7 Reviews liked by 4_inches_hard

Just shy of a 10/10, a 9.5/10 then, had an absolute blast, story was tight as well. Though I'd say ambitions were reduced a bit in some instances compared to the last games (for the better ig?). Polished enough to be a blast for most people. I really don't know how to feel about this game, the last 2 missions left such a bad taste in my mouth. The last one was an okay or a "good" mission ig but the second last one was awful, I just did NOT like it cus it was tough af for me to stealth. Otherwise? A STELLAR game. I just don't know if I should think of it as a 10/10 or not, yk what fuck it, it's a 10/10, a masterpiece albeit slightly flawed just like everything else in this universe.

I hope the eventual expansion is called Mortal Kombat 1 2.

I feel the narrative story mode is roughly as strong as that in Mortal Kombat 11, although I prefer MK1’s martial arts focus to the past two games’ obsessions with the boring special forces characters. In fact, the re-contextualization of the characters and backstories is one of the more interesting aspects of the story; nobody wanted to see Raiden fumble the realms a fourth time. The dialogue can be grating and Marvelesque, especially with Johnny Cage, and unfortunately the last two chapters dissolve into a predictable mash of multiverse shenanigans and in-jokes.

I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that the references were pointed at me, basically saying “Conman, this one’s for you.” I mean, Havik’s presence in this game alone feels like a direct Conman appeal. Not to get ahead of myself, but SHUJINKO is a Kameo fighter in this game and his fatality is the five point palm exploding heart technique from Kill Bill. Anyway, the majority of the campaign was quite enjoyable and the new spin on things felt refreshing. Playing the Earthrealm characters without their powers for the opening portion of the game was particularly cool to me. The end is a mess, but there was a novelty to it which I didn’t mind. Also a fun tip, I didn’t turn it off but the Test Your Might stuff can be disabled in the options menu.

While I’m happy NRS decided to pander specifically to my nostalgia for the 3D era MK games, I wish they’d actually just bring back Konquest mode. The new Invasions mode is basically Super Smash Bros. Ultimate’s World of Light, which is better the last game’s multiverse gear-grinding towers, but I would've hoped to see them expand on MK11’s Krypt mode instead.

Where this game shines above Mortal Kombat 11 most is in its gameplay. The Kameo assist system/gimmick is the shot in the arm this needed to become more dynamic and interesting than its predecessor, combining different characters with different Kameos leads to different match-ups and unique matches in a way 11 simply never achieved.

I think Street Fighter 6 being so incredible takes the wind out of MK1’s sails a bit (it even basically has Konquest mode), but just because another game is better doesn’t mean this game isn’t good. I like it. I’m gonna stop rambling and go back to playing it.

This review contains spoilers

Honestly, I have so much to say about this game but also so little. In short, this game is just another shitty compilation game. It's not some genius remake-sequel concept that Remake's ending teased... it's just truly a bad remake. They glitz everything up with pretty graphics, epic cutscenes, and top-notch voice acting (and I mean, if there's one aspect this game nails... it's the voice acting because everyone is perfectly cast). But that all exists to hide how shallow this game really is. It's not just that this isn't as good as the OG, it also misunderstands what the OG was trying to convey in literally every big story beat. Genuine, heartfelt moments are ruined with over the top cutscenes that take you out of the moment, horribly timed and useless lore dumps, and long, flashy bossfights that take away from the sentiment of the moment. And it feels like they get worse as the game progresses. Like, I thought they messed up the Corel section by turning the tragic story of Dyne and his decent in madness into this Hollywood-ass "last stand" because godforbid our actions have consequences, but then Cosmo Canyon is somehow even worse. Red finding out the truth about Seto is one of the most poignant moments in the OG, but this game cannot let a moment breathe... they have to introduce this stupid as Gi Tribe nonsense to take you out of the moment. And then there's the ending... please don't get me started. It's so fucking awful. Not only is Aerith's actual death scene completely ruined because the writers couldn't help but do some fuckshit till the very last second (which btw, as a newcomer is probably gonna be so confusing) but they follow-up it up with so many long as fuck bossfights that you end up completely forgetting that she even died at all. And it's funny, because Jenova would've been a perfectly good final boss. I mean, every party member participates, there are multiple phases and it's a very fun fight... but nope. This is an FF7 game, which means we have to end on a Sephiroth fight.. and wait, there's more! Because this is a compilation game, we need Zack to be there, and he has to be epic and cool. In what is the most fan-fiction moment in the game, Cloud and Zack teamup to fight Sephiroth. And then Bizarro Sephiroth shows up because why not and we get what is probably the most irritating fight sequence ever before ending on another Sephiroth fight where... get this: Aerith shows up. Now, the fight itself was quite fun. But having Aerith shows up is so terrible on a narrative and thematic level, it's not even funny. It's just so bad, I'm kind of baffled. I really hate what they do with Cloud at the end too. The OG had a pretty honest and caring depiction of mental health, but in this game, Cloud just goes anime psycho and now we get Aerith's ghost parading around like she's Hannah fucking Baker. It's just so stupid. And you know, throughout the game the only thing I could ask is why? What as the point in doing all that shit at the end of Remake is Rebirth was going to be the same game anyway? Why remake the same game but 80x longer? Why add these dumb puzzles? Why am I doing any of these sidequests? Why does this game exist?

