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in the past

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I still need to finish this

Done several playthroughs and it's really good. I know I hate these Sony movie games but this one kinda special to me.

My favourite uncharted game and a really good end to the story of Nathan Drake.

an unforgettable experience

Despite the loss of Henning, the team at Naughty Dog managed to stay fairly faithful to the tone, world and characters that she wrote.
That along with the power of the PS4 to make it possible for the team to make possibly the best set pieces in the series make this an all timer

My favourite uncharted game the graphics are amazing and especially on the ps5 version. Great story telling and I'm glad Nathan got a good ending

Ele foca muito mais na sua história e em qualquer outro aspecto, e ela é a melhor da série, sempre com novas surpresas e algo muito bem feito.

Sobre a gameplay, ela adicionou o gancho e o deslizo, os comandos são um pouco difíceis de se acostumar, pois esse é o mais diferente nessa questão entre os 4.

Não quero falar muito dele, porém recomendo.

This game was great—so much here is objectively improved upon from the previous entries. The visuals (obviously), the combat with the best shooting in the series, amazing set pieces, and the best story which has real heart at times.

They also really improved the traversal with sliding and grappling mechanics which are just fun and feel great. I like that they included a real stealth mechanic this time around; it’s a bit lackluster but it gets the job done for a non-stealth game. Mostly unused by me.

My main complaint is that the pacing can be a little wonky—I couldn’t help but compare some aspects of this to TLOU which I thought handled a lot of these elements much better. This game is a lot bigger than the other games, and while it moves linearly, there’s more room to take different paths through areas. In TLOU, there’s a real desire to explore with a rewarding scavenging mechanic—the Uncharted series is not built on this foundation. Because of this, bigger areas just went largely unexplored by me because why would I bother to look around simply for the chance to find one of the billion collectibles? Sometimes the game is too big and sections can drag, especially traversal. I’ve never been one to dislike the climbing mechanic in this series and in similar games inspired by it, but this game reallyyyy pushes its luck at times. I did not feel the same drive to return to this game and to keep playing it as I did with either TLOU’s or Uncharted 2 (probably my fav in the series).

Naughty Dog always leave me feeling like I went on a journey when I finish their games. While I was frustrated with some aspects of the game as I played, it’s difficult not to look back after completing it and feeling awestruck by the whole thing. Looking back on the story after finishing it, it’s easy to see just how grand and rewarding it was, but the pacing can undeniably bring it down and I can’t see myself rushing to replay this.

That being said, this is a perfect send off for the series, far better than 3. The ending of this game really feels like a conclusion for these characters in the best way even if it does lean on the sentimentality a bit. I teared up for sure. There are a ton of great moments in here, including a couple of my favorite moments in the whole series but I’d be lying if I said that I enjoyed every moment.
Torn between an 8 or 9 out of 10.

Really didn't expect this one to hold up, but I think I actually had a better experience playing it now than I did when I first played it like 6 years ago when I was 15. So much more going on than I had the attention span to absorb back then. Just a really well paced adventure that exceeds anything the franchise had done previously whilst simultaneously being the most grounded entry in the series. The story for the most part is pretty average in my opinon, but really picks up in the last third or so of the game incorporating some really interesting themes into the narrative which also gets emotionally bolsted towards this point. In fact, the latter parts of the game really tie everything together well and make the previous parts which I was less engaged in at the time more compelling in hindsight. Really thought the story would just be a shallow nothing in service only of the gameplay and taking us to unique environments, but it was good and worked well. I loved the direction it took as well with basing the whole treasure hunt on real life events and mysteries, I have never been so invested in pirate lore in my life but god I want to know what Henry Avery done with his treasure in real life now.

Speaking of environemnts, they were beautiful too. For me Naughty Dog are the masters at creating visually interesting settings which usually are in service of some great environmental storytelling, and although I feel their strengths in this department are more highlighted in the Last Of Us franchise, it still shows here. Overall just a very visually stimulating experience, especially on the next-gen graphics of the PS5 remaster. The sound effects and music too. Godamn. Brilliant score which I think pays homage to many of the older games at points, but I can't be sure on this as it's been so long since I've played them. Still an excellent score which stands on its own and services the gameplay well. And man the sound design is so good. There's a portion at the end of the game that involves swords and the sound design in this section just really pleased my ear for some reason.

