’air d’être un Zelda comme je les aimes mais ça me rappelait les tout premier donc mimi

Esse jogo é simplesmente um dos jogos mais bonitos e cativantes que já joguei. Ele pode até parecer ser "simples" mas no que ele se prõpoe a fazer, ele faz com perfeição.

Jogo fantástico só me perdi nele umas 101201203120x

Zelda doesn't miss with artistic merit, it would seem. While it doesn't push the story very hard, the idea of visiting a magical dream-world full of heart and adventure, but having to accept that the dream must eventually come to an end is good stuff! It's different for a Zelda game, but it fits it well, and it's willing to get silly and weird for the dream-world which I appreciate so very much. In a perfect game, all of this combined could easily bring me to tears, but like I said originally, they don't push the story on you strong enough to really impact you.

How's the gameplay? Eh, it's fine. Nothing wrong with it, but it ain't special either. I got tired of it by the end, but the story kept me going, and it ended with a gratifying finale all the same.

Great LoZ game and love the style