HUGLYYYYYY overhatted game, i loved the movement in this game and all the maps were unique only issues in MP was the supply drops and some guns being locked behind them making a possibly infinite paywall for items however the campaign was really good and still holds up today and the zombies had good maps and EE's also tried their own unique ideas instead of copy pasting like other cod games

Good campaign, Bad zombies, originally bad MP but if you go back and play now it is actually pretty good however an overall forgettable game :0

It is really fun but you can do everything very quickly and there isnt any end game honestly other than do same mission 25+ times, the DLC is fun and the price is understanable for the amount of content you get for the main game, however just play diablo 4 or something

One of the better stealth games to ever exist

Can seem kinda hard to first get into by understanding all the different mechanics however once you start to learn and look at a few tutorials it starts to really get flowing and everything becomes fun and you'll start to even understand modern city planning to a degree, probably my fav city planning game just a shame theres so much DLC for it so it feels like alot of pretty important content is missing.

Its a shame for how good this game could have been, its okay but thats all i could say about it, is also pretty forgettable

My fav fighting game ( not platform fighters ) it feels responsive but i have only ever played couch play, the story is okay nothing special but it is an enjoyable game to play with friends

The second worst AC game, again if this was to not be an AC game it would be an okay game but trying to tie it in with the AC universe is just such a bad idea, also no cities really to explore and parkour around ( one of the biggest things in the game/s ) and the exploring gets repetitive so quickly whilst being an okay RPG its a bad AC game

This game can be played forever and will suck you in so badly, just one more turn and then its 2 am and you have work in 5 hours and you haven't had tea


An art peice worth of a game and an amazing spin on the fighting/soulsborn genre, the combat is fluent and feels good, the story is good but basic and it has a fun learning curve.

Maybe my second fav zombies game ever, a lot of mods as well if you get bored of the missions!

Defiantly a fun game for the first month you play it but unless you cheat with time travelling etc you will end up getting burnt out and running out of things really quickly, you will still be able to put loads of time into the game but it gets stale quickly imo.

only played like 7 hours of it ran into so many glitches, even without the glitches this game would be MADDDDDDDD boring

the first but with new features and better.

With friends its okay, by yourself you may as well go spend your time learning to man a real ship you'll have more fun