Gameplay wise though, a bit sub-par for me, especially by contemporary standards and through comparing it to TLoU2. Fair enough like the game is 8 years old which seems mad to say for something made in 2016 but yeah, feels just slightly dated compared to how advanced every other aspect of the game is. Gunplay wasn't too fun for me and the stealth mechanics still leave a lot to be desired. However, the combat scenarios and the way you interact with your surroundings during these moments were what really stood out to me. Sliding down ledges, swinging off posts and chucking fellas off ledges many of these action set pieces are really great and the freedom it gives you during these parts was suprisingly vast. There are so many ways to go about these moments and the developers knew the different things you would try leading to these highly dynamic and unique set pieces which will diverge between player and playthrough. Quite enjoyed the traversal in general which takes up most of the playtime, and exploring the environments is always fun and interesting especially when they look this good. Climbing can get a bit tedious but the rope swings littered throughout the game make these parts much more exciting.

Overall, visually stunning game with suprisingly good storytelling, a nice way to end the series.

Perfect closure to Nathan Drake's story. Probably my favorite Uncharted game even though I love them all.

gameplay is fun but they didn't push it enough it's like ughhh cause it's so polished and fun and fast and inviting to play however you want but at every encounter I was like "that's it?".

GREAT cinematic moments, to date can't find a game with moments that explosive and fun. Story works but nothing special

The story was so much fun, I found myself enthralled with the characters and the environments were beautiful. The gameplay was pretty basic, shoot and parkour by holding forward, but the game was still enjoyable!

Its the best Uncharted game and is just beautiful.

O melhor da franquia! Uncharted 4 tem a melhor história, o melhor desenvolvimento de personagens, o melhor vilão, a melhor cena de ação da história dos videogames e não envelheceu um dia desde que foi lançado em 2016. Os gráficos desse jogo são tão lindos quanto os de The Last of Us Part II lançado 4 anos depois, é impressionante como Naughty Dog conseguiu atingir o ápice da geração em menos de 3 anos. Os flashbacks são lindos, a adição de Sam funciona tão bem que é dificil imaginar Uncharted sem ele, Neil Druckmann e Bruce Straley melhoraram em tudo o brilhante trabalho feito anteriormente por Amy Hennig. Como podem ter tido a cara de pau de tirar o GOTY de 2016 dessa obra prima e entregar a Overwatch?!

I played so many games to make up these Uncharted 4, but thankfully I didn't have to feel like A Thief, since this End was nearly perfect not just for me, but for the series as a whole.

This review contains spoilers

Content warning for death of a parent and for a rambling mess of a review that's not really a review.


On May 15th of 2016 my dad died.

It wasn't surprising in the larger scheme of things but the moment was really jarring. That's obvious in a stupid sort of way, but I don't know how to talk about it without big obvious statements. He had grappled with diabetes and heart problems for the better part of three decades. Issues like that aren't "if" diagnoses, they're "when." If I really had to pinpoint a turn in his health, things declined when he started dialysis. Apparently sucking all your blood out, pumping it through a machine, and shoving it back in is kind of rough on your body. Wild, right?

In spite of it all, he always had such a great attitude. The guy wasn't even 60 but he looked and felt at least a decade older. And yet he was always quick with a joke, support for someone else--anything he could do to connect with someone and make their load lighter.

I saw him that day. My wife and I passed by my parents' house on the way back home from a trip. I hugged him, told him I loved him. Couldn't ask for much more than that. He died of a heart attack a couple hours after we left.

I was lucky to have some sort of closure with him but anyone who's experienced loss like that can tell you grief sticks around. Sure, it changes from being mad at the world and everyone in it to having a few special voicemails you'll never delete--a fragile time capsule of a file named dadvm.mp4 backed up in a few different spots. Tearing up at a few old songs that aren't sad in the slightest.

Southern funerals are the best and the worst. You get to (have to) see and talk to everyone who has ever even been in the same ZIP code as the deceased and each of them has a different take on the whole affair.

"He doesn't look like himself." Right he died, yeah.

"Somebody's gotta take care of your mom now!" Noted, I'll get right on that after I figure out how I'm going to do this at all.

But I heard so many stories. Dad traveled the US working construction for years before I was born. I met people who told me such cool things about him. One of those tragic pieces of the parent-child relationship is that you don't always get a clear picture of who your parent was--at least not a full one. On that day, my dad was further from me than I had ever experienced and yet I had a fuller picture of who he was than I ever had before.

