59 reviews liked by 0IPrometheusI0

Great game, the scenes are very cool and the beginning of the game is very good then it gets stuck a little but not that much and the bosses are wonderful and the music 9/10

The gameplay is amazing, the story is predictable but the boss fights and especially the end of the game are amazing.

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Good game, just a little repetitive, the scene at the beginning is the best in the game and the fight too. The savior as the final boss is very imposing although they make you repeat the same levels, you don't feel like replaying it at all.

The best pokemon mysterious world of all for its story characters and on top of that extra episodes and its story the best of the pokemon saga I hope they make a remake for nintendo switch

Batallas to guapas y personaje muy chetados



Hades did what no other game I've ever played was able to do: it made me feel just as excited to lose as I was excited to win.

As Hades is a roguelite, you must complete the game's objective (escape the underworld) in one run without dying, but there is permanent progression between runs achieved from collectables you find during your runs. As such, after each failed run, you grow stronger. That's not all that changes between runs, though. NPCs virtually always have new dialogue, and they're all interesting to talk to. I don't think I encountered repeated dialogue in my ~23 hour playthrough to reach the credits.

After each run, you're given the opportunity to switch your weapon as well. There are 6 weapons, with some you have to unlock, and they all feel distinct and keep the gameplay fresh with each run. You're incentivized to switch up your style too, since each boss drops a special reward only once, but you can get those rewards again if you beat them with a different weapon. You can later get more and more of those rewards by turning up the difficulty once the ability to do so is unlocked, and you can also get extra rewards with each weapon.

6 weapons alone offers a lot of gameplay variety, but the God Boons change everything. There are so many different builds focused around different status effects or parts of your moveset that you will probably end up with a different build each run. The God Boons that spawn per run are random, but you can influence them a little bit if you really want a particular blessing.

Hades' actual gameplay is extremely fast paced and feels great. Every encounter and boss fight feels fair and challenging, and there are further rewards for playing well, like Thanatos giving you extra life if you kill more enemies than him in his encounter chambers.

Additionally, everything in Hades has you make a choice of some kind. You're often given a choice on what type of chamber to progress to after clearing an encounter, you must choose 1 God Boon from a random set of 3 with every blessing encounter, you can risk fighting additional enemies for additional reward, and it goes on and on. The presence of so much decision making keeps Hades engaging. As I progressed through the game, my gameplay noticeably improved and I eventually stopped struggling vs enemies that wiped me many times in the past, but because of all these decisions the game forces you to make, I never became disengaged.

What all of the above accomplishes is one of the most addicting gameplay loops I've ever experienced. The game itself is extremely fun, and reaching a new personal best record in runs is super satisfying, but the game is also really fun when you FAIL! You get new dialogue from charming characters, you get to upgrade stuff and feel stronger, and you get more actual story progression too. I never wanted to stop playing and had to force myself to at times. It was one of those gameplay experiences for me where if you aren't playing it, you're thinking about playing it.

It hasn't come up yet, but I should also mention the game's art style and setting is fantastic. Making a roguelite out of the Underworld from Greek mythology is just perfect. When you die, you get sent to the House of Hades, which just happens to be your base where all your progression and NPC interaction happen. The constant death cycle fits naturally into the game's world. The character designs and voice acting are great too.

I only have two criticisms. The first is that while there are 6 weapons, 1 of them, the sword, felt really bad to play with in comparison to the other 5. The sword is also the one you start with, so you may not be sold on the gameplay right away. I highly recommend prioritizing unlocking all the weapons. My other critique is the game's true ending, which is when the credits play, comes a little abruptly. I liked the ending, but don't expect a grand special gameplay climax. And that is legitimately all of the bad things I have to say about Hades.

Overall, Hades is one of the best gameplay experiences I've ever had. It was also my first proper roguelike/roguelite game, and it left an extremely positive impression of the genre. I'm a little worried that any future roguelike games I play may pale in comparison to the standard set by Hades, but that's a good problem to have.
