A game about exploring a place thoroughly and really getting to know every inch of it. In this case that place is a solar system. You start in ignorance and unravel a mystery from 7-8 different directions stopping in one place whenever you get bored. A game about death.

A good game, I can see how it's a classic. the boss fights were the best part of it, besides that the main map was pretty cool.


It's like playing a picture book. Very smooth platformer. Very emotional without any dialog.

Classic game, Glados is very funny. The start where it teaches you the mechanics before switching to trying to kill you is very well done.

Good game for zoning out to a youtube video.


I lost interest in finishing the game, I definitely dont want to 100% it, way to much work. But I still had a lot of fun, the art style was fantastic and learning how to play the game was fun. The different characters were very good looking and somewhat interesting. Nearer to the end of the game the balance between the fighting and socalization began to break down. I was done with the fighting and just wanted to talk to the different characters which was drip feed to you so slowly. At the beginning of the game the mystery and excitment with the gameplay meant that wasn't a problem. I wished there was a option to just do all of the dialogue with people and skip the combat.

Kind of visual novelly. Trying to get all the different endings was fun. It was fairly clear all of the different options you could do. The narrator was an entertaining character.

It was good, I mostly felt done with the game before it ended but there were tough platforming challenges until the end of the game. The combat sucked and the movement was awesome.

A puzzle game, it teaches you how do do all the puzzles with no dialog. It was at it's best when the puzzles took advantage of the 3d space rather than just being a line puzzle. By the end of the game I would forget how different line puzzle rules worked and have to relearn them. Fun but best with a guide nearby to get unstuck when that happens. I was ready to be done with the game before it was over but not by to much. The envirements where very nice and calming.

It was fun for the first couple hours, very nostalgic at least. But the campaign just kept going and going. I wanted it to be over 10 hours before it finished.

I loved the opening 2 hours for the focus on survival, getting your feet under you, and soaking in the atmosphere of the space station. I loved the next 2 hours because the game began to open up and I got to focus on things which seemed interesting over immediate survival. I learned more and more about the world I was living in. And the last 2 hours I finished all the little story lines that the developers had laid out. I ended up loving both the mechanics behind the gameplay and the visual novel elements. It was short and sweet and didn't overstay its welcome, beautiful little game.

It was a cute game, rolling things up is great! The King is Great!