There are some merits to the game. The combat is genuinely really fun. Hard to remember that at times since the game throws so many bosses at you that I just get tired, but this combat is fun. The customization is fun. A lot of the mini-games are pretty enjoyable, as it the world exploration... until Chadley shows up. Seriously, I didn't have an issue with the guy in Remake because you could pretty much ignore him, but he just doesn't go away in this game. You cannot move around the world without his bothering you. Who thought that was a good idea?

They butchered FF7 so hard. Nothing they add to this game means anything. It all exists for fanservice and that lack of artistic merit bothers me so much that it just muddies the whole experience. I think this may legitimately be my new least favorite video game of all time, and that sucks because I really, really wanted to like this game.


- 1 gorillion animation dollar budget
- industry standard setters of cutscenes and environments
- ....
- the worst act of the original game
- far cry tower
- far cry outpost
- far cry crafting
- open world with movement worse than zelda on the n64
- seriously, it's like ps1 tomb raider
- 3(!!) great chapters
- 11 uhhh other chapters
- story reliant on having played evercrisis and the free to play mobile battle royale????
- nojima 😡😡😡
- at least 3 hours spent in the materia menu
- the same bosses you fought in remake 3 times, 3 times
- the worst fucking minigames you've ever touched
- all the most annoying characters from anywhere else in the extended series
- benches?
- every action or animation locking you in for several extra unnecessary seconds
- shipbait
- tifa and aerith randomly deciding to act like harem anime characters for like 2 cutscenes
- fans who only read the title of the game and gave 5 stars on release date (all your reviews and ratings should be deleted)
- cait sith...?
- filler filler boat filler filler filler
- michael bay audio mixing
- bloated combat
- the sphere grid for some reason (but worse)
- "ahh cloud-kun you nearly touched mmy l-l-l-lips baka" yuffie
- crate puzzles you solve in 3 seconds and then spend 3 minutes doing

This is not the worst game I ever played, but it might be the most disappointed I've ever been going blind into a sequel of a game I liked. Before leaving a comment, please read the "Common Copes (CC)" section below. Thanks in advance.


C: But the original also had this many mini-games!
A: That was a shit part of the original too.

C: But the original also had this much filler!
A: That was shit too.

C: But in the original you also had to fiddle this much with materia!
A: That was also shit. Please just be normal and don't say all these silly things

C: I think this game is awesome man!
A: You must have Gone Gaga!


If this kind of Ubisoft remake happened to my favorite RPG my only review would be a LiveLeak video.

This review contains spoilers

For half a decade, I resisted diving into Red Dead Redemption 2, troubled by the circumstances surrounding its genesis. Learning about the reports of labor exploitation and crunch leading up to its release left me deeply disheartened by the working conditions endured by its developers.

Despite my lingering reservations, I eventually found myself pulled towards the game during a lull in recent releases. Now, having finally immersed myself in Red Dead Redemption 2, I'm grateful for the experience as it is one of the medium’s crowning achievements and a grand, maximalist work of art with one of the most fully realized worlds and some of the best character writing the medium has to offer.

While much has been said about Red Dead Redemption 2's expansive world and its protagonist, Arthur Morgan, I deliberately distanced myself from discussions about the game, allowing my experience to remain fresh.

Describing the world of Red Dead Redemption 2 as "alive" might seem cliche, but it truly embodies a sense of authenticity rarely achieved in open-world games. The world feels genuinely inhabited and organic, surpassing the typical interactive environments found in most games.

This authenticity is the result of numerous intricately woven elements. From the ambient soundtrack and immersive sound effects to the dynamic interactions between characters, coupled with captivating locations and meticulously crafted topography, every aspect harmonizes to create an unparalleled level of immersion.

Simply navigating this game’s environments was a delightful sensory experience. What's more, the world often responds to the player in subtle yet meaningful ways.

In one instance early in the game, I encountered a man in distress, crying out for help after being bitten by a snake. Offering him a health tonic saved his life and earned me his gratitude.

