Gameplay was may better than the previous however the story is so shockingly bad

When playing it now you can see how clunky it can feel sometimes but not that much, the MP sniping is still crisp and clean with some amazing weapons to pair alongside, also the first COD game to start with all the zombies lore + an amazing campaign

This and Bo2 where my first proper FPS that i could play around their release and to this day i am happy i got to

I actually adore this game, was one of the few games i got to play as a young kid, the music and level design is just spot on also the silly football gamemode i have probably dumped over 100 hours on alone

Kinda underwhelming, wayyyyyy to short with kinda bad and not very well made levels in comparison to older games however the open world is an intresting idea allowing a lot more to be done however most of it gets boring after 40-50 hours and by then you have completed everything, also no reason to ever really go back and play older missions

Maybe the 3rd best non treyarch game, the campagin is amazing with an unforgettable multiplayer, iconic maps and guns

its actually so hard i want to cry

Best campaign, second best zombies. not so good MP :0

Not a huge BR fan and this game just makes it even worse, nothing about this game is fun the map is to big and to the point they were basically forced to make a smaller map for players + had to close WZ1 just for players to play WZ2

Haven't really played any FIFA game since 17 however this game has brought me back with the game feeling fresh and fun, the career mode is average doesn't really feel any different from the earlier ones but FUT is amazing and gives enough content to at least play 2-3 games a day, always gives you a reason to come back ( for the best or worse )

The scariest game out of the 1-4 series, the animatronic design is horrifying and expands on the lore so much, later nights do get very difficult however in a good way that doesn't make you feel like it is completely unfair

DRIVING IN EGLAND, honestly its simple fun with a wide range of cars and some?? famous UK places however not enough/most aren't that well known but a lot of fun

Underappreciated cod but also due to the WZ movement, had good maps but alot were remastered, the zombies was a fresh idea and the best since BO3 however i do not remember the campaign so it could not have been that good

Really fun game even without ever really playing the story if there even was one just skating around everywhere and making your own lines etc. made it so fun and an almost endless replayablity with the smoothest skating in any game

It's a simple game but says so much