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more like alisia midgoon

This had potential to be a hidden gem, and there is alot i like about it, but goddamn did they fuck up on the gameplay.

Really, my only problem is with the difficulty. This game is HARD. Alisia Dragoon just adores spamming enemies at you left and right, and while you do have a homing lightning attack, its not infinite. Using it for too long will make it need to recharge. leaving you vulnerable. Yeah, there ARE the pets, but i didn't find any use for them apart from the yellow circle guy, and he died pretty early for me. This isn't helped by the fact that you get a SINGLE life to beat this game with.

After dying a few times on Stage 6, I gave up, went to the beginning of the game, and turned on the immortality cheat. You could say that I didn't beat the game then, but to that I say "idgaf". Didn't enjoy my time with this one tbh.