When I bought a Wii few years ago, it came out with these games
-Wii Sports Resort (the only one that was on original disc and not copied, and i couldn't played it because i didn't have Wii Motion Plus thing)
-Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games (passable minigame collection)
-Incredible Hulk game and Don King boxing game (which both system couldn't read, so i had to emulate them and check how mid/bad they are)
-and this game... it does say a lot that this one is actually the worst one here lmao. Controllls are ass, there's barely anything to do, not much more to say

I'm just glad how Sakurai really convinced Disney to put this character into Smash, major respect

This game makes you feel like you're touching grass

This review was written before the game released

I never thought i would be more optimistic for sonic movie sequel than actual new game lmao

You know something's not right with the franchise if this is like the 3rd best Sonic game from last 5 years

You know, for a game with early acces demo its actuslly alright, its pretty long, but needs some fixes here and there. I hope it won't cost 40$ and drive a franchise into mediocrity and "dark age" again

Couple of incosistant thoughts after completing this:
-why there's so much blocky 2d sections in this
-why 3d sections look like someone thought "shit this game is supposed to be about speed, we need to add something"
-cutscenes arent actually THAT bad, jokes mostly fell flat, but eh i've seen worse. At least you can skip them
-some of the wisps are fun, some are passable, but some just kill pacing of the game (like blue blocky one)
-people say how the game is "too easy" but it still takes some time to adjust to this controls, and getting S or even A/B on some stages is quite challenging, I'll admit that
-music is really good, but its a odd saying this, because I'm used to having good OST in these games no matter the quality
-graphics look actually pretty impressive, especially for Wii standards. Say what you say about boost games, but they're graphics and use of engine is really good (well, maybe not for cutsenes, they look quite stiff, but that's a topic for other day)
-shame how Ultimate port turned out to be, this game was stuck on 480p resolution for so long and we got another rushed port, especially on Switch (which while underpowered, handles such Wii games like Mario Galaxy, Skyward Sword or No More Heroes really well, so it's mostly Sega's fault). If Sega can't even handle a goddamn wii port, what's gonna happen with Frontiers?

it's not terrible, but it's at best the most "okay" game I played recently. I don't think I will replay these levels just like with Adventure games or Generations

This game made me Wariopilled

ngl its a shame the game for whatever reasons started crushing on android systems in this year, it worked mostly fine before. And its probably the best way to play this game, or at least the most accasible (unless you will play it on PC with mods)

Fuck you Sega, this is why we can't have nice things, how the fuck after two succesful games, and two "okay" ones you go "yeah maybe we should create sub-franchise that will kill Sonic for few another games, rushed it af as usual and release on the console that was already underperforming??? This is some galaxy brain shit lol

This game and its series is literally why Mania, Forces and TSR got such mediocre budgets and why we have the state of its series like it is.
But hey, you spend so much money on it that you decided to make another 2 games and a tv show that was somewhat succesful and you still lost like 150mln $, great job.

GOAT Movie and a sequel, to bad the game (at least on DS) is kinda mid

This is my Super Mario 64


Why is the dark filter a thing on Wii U virtual console

Why is virtual console so flawed on Wii U

Just why

I would give an obligatory 1 star but eh it's still a fun char to play as

Tfw the region that doesn't care about Metroid or shooting games in general got this game on Wii with new controls and not even North America

Then again we got Metroid Prime Trilogy anyway