If you think critically this game is very 2D and most boss fights aren't that good, the world doesn't feel all too fun to explore but the ability to play as a jedi is so much fun and the time period is amazing, also the ending really adds up for the rest

chess is the perfect game, however Lichess is just a little better...

In it's peak amazing one of the best asymetic games however now is a mess

one of the worst games i have ever played, stealth doesn't really work, so many glitches and looks like shit for a modern game

its a simple game but has such an amazing story and will makes you feel compelled through most of it

A fun game however sometimes the motions won't be picked up correctly etc. Also a lack of some of the original sports (baseball) also just lacks that same charm as wii sports

I actually suck ass at this game and that annoys me

very hit with most MP maps, I enjoyed the most of it and defiently one of the best out of the new idea of COD, however it just feels clunkerier with even more things that aren't need plus the star of useless cosmetics

Maybe one of the biggest staples of my childhood, still adore the game to date and i think it holds up well with so much to complete and flying around a kinda lego new york city is fun af

This game is mad fun and has a great progession and is just stupid easy to play most of the time, however the sounds give me a headache after like 10 mins lol

I have never got far in the game but i love farming sims, but not farming simulator

Im not even sure how to review this

My experience comes very limited in this game, whilst having played a lot I have only done maybe 15-20 of the missions and about 7 i can remember, this is mainly due to the fact i used this game to connect with a few of my friends from high school at the time they were obsessed, I always found it kinda fun and i find a lot of the progression and missions are there for new and experienced players a like. It is a simple idea with multiple options to take missions but can become overwhelming quickly when you get caught and then have invisble ninjas flying at your face.

people did not give this game credit for how good it is, i think a lot of people ignored it due to how 1 was recived but all this game does is follow what 1 did, improve upon it, add more content and features ( including online ) have a compelling character/s and a good play time with enjoyable side content

The comp scene is a major part of modern cods for me but this games rampant cheating and poor servers make playing it so fustrating, alongside this the MP gets ignored for WZ no surprises there also the game pushes shitty cosmetics you will almost never use wayyyyyyy to much