Hours later, while wandering through Valentine, I unexpectedly crossed paths with him again outside the gunsmith's shop. He thanked me for my earlier assistance and generously offered to cover a purchase at the shop.

This encounter was just one of numerous instances where the game acknowledged my actions and later rewarded me with interactions that reflected them, further enhancing the authenticity and believability of its world.

In that sense, it’s one of the least “videogamey” video games I have ever played. Rarely do things in the open world feel prescribed or like you’re tackling checklists, even when you are, such as when you’re hunting one of the game's dozen or so legendary animals or legendary fish.

Some may malign the microsystems in the game that lend a light simulation feel, such as the need to sleep, cook, and eat food. But they all tie back to how you engage with this world.

All of this starkly contrasts the game’s biggest flaw, its mission design. I understand that Rockstar wants to create these bombastic, cinematic, setpiece-driven missions for the player to experience. However, they are seemingly terrified of the player missing out on the carefully choreographed moments. The result is often a frustratingly restrictive mission design that penalizes even slight deviations from the intended experience.

Despite its unnecessarily rigid structure, the mission captivates players with its cinematic presentation, drawing them into the heart of the action.

One example of this is near the end of the game, where I was escorting John Marston during an ambush. Some enemies popped up atop a nearby hill, and I wanted to charge into them with my shotgun to make their little Pinkerton heads explode like overcooked pizza rolls.

Then came the frustration of encountering a fail state that seemed entirely unjustified. The game abruptly informed me that John had perished because I had strayed too far from him, even though I was just a mere 15 feet away.

Another exasperating moment occurred during a covert infiltration of an Army fort alongside Charles. The game instructed me to eliminate soldiers using a bow and arrow silently, but I opted to employ my tomahawk for stealth takedowns instead. Yet, when I approached a lone soldier facing away from me and dispatched him, the game unexpectedly triggered a fail state, citing my supposed detection.

These examples may sound trivial and arbitrary–because they are– but they highlight a significant flaw in the game's design. While many missions and setpieces are undeniably captivating, the underlying structure is marred by these inexplicable constraints, undermining the sense of freedom that the open world otherwise offers to players.

So, if half of the game is so compromised, why am I giving this five stars? Because Red Dead Redemption 2’s biggest triumph is its thought-provoking narrative and incredible character writing.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is ultimately about the death of the yeoman fantasy at the hands of Manifest Destiny and a crumbling way of life for the characters within this world. These are not “good people” in the traditional sense because they rob and kill to make ends meet. They are outlaws in the truest sense of the word, even if–most–Van Der Linde gang members have a sense of honor.

However, as the American state becomes increasingly powerful at the behest of the advancement of capitalism as the dominant economic system, the walls begin to close around them.

The Van Der Linde gang's evolution is stark; initially targeting outlaws, they shift focus to anyone capable of providing the necessary resources for survival. Dutch, the gang's leader, assumes the role of a paternal figure for many, having rescued them from dire circumstances. He wields his revered authority to shield his chosen family, yet his desperation to evade their looming fate intensifies as the game progresses.

In this changing world, there's no place left for the likes of the Van Der Linde gang. Their options narrow to either conforming to the relentless march of the progressing American state or facing annihilation by it. Consequently, Dutch repeatedly seeks one last job, a final endeavor to secure the gang's escape to distant, almost mythical lands like Tahiti.

Arthur painfully recognizes the gang's plummeting prospects and Dutch's unraveling sanity. With each passing moment, Dutch's decisions grow more reckless, leading the gang on a destructive path as they hop from one place to another, endlessly chasing the elusive promise of "one last job” and leaving chaos in their wake.

Yet Arthur and the others continue to follow Dutch, despite their better judgment, because they all love and feel indebted to him even if they know Dutch is likely and unknowingly leading them all to their demise.

The game also astutely observes that the new order replacing the era of outlaws may be even more rotten and corrupt. Under a regime fueled by unchecked capitalism and rampant labor exploitation, the scant remnants of freedom vanish, leaving individuals ensnared in a system that prioritizes profit over human dignity.

Arthur Morgan may well be one of this medium's most nuanced, endearing, and fascinating characters. I was initially drawn in by his rugged cowboy charisma, but over the course of the game, I found myself deeply attached to this mountain of a man.

The game excels in forging a deep connection with Arthur, immersing players in his internal struggles through poignant monologues and meaningful actions. Few games achieve such a profound insight into the protagonist's psyche as this one does with Arthur Morgan.

From the outset, Arthur grapples with inner turmoil, questioning the trajectory of his life, the morality of his deeds, and his purpose in the world.