I spoke on the phone for most of an hour with the organ donor phone rep the night before the service, I delivered the photo slideshow that played during the service, I picked out the songs that played and were sung, I was at the visitation for hours and shook more hands than I can count, I spoke about my dad before the eulogy, I helped carry the casket, I put a flower on the casket as they lowered it. Then I went home and it was quiet. And I was tired.

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End is about ending things. On its surface, it’s very much the pulp globetrotting action-adventure the series is known for, and it does that exceptionally well. Series-first semi-open world spaces are gorgeously brought to life. Fully operable vehicles make their debut and are executed wonderfully. This will sound silly but this game has the most impressive rope physics of any I’ve ever played. How is one of the highlights of PlayStation Indiana Jones the tow cable? I know that sounds like a dig but I promise it’s not.

The game is excellent. Certainly not above reproach, but excellent at most everything it attempts.

But it’s really about grappling with obligation. It’s about determining where your personal desires begin and end, where they overlap with your responsibilities, and how your life is influenced by those around you. It’s about examining your life and figuring out when it’s best, and healthiest to let something end. It’s about being better at Crash Bandicoot than your partner.

The night of May 17th, 2016 I didn’t want all that. I wanted the pulp and the fun of that world. I love that series. So around midnight I downloaded the game, cracked open a bag of cold leftover chicken tenders, and started playing. I beat the game on Hard mode on the 21st. Later that year I bought the strategy guide/art book and started a Crushing mode playthrough. It actually wasn’t as bad as I expected but it certainly wasn’t easy. I was digging through something that required effort.

And then life moved on. I bottled stuff up, Mom struggled with a very different life, people expected new things from me, and I had to do some growing up pretty quickly. Mind you, I was 23. I’m not about to play some “smol bean 23-year-old” sympathy schtick but I was a year into being married, living in a new place, taking care of myself for the first time, and a big part of my support system went away. Changes had to happen, and so they did.

Mom and I got good at talking on the phone. We visited a lot. She started taking care of one of our dogs (and still does; shout out to Midas). We went to a couple different grief seminars. I eventually started therapy. We talked about the things he would have liked; the people he should have met. With each new job or stage in life Mom said, “your dad would be proud.” I found an old voicemail where he wasn’t saying anything important. Just “Call me back when you can, buddy.” He’d call me goofy for keeping it but he’d secretly be happy I do.

Every year around mid-May I boot back up Uncharted 4. For the last 6 or so I’ve been stuck at a very specific checkpoint in the aptly named Chapter 13 – Marooned. Why the difficulty peak of the game is at chapter 13 of 22, I’ll never know. But every year, I try that checkpoint for a couple hours, get frustrated, and move on. I’d like to tell you this year’s attempt was some miraculous breakthrough. That the voice of my father harkened through that thin veil and told me the right way to murder 1,000 paramilitants. Hell, how cool would it have been if this breakthrough was in 2026? A clean decade after he passed. Beating this dumb little project and putting a clean bow on that chapter of life? But that’s not how doing difficult things works. It’s slow and requires repetition, refinement, consistency, and dumb luck.

On June 1 of 2024, I quietly beat Uncharted 4 on Crushing. I was the only one awake in the house and there were no leftover chicken tenders available at the time. My dad wasn’t a video game guy but I think he would have liking watching a playthrough of Uncharted 4—though probably not one that took 8 years. I’m a very different person than who I was 8 years ago but I hope I’m someone he would like.

Graphically stunning.
Story was okay. Gunplay and platforming were run of the mill.
Nice conclusion to my first time playing all the Uncharted games.

30% playing, 70% staring at scenery

la hermandad que tienen sam y nathan es algo simplemente hermoso. maravilla de juego

Making the fourth and final game in a series is an interesting tactic, and especially if it's able to recontextualize the prior games in the serious and raise them post-humously from being mediocre to being deeply interesting character studies into a man obsessed with glory, addicted to adrenaline, and incapable of living the mundanities of an average life. I don't think it has the best adventure of the series, I think that award goes to the second game, and I don't think it has a very good division between platforming and combat (wayyyyy more platforming than combat, which is very sparse and short-lived, to the point where multiple consecutive chapters will be platforming without combat) but there are also some setpiece combat scenes that are the best iterations of their kind. The vehicle fight in Madagascar? Absolutely phenomenal. And mind blowing how stunning the game looks even almost a decade later still. I do genuinely think this game performing so well is the only reason the first three are remembered fondly, because as said, this game puts all those others in a perspective that they really send home with this title. A really really entertaining few hours, a must-play in my book.

After Uncharted 2, it's the second best Uncharted.