4 Reviews liked by 1vys

if i were a 2010s youtube game reviewer this would be my rival game that shadow me forces me to review for the 1 million subscriber special. i don't hate it but i think it's massively overrated. the soundtrack and visuals are stunning and deserve all the praise they get, but the gameplay just falls flat. 64 and sunshine both have gimmicks that encourage experimentation with mario's movement kit. galaxy's gimmick, the spin, halts all your momentum and is pretty much impossible to use outside of its already narrow intended contexts. on top of that, mario is just a slog to control. he's slow as hell and none of his moves can string together like in the aforementioned games. every time i try to replay this game i just get sad and go play odyssey instead

how the fuck do you review roblox

this game carried my relationship with my parents. i'm trans now but that's okay, this game tried its best

luigi death stare is my favourite meme!!!!