It's evident that Arthur carries the burden of his past atrocities, which increasingly gnaw at him as he ages. There is a good man within Arthur, but he’s committed grim acts to persist on a path that feels more like destiny than choice. One poignant example is his relationship with Mary, his love interest, whose presence in various side quests underscores the impossibility for Arthur to break free from his tumultuous past and embrace a semblance of normalcy.

Although the game features a morality system ranging from dishonorable to honorable, portraying Arthur as dishonorable feels at odds with the narrative's portrayal of him in a chivalrous light despite his morally ambiguous actions, such as shaking down poor farmers for debt repayment.

As Arthur struggles with this internal dichotomy, he often pushes it to the back of his mind, focusing solely on the day-to-day struggle for survival. However, everything changes later in the game when he receives a devastating diagnosis: an illness that will inevitably lead to his demise: tuberculosis.

Arthur is then compelled to confront the morality of his past actions and their impact on others in the face of his own mortality. Many of the side quests from earlier chapters climax during this period, with Arthur opting to forego the harmful deeds he once would have committed to ease the burdens of those around him.

A poignant example of this transformation is his interaction with Mrs. Downes, a farmer's widow from whom Arthur extorted money earlier in the game. Mrs. Downes succumbs to the same illness that afflicts Arthur, and their encounter serves as a turning point for him. Witnessing her desperate situation, Arthur is overcome with guilt and decides to provide her and her son enough money to escape their hardships. He refrains from seeking forgiveness, feeling unworthy of it.

Although Arthur uses his diagnosis and finite time to help others, he still feels unworthy of redemption.

This marks a significant shift in Arthur's journey towards redemption. No longer able to justify his past actions, he strives to pursue a more righteous path, even if it means going against his former duties as an enforcer for the gang.

Arthur's resolve to help John, who has a family to care for, symbolizes his commitment to breaking free from the gang's destructive cycle once and for all. By this stage, Arthur's disillusionment with Dutch has peaked, and unquestioning loyalty has been replaced by a clear-eyed recognition of Dutch's reckless and senseless actions.

The tipping point comes when Dutch manipulates a group of Lakota natives into a futile diversion, sparking a needless conflict with the US Army, and publicly executes an oil baron without remorse. These actions further cement Arthur's conviction to sever ties with Dutch and his misguided leadership.

Despite being aware of his inevitable demise, Arthur sees John as a beacon of hope, someone with a future worth fighting for. His terminal diagnosis now brings him a sense of clarity and purpose. Unlike those who are uncertain about their fate, Arthur views his impending death as a gift—a catalyst for self-reflection and embarking on a new, righteous path.

Arthur's journey reaches its climax as he aids John in breaking free from the grip of Dutch's manipulative schemes.

In a climactic setpiece, the Pinkertons, relentless pursuers who have been tracking the gang throughout the game, finally close in on them. Both Arthur and John find themselves betrayed and exploited by Dutch during this chase, mere pawns in his relentless pursuit of escape. This pivotal moment marks Arthur’s final redemption, as he sacrifices the final moments of his life to give John and his family enough time to escape.

Arthur passes his hat on to John moments before his death. Knowing his time has come to an end, he finds solace in the knowledge that John and his family will persevere in the face of his imminent demise.

The game’s epilogue has the player taking control of John, grappling with his own identity crisis as he navigates life on the run with his family, unable to break free from the specter of violence looming over them—a haunting echo of Dutch's legacy.

Yet, amidst the turmoil, John finds solace in the memory of his dear friend Arthur, whose selfless sacrifice is a guiding light. Inspired by Arthur's noble example, John resolves to leave the past behind and forge a new path built on the foundation of peace and family.

Although he has long passed, Arthur's indelible presence lingers throughout the epilogue, his actions shaping the very fabric of John's newfound existence. This touching connection is captured in a scene where the player, controlling John, meticulously constructs a house, each frame infused with the symbolic presence of a Blue Jay—a subtle yet profound homage to Arthur's enduring legacy.

In certain folklore traditions, Blue Jays hold symbolic significance as protectors or guardians, believed to be spirits of those who have passed on, watching over and safeguarding their loved ones. It’s not the most subtle symbolism, but it is a deeply heartfelt one nonetheless.

The game concludes with John successfully escaping the lifelong turmoil he and his family endured, all thanks to Arthur's profound influence and the lasting impact of his actions on John's life. However, the conclusion is tinged with a bittersweet realization of the tragic events awaiting John in Red Dead Redemption.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is a monumental achievement in both vision and execution. Its immersive open world and compelling narrative transcend many of its shortcomings, such as its flawed mission design. However, it also serves as a sobering reminder of failed leadership, given the labor exploitation that marred its creation—an irony that echoes the game's portrayal of the exploitative nature of capitalism.

While I frequently criticize the current landscape of AAA gaming, which often prioritizes production values over innovation, resulting in skyrocketing budgets and an unsustainable model, I still believe there's a place for grand, maximalist experiences like Red Dead Redemption 2 in the industry–ones that use their massive budgets to expand upon the ambition of the creators. However, not every game should aim for this scale or direction, as doing so contributes to many of the issues plaguing the industry today.

Furthermore, it should prompt us to reflect on the significance of productive labor. When employees are pushed to the brink, logging upwards of 90-hour workweeks and even sleeping under their desks, one has to question the true productivity of such extreme measures. How many problems stemmed from overworked staff, necessitating additional labor to rectify issues—a cycle that likely prolonged development timelines and escalated costs?

There were assuredly ways that Red Dead Redemption 2 could have been the same as it is, with better conditions for its workers, and in fact, it could have been better for it. It’s truly a testament to the will of its creators and their collective vision that, unlike many of the games created under similar conditions, it was released as a triumph.

I think that if you’re someone like me who has put off playing Red Dead Redemption 2 because of your disdain for the circumstances surrounding its creation and the current state of AAA gaming, you should still give it a shot because you will experience something that the developers put their literal blood, sweat, and tears into and the result is a deeply moving and unforgettable experience.

After watching the credits roll, I took a few more hours simply to exist in this world. There wasn’t much left to “do,” but even days later, I found myself wanting to return to that world just to live within it. That’s about the highest praise I can give to an open-world experience. It also left me with a giant Arthur Morgan-sized hole in my heart.

Nintendo trynna copy that shit. They know they can’t compete if they don’t got Final Fantasy. I don’t even care if any other systems get Final Fantasy. Final Fantasy sucks ass now.”

-Chad Warden

Because they hate me, Square and Nintendo got together in the ‘90s to make a Mario RPG game, thereby forcing me to suffer through Smash Bros requests for Geno for almost my entire life. Having played this remake, yeah it’s weird he didn’t eventually get on the roster, but his exclusion is still not the crime against humanity people act like it is.

That aside, this game was real good. Goated beginner RPG. I’m sure the original is great. Intuitive, witty, varied, and packed tightly; Super Mario RPG is here for a good time, not a long time.

I am confused about one aspect, though: why are there characters in this? Mario ‘characters’ should adhere to a very strict “goomba with a mustache” creativity limit, lest they irreparably damage the brand. Bold of them to assume my brain can handle encountering unique personalities and designs. Making basic household items like hammers into enemies is a step in the right direction, although if it were up to me I’d get rid of any anthropomorphization. Too confusing. 0/10

“Conman,” you ask, “is Quake II (2023) the complete package? I heard it includes Original Recipe™ Quake II, Quake II 64, and a few other sub campaigns including a brand new one by the supposed Indiana Jones devs. I also heard that multiplayer, achievements, numerous QoL additions, playable demos of prerelease builds of Quake II, concept art, models, and multiplayer support are all included! Is this true?”

Yes my child, Nightdive is at it again. “But why only 4 stars, great sage? I hypothetically care about star ratings or whatever. You’re very handsome by the way.”

Well, my delicious snap pea, the game in question is Quake II.

I like Quake II. I think it’s a good shooter, and I’ve had a bit of a soft spot for it since I first played it within Quake 4. Yeah. Anyway, unfortunately, kiddo, I can’t say I like it as much as Quake. I guess I could, but it would be a lie, baby. I won’t lie to you. I’m tired here’s a list.

Weapons: Nice selection overall. I’m not a fan of guns sharing an ammo pool but that happens in lots of games like this. Railgun absolutely clears.
Enemies: feels like there’s only three kinds and they range from okay to kind of annoying to fight.
Music: Big Bumpin’
Level design: I could have used a few more level gimmicks. I’m serious, the waterway level was cool. Overall I didn’t hate any of the levels though, and that means a lot in a game like this. Good job Quakers.
Aesthetics: Cohesive, but if they ever do a modern reboot of Quake they should reboot Quake. The overall aesthetic here is maybe even more varied than the first game, but is generic by comparison.

Did I forget anything? Oh yeah I actually don’t love that you store items in an inventory. I barely ever used the items. Didn’t really need to, and I played on Hard and found most of the secrets in the game. I did so because I liked playing it despite the aforementioned issues. Four bags of popcorn and one soda.

“Conman, my king, I agree and/or disagree with this review” sick you’re my new best friend we should be friends in real life.