I go back to this game more than Skate 2, but the map is just not as good, and overall I don't vibe with this one quite as much. Still, a game I go back to a LOT.

This rating is for all the Blitz games, I actually played 99 more, but they are so fun. One of my favorite sports games, they are quick, brutal, and a great joy in multiplayer.

Starts off really strong but I got really bored/frustrated in the back half.

Good platformer, not one I am super into, but it's well done (heh), and has good music.

I liked this game until the midway point where it just became boring and I gave up.

Cmon, it's the best platformer ever made. The levels are clever, snappy, and feel great. I return to this one frequently.

This game is not to be ignored, it's one of the best mini game collections ever made. Most of the games in here are so good, and a lot of them have a surprising amount of modes/levels/features. If you liked Wii Sports at all, this is a must play, it's so much better. Easily the best game in the Wii Sprots series (as of 2023) and one I go back to a lot.