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I have never played such a game in my life. Everything from the art style to story telling and the levels has you interested from start to end. I cannot recommend it enough.

contains an amazing twist only sad thing is only like an hour long HOWEVER that hour will be one of the greatest you'll ever have. Did leave me feeling a little sad tho :0

I don't understand how you can't give this game a 5 star. It's a masterpiece, does exactly wants it to with a perfect execution. It does have a slow update cycle BUT you have so many possibilities anyways. Everything about this game is wonderful + if you get bored there's always mods!!

Maybe not as good as 2 and most of the challengers are easy to do buttttttttttt some do get you thinking, if it wasn't in comparison to 2 it would be an even better game. Kinda sad how short both games are tho.

The story is amazing but a little short for a game of it's price, you can fully complete the game within like 30-40 hours the side missions get very repetitive and it feels like they throw out so many villians so quickly you don't really get any feeling defeating them, also is way to easy which is kinda sad even playing on the hardest difficultly only maybe died 5 times to me being dumb. However amazing ending and did make me cry a little bit


Amazing graphics, boring game just didn't get the hype around it.

Cool cat tho

Close to a masterpiece. The art style is amazing and unique + the difficultly is perfect and makes you feel rewarded for beating a boss, does/did have a few glitches that can make certain things wayyyy to easy but it can also be played with a friend which is perfect.

For the art style alone it's worth playing

This review was written before the game released

I love this game but it keeps getting worse with false promises from developers and poor comp modes, at least it's fun if you stop caring about the game but can also get annoying with all your teammates caring in QP

STW was amazing but is stale now because epic focus just on BR however BR is still fun with friends and if you don't play to seriously is still amazing however the amount of things in the game now can be so overwhelming coming back to the game it's kinda frustrating. Still one of the funnest games oat.

Really enjoy this game, can always go back to it and has an amazing replay value. Great to play with yourself, friends or online most of the tracks are really fun with most classics coming back also with new DLC that brings back old maps.

I adore this game so much should have one game of the year its such a pretty game alongside great story telling and all the bits around the world don't feel repetitive, good fighting as well. certain parts of the story are predictable butttt that's granted to happen with most games.

Sooooo much better than switch sports and a great way for me to connect with my sister and family at the time. Also just a timeless classic

Plays more like a movie than a game BUTTT the story is amazing is almost like a thriller at some points but the story is so well written with a fun to explore house and makes you feel smart paring peoples stories together

Not worth buying full price, if its on sale sure has some funny moments but isn't that great. is still a fun and short game!

Second fav cod, was one of the main reasons I love games to this date, the zombies was amazing with still some of the best maps oat to date, MP was also amazing with some of the best maps also. If i could have one cod game remastered it